Friday, February 27, 2009

The Life of David Gale

Intelligent movie. Cleverly mixed political view into a movie without making boring. Exciting thriller. Well done indeed. Casting was great, too. Kevin Spacey, Kate Winslet. Double K. (OK, I know I'm lame...) They did a really good job. Very convincing. Well... actually everyone on the cast did a great job. Oh and nice twist of the plot.

Kate Winslet was a surprising gd actress. I know she had been nominated in Oscar multiple times and happened to win one just now (I can assure you that I didn't know that she's in the movie before I saw it) but I somehow always thought that she's only a girl with pretty face. Probably bcos the only movie I recognized her in is Titanic. I really like her in this David movie.

One thing though, every time I watch movie that is set in Texas, it just reminds me of how much I hate the Texas accent. I think that's part of the reason y I don't like Matthew McConaughey, besides the fact that I think he always seems like such a cocky person. One of the character in the movie had heavy Texas accent. Drove me nuts. And the cowboy, oh man... I don't mind cowboys in western movies. But having cowboys in modern days seems so weird...





Thursday, February 26, 2009


Talked to 詹占 about the fact that the baby upstairs was quite annoying. We decided to devise a plan to kill him/her. We did actually plan out some of the details.

Regardless of when and how we do it, we will probably be one of the biggest suspects. Therefore, we have to go thru all details to make sure that we would not leave any trace of evident for the police to convict us. It doesn't matter whether they were suspecting us as long as they can't get any evident.

We were going to wear somesort of overalls, with a head net to avoid any sort of body hair from falling out. We were also going to kill the baby by breaking his/her neck. This would be a fast way of kill before he/she can make a sound. We will also have to study the living pattern of the ppl upstairs for a few days to figure out when is the best time to do it. We will also wear two pairs of gloves, made of different materials, bcos apparently, sometimes the material from the gloves sticks to your hands even though you wash your hands after. So with two gloves, the CSI ppl who are trying to trace the material that's left on the baby's body will not be able to trace it to us.

Of course, we will also have to discard/burn all the clothes/gloves that we are going to wear. And we can't do it anywhere near our place. We figured that the best time to do it is probably in the middle of the night. So, we can make use of the fact that we always go to the gym really early in the morning to drive to somewhere and disposed of the used clothes/gloves and then actually goes to the gym to make sure that the gym can prove our attendence of that morning.

The last thing we had to figure out is how to sneak upstairs. They have an alarm system. We have to somehow by-pass the alarm system without it sending alarm signals out while making sure that it looks like the killer comes from the outside. We haven't got any idea how to do that yet. We are thinking about hacking the system. We had to do some research on the internet to figure out how to hack the alarm but we can't do the research at home or any computer that the police can potentially trace to us. Got to go to some sort of internet cafe that requires no registration and can be paid by cash.

That's how far our planning went. Pretty gd, eh?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


近排成日的出 trip 呀,都不知是不是去了滾耶.(haha... 打到這裡自已都笑了起來喇,佢這人呀,我去滾佢都未去滾啦)其實只係出左兩次 trip 啫,只係相隔的時間不遠,就好像成日都不在家似的囉.


Yesterday was pancake tuesday. Had pancakes for dinner. AWESOME. I love pancakes. I was so hungry last night. Had 5 pancakes and I was still hungry afterwards. Don't know what's wrong with me. 生蟲.

尋晚爆早就瞓,因為前一晚超唔夠瞓,樓上屋主生左個BB,(其實好奇怪,我哋根本就唔知佢有左,跟住無啦啦有一日就開始聽到樓上有BB聲),個死人BB好Q煩,成日喺度喊,半夜三更又喊,嘈到死,點瞓?仲要唔知係咪因為有個BB,晚晚個 heat 都開到超行,晚晚都熱到嘔電,好想搬... >_<

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Admirable Seniors

As I waited for the bus yesterday, there were an old couple also waiting for the bus. The old man patiently trying to help his wife (I assume that's his wife) to zip up her coat. He was actually having trouble doing it, took him a few tries. How admirable! Even though he had a hard time doing it (probably bcos his poor hands were too frozen in the cold), he helped his wife.

Old couples always touches my heart. Everytime I see old couple walking down the street hand in hand or when the old husband make sure that he sees his wife got a seat on the bus before he would sit down himself. In this world when relationship is such a fragile thing, in this world when the society is teaching us to focus on ourselves instead of the others, it's really freshing to see that some ppl do make it. It's such a wonderful thing to be able to grow old together and at the end of the days, still holding hands.

