Went out to dinner with frds on Wed. One of the guys said that he bought a photography book in order to learn to take better pictures. wa... so serious... I mean, I wanted to do it, too, but everytime I look at the price of those books I was like "maybe I'll just come to the book store and read them there". Of course, I never actually did that. Seeing other ppl so motivated made me feel very 自慚不如,仲枉我覺得自己喜歡攝影.
I want to improve, too. But maybe I simply don't have the talent. I don't seem to have any art talent anyway. >_<
Friday, January 30, 2009
Retarded Movie
Watched this completely retarded movie last night -- Joe Dirt.
10min into the movie, I already wanted to turn it off. If it wasn't bcos I wasn't feeling too well last night and didn't want to do too much other than staring at the tv, I probably would have turned it off. Instead, I decided to suffer through it. I was sick and so I decided to torture myself to add to my misery. Great decision!
It was almost like it tried to be a Forrest Gump movie but a billion times worse version of it. I read some reviews and ppl said that it was a funny movie. That's y I rented it at the first place. Now that I've seen the movie, I serious think that the person who wrote the review is a retard himself. There was hardly anything funny about that movie.
If anyone wants to see that movie, my advice would be "DON'T BOTHER".
10min into the movie, I already wanted to turn it off. If it wasn't bcos I wasn't feeling too well last night and didn't want to do too much other than staring at the tv, I probably would have turned it off. Instead, I decided to suffer through it. I was sick and so I decided to torture myself to add to my misery. Great decision!
It was almost like it tried to be a Forrest Gump movie but a billion times worse version of it. I read some reviews and ppl said that it was a funny movie. That's y I rented it at the first place. Now that I've seen the movie, I serious think that the person who wrote the review is a retard himself. There was hardly anything funny about that movie.
If anyone wants to see that movie, my advice would be "DON'T BOTHER".
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
of Chi Wah again ar!! So happy. He picked me among all the fans that was surrounding him. And then we became best frds. He was like falling in love with me la. So, I told him that I was married and he said, "It's ok. We'll just be good frds." So happy yor~~~
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Snowboarding Equipment
舊年去左兩次 snowboarding,次次都要俾$$租 equipment, 有時覺得有d唔抵,但同時我又唔係成日去,買套 equipment 真係好貴.
因為公司既愛瀨沙係 snowboard instructor,佢識人可以用超平既價錢幫我買到塊 deck, 咁我就要去買鞋同 bindings. 本來公司附近有間賣 winter sports 既鋪頭,但係佢d平價貨斷哂碼.後尾去左屋企附近既一間 winter sports 鋪頭,dservice 幾好喎,仲俾我執到平貨,發現至平既 snowboard equipment 係買舊年既款.款呢d野我無乜所謂,反正都係初學者,d款太靚吸引太多人注意,一陣間PK嗰時仲樣衰.dcheap cheap 哋既款,"你睇我唔到" 咁就至啱.
尋日仲去左另一間 Shoe Company 買 hiking shoes. 呢排真係買鞋買到窮.
因為公司既愛瀨沙係 snowboard instructor,佢識人可以用超平既價錢幫我買到塊 deck, 咁我就要去買鞋同 bindings. 本來公司附近有間賣 winter sports 既鋪頭,但係佢d平價貨斷哂碼.後尾去左屋企附近既一間 winter sports 鋪頭,dservice 幾好喎,仲俾我執到平貨,發現至平既 snowboard equipment 係買舊年既款.款呢d野我無乜所謂,反正都係初學者,d款太靚吸引太多人注意,一陣間PK嗰時仲樣衰.dcheap cheap 哋既款,"你睇我唔到" 咁就至啱.
尋日仲去左另一間 Shoe Company 買 hiking shoes. 呢排真係買鞋買到窮.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
參加了為期十二個星期的周未短宣課程,every Sat for 12 weeks, 9:30-~4pm.So far, 上左兩堂,每次都係上晝上堂,下晝出隊實習.
其實本身係半推半就咁報名的啦,因為十二個星期喎,都算係要幾 commit 囉,成個 winter 既星期六就咁無左,再加上星期日返崇拜的話,即係呢個 winter 都唔駛去 Blue Mountain snowboard 啦.今個星期其實都好不情願返咁返學,因為真係好懶,但每次返完都幾開心.
我一直都唔覺得自己係一個適合做佈道既人,今次真唔知點解 stumble 左入呢個 course 入面,I assume that I'm there bcos God decided to put me there. I hope that through this course, I can be better equipped to serve Him better. (although I'm still going to complain and grumble about it XD)
其實本身係半推半就咁報名的啦,因為十二個星期喎,都算係要幾 commit 囉,成個 winter 既星期六就咁無左,再加上星期日返崇拜的話,即係呢個 winter 都唔駛去 Blue Mountain snowboard 啦.今個星期其實都好不情願返咁返學,因為真係好懶,但每次返完都幾開心.
我一直都唔覺得自己係一個適合做佈道既人,今次真唔知點解 stumble 左入呢個 course 入面,I assume that I'm there bcos God decided to put me there. I hope that through this course, I can be better equipped to serve Him better. (although I'm still going to complain and grumble about it XD)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dream House
Saw quite a few of cardinals in the backyard last Sunday. I've never seen so many at the same time before. Very happy to see them. While wondering if they had a nest nearby, I found that my neighbour has some bird house and feeder in their backyard.
My interest in bird watching has increased over the past two years, especially when I can take pictures of them. When I do get my own place, I may consider having a bird house in my backyard also. The only worry is how much bird poo is there going to be in my backyard if I attract all these birds.
I would also like to have a little herb/veggie garden when I have my own backyard. And a nice patio so that I can sit and eat and enjoy the outdoor during the summer. Front porch would be a gd idea, too.
These are just the for the backyard. For the garage, I would like to actually have car parked in it instead of using it as a junk storage area.
At this moment, I don't have too much to say about the interior. It would be ideal to have hardwood floor, bath tub, large double sinks for the kitchen, gd shelf space.
I used to want to have at least a moderate size house so that I can have computer room, theatre room, play room etc. But I have changed my mind since then. I've seen ppl with a rather big house and they hardly use certain parts of it. All these aren't really necessary anyway. And the larger the house, the more to clean and the more junk you tend to collect instead of throwing away.
When I visited 姣屎's house in England, I was very jealous of them. Their place wasn't big, wasn't modern, even with some not so good features with it, but was just very comfortable, very home-feeling. I hope that when I do eventually buy a house, it has a home-y feeling like that.
My interest in bird watching has increased over the past two years, especially when I can take pictures of them. When I do get my own place, I may consider having a bird house in my backyard also. The only worry is how much bird poo is there going to be in my backyard if I attract all these birds.
I would also like to have a little herb/veggie garden when I have my own backyard. And a nice patio so that I can sit and eat and enjoy the outdoor during the summer. Front porch would be a gd idea, too.
These are just the for the backyard. For the garage, I would like to actually have car parked in it instead of using it as a junk storage area.
At this moment, I don't have too much to say about the interior. It would be ideal to have hardwood floor, bath tub, large double sinks for the kitchen, gd shelf space.
I used to want to have at least a moderate size house so that I can have computer room, theatre room, play room etc. But I have changed my mind since then. I've seen ppl with a rather big house and they hardly use certain parts of it. All these aren't really necessary anyway. And the larger the house, the more to clean and the more junk you tend to collect instead of throwing away.
When I visited 姣屎's house in England, I was very jealous of them. Their place wasn't big, wasn't modern, even with some not so good features with it, but was just very comfortable, very home-feeling. I hope that when I do eventually buy a house, it has a home-y feeling like that.
Yay for The Shoe Company
尋日同詹占諗住去搵 hiking shoes, 去左幾間都搵唔到心水,需知我既心水係要又平,又實用,個款又唔可以太摺,所以都唔係咁容易搵,正當去完了所有 potential stores 都搵唔到,放棄了而喺個mall 內亂逛之際,見到 The Shoe Company,就入去看看,我從來都未喺嗰度買過鞋,點知就俾我哋見到心水,雖然嗰度無碼買唔到,但 at least 我地都知道邊度有啦,可以去另一間 Shoe company 踫踫運氣,雖然唔喺太平,但應該可以著很多佷多年吧,所以也可以吧。
喺 Shoe Company 另一發現是找到了跑鞋!我嚷著要跑鞋已經嚷了整個 summer, 幾次去找也找不到心水,今次竟然俾我無意間踫到了,還在做特價,平過 Sportchek 呀那些 store 耶,又舒適又好款(at least 我覺得好款),很開心地買了。
一直都覺得 The Shoe Company 是廢廢哋既,但原來可以執到好嘢,下次要買鞋的話,也會去 The Shoe Company 看看喲!
Cream VS Milk
Just learnt that coffee tastes a lot better with cream rather than milk. I never really store cream at home. Finally bought some cream for work. And the difference in taste is so big. I don't think that I could go back to milk anymore...
Friday, January 16, 2009
Global 金融問題終於燒到埋身,今日從第三者中得知公司炒左三個人,十五個人既公司炒左個,是炒了二十個巴仙耶,亦即是五分之一.
說不上是人心惶惶的,at least 我唔惶惶囉.但裁員總不是好事嘛,加上其中一人我蠻喜歡的啦,真可惜.
再加上傳聞可能會合併,or 大粒 simple 賣左間公司俾人,呢個就真係會影響到我.
說不上是人心惶惶的,at least 我唔惶惶囉.但裁員總不是好事嘛,加上其中一人我蠻喜歡的啦,真可惜.
再加上傳聞可能會合併,or 大粒 simple 賣左間公司俾人,呢個就真係會影響到我.
Monday, January 12, 2009
一月一半都未過,被銀行罰錢,被差佬炒牌,罰款仲要扣三分,倒瀉奶倒瀉 cereal倒瀉牙籤.黑仔到暈.
被差佬炒牌呢鑊先最甘,後面有條友好明顯超哂速,個差佬唔捉佢,捉我 4-way stop 唔停實.好嘢囉,d有燈位既 intersection 我日日都見到d人衝黃燈衝紅燈,又唔見有人捉,就係捉我喺細街唔停實,超無奈.無嘢講啦,家下要排期上 court, 搏個差佬唔出現囉.sigh...
一月一半都未過,被銀行罰錢,被差佬炒牌,罰款仲要扣三分,倒瀉奶倒瀉 cereal倒瀉牙籤.黑仔到暈.
被差佬炒牌呢鑊先最甘,後面有條友好明顯超哂速,個差佬唔捉佢,捉我 4-way stop 唔停實.好嘢囉,d有燈位既 intersection 我日日都見到d人衝黃燈衝紅燈,又唔見有人捉,就係捉我喺細街唔停實,超無奈.無嘢講啦,家下要排期上 court, 搏個差佬唔出現囉.sigh...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Recent Comments Take 3
成功了耶!現在連 online album 都有 recent comments 喇.雖然只是 display 十個 comments, 還好吧.放心,我是不會 miss 左你既 comments 架因為我有 email notificatoin whenever there's a comment. Recent comments 呢個 function, 我主要是加來方便用家的啦,看我待你們多好!XD
Edit: Recent Album Comments is only in the blog page la. Not on the picasa site cos I don't see how we can add customized code there yet.
Edit: Final revision, now album recent comments are linked directly to the picture where the comment is in case anyone wants to know what the comments are addressing.
I'm pretty happy about this finally product. :)
Edit: Recent Album Comments is only in the blog page la. Not on the picasa site cos I don't see how we can add customized code there yet.
Edit: Final revision, now album recent comments are linked directly to the picture where the comment is in case anyone wants to know what the comments are addressing.
I'm pretty happy about this finally product. :)
Recent Comments Take 2
Finally got the recent comments working. Took this long cos I wanted to find the souce code of the widget so that I can customize the look of each entry. 皇天不負有心人,終於被我搵到個 site with source code. Internet 真係好. :D
Now my visitors can see a summary of recent comments without having to go to every single blog entry to have a quick look to see if there's any update or reply of comments. Sweet. It annoys me when I hv to do the very thing in other ppl's blog. I'm glad that my visitors do not have to go thru the same trouble.
My next goal is to see if I can extend this ability to my picasa web album comments. Cos it's even harder for my visitors to check for new comments there. Hopefully, it will work out.
Now my visitors can see a summary of recent comments without having to go to every single blog entry to have a quick look to see if there's any update or reply of comments. Sweet. It annoys me when I hv to do the very thing in other ppl's blog. I'm glad that my visitors do not have to go thru the same trouble.
My next goal is to see if I can extend this ability to my picasa web album comments. Cos it's even harder for my visitors to check for new comments there. Hopefully, it will work out.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Recent Comments
I'm in the process of adding a "Recent Comments" on the sidebar. So that my visitor can have a quick look of recent comments or my response to the comments. Hopefully, this will make it easier for everyone.
Right now, it's either not working or looks kinda ugly. The problem with it is that after each update, it seems to take a while for it to take effect so it's hard to fix it right the way. I'll try to get it setup soon.
Right now, it's either not working or looks kinda ugly. The problem with it is that after each update, it seems to take a while for it to take effect so it's hard to fix it right the way. I'll try to get it setup soon.
Monday, January 5, 2009
添記的 Vanilla Latte!
話說前兩日去買野飲,唔想飲咖啡,本來諗住買 hot smoothies, 點知佢部機壞左,情急之下(因為後面好多人排隊),叫左杯 Vanilla Latte, 點鬼知佢又啱啱冇奶,要換,搞左一大輪,杯野果然如我所料地係唔熱既,只係微微暖(係好微嗰隻).都算嘞,反正我都係番屋企,咁返到屋企先丁番熱啦,但係好難飲呀!甜到想嘔,我加水加左兩次都仲係覺得太甜,完全唔覺得自己飲緊 latte, 而係飲緊糖精.
話說前兩日去買野飲,唔想飲咖啡,本來諗住買 hot smoothies, 點知佢部機壞左,情急之下(因為後面好多人排隊),叫左杯 Vanilla Latte, 點鬼知佢又啱啱冇奶,要換,搞左一大輪,杯野果然如我所料地係唔熱既,只係微微暖(係好微嗰隻).都算嘞,反正我都係番屋企,咁返到屋企先丁番熱啦,但係好難飲呀!甜到想嘔,我加水加左兩次都仲係覺得太甜,完全唔覺得自己飲緊 latte, 而係飲緊糖精.
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