On the other hand, I read that there's this survey focus on primary school students' relationship suitable. All that I had in my mind as I read it was 道德倫亡,世風日下.In addition to the news that my sis told me about this 15 or 14 years old girl giving birth to a baby whose father is supposedly this 13 14 year old boy. It's already terrible enough. Even worse is that there were more than one boy claiming ot be the father of the baby. Can't imagine how 放蕩 this girl is. I despise her!

The Mythical BFs

Finally saw the two mythical bfs of two of my frds. wahahahahaha... 我以為我喺唔會有機會見到,同時又懷疑我既兩個 frd 係咪有妄想症,幻想dbf 出黎,哈哈.講笑講笑,我知道你哋精神應該俾我健康,我有精神病你哋都未有.

But both are just looking at pictures law. I mean, I don't really have a _great_ desire to meet them in person. They are strangers afterall. They are all very sweet and cute in the pictures la, especially 某某我懷疑佢有抑鬱症的朋友,相中真係蠻開心的樣子.I'm happy seeing them happy la.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009





Friday, February 13, 2009


d明明唔係我做開既 project 無啦啦 "對" 俾我,仲要係星期五中午 "對" 俾我,但星期二要交貨,星期一明明係公眾假期,咁即係明屈我一係開 OT 一係星期一返工,星期一返又唔係 paid double, 咁即係玩野啦.

所以成六點嘞,我都仲喺公司.仲要呢,係 run simulation, 慢到死,想做快d快d走都唔得,激死.真係等個 simulation 等到發忟.

點解?點解成日都質d明明唔係我做既 project 俾我?成日都要我執二攤?成日都要我執手尾.?我唔知頭唔知路,屈我執手尾都不突只,仲要做得快,雖則我係出糧既,但家吓老奉架?次次都係咁,我真係成日都咁得閒你鐘意我幾時開 OT 就開 OT 架?


Romantic Places

Lots of article online these days that talk about the top 10 most romantic blah blah blah cos Valentines is near. Romantic dinner, romantic getaway, romantic date, romantic gifts and the list goes on and on. One the them is romantic places. I've read two of those articles and it seems to me that the authors have weird tastes.

One of the authors said that the water dam in 長江三峽 is romantic. Oh come on, how's that romantic? The other said that the 鐘乳洞 is romantic. I found most of the places they mentioned on their list not romantic, while some I don't even know where they are. Maybe 係我孤陋寡聞吧.

The other thing that surprised me was that both of them thought that Niagara Falls is one of the most romantic places in the world. I personally really don't find it romantic. Maybe bcos I live in Toronto and have been there multiple times. But I do know of someone who also lives in Toronto but who went there for romantic getaway with the significant half TWICE. Not once, but twice. It seems pretty weird for me. The only reason I could think of is that it's 就腳. The authors did mention that many ppl choose there was their honeymoon destination and even wedding destination. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's true. But why? I still don't understand. I guess it means more sense for ppl who don't live in North America and Niagara Falls would be an exotic place to them.

Another popular choices for romantic places is Paris. I guess a lot of ppl would agree on that. It's branded the City of Romance afterall. Been there once and didn't find it remotely romantic. The touristy parts are quite nice but the non-touristy part felt like a dump hole to me. All I can remember was how dirty their subway was. I hope that they have improved since then.

A frd of mine told me that my cycling trip to Wales was rather romantic. I couldn't disagree more. Being out of breath and cursing the steepness of the slope all the time and got soaking wet and while some parts of your body were freezing half to death while the other parts were sweating like a pig and stepping/cycling over sheep poops from time to time is definitely not something I would call romantic. Not that it wasn't a great trip. I love it and would still choose to do it if I have to do it all over again. But just don't find it romantic. I think Wales could be a romantic place, but not by doing a cycling tour.

Different ppl's idea of romance could be VERY different.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


襯詹占仲未返,約左d friends 尋晚食飯,只係用咗半個鐘就約好哂,真係好,發覺好似約 weeknight 容易過約 weekend 咁,不過我諗都係睇約邊個架啫,上次約大學d人,早幾個星期前約都係約唔齊人,所以尋日真係幾正.究竟係我哋呢班人太無聊吖,定係嗰班人太高 '鬥' 呢?

第二次見皮蛋女友,佢好好人囉,好鬼鐘意佢喎.估唔到俾皮蛋執到好嘢.Well... happy for him la. 人家不知幾咁煙 un. 希望將來會多d機會見面啦.


有得食我喜歡既野食,(雖然有d辣,有少少辛苦),又有得笑,一個頗愉快的晚上. :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009




Monday, February 9, 2009


詹占出國去,得番我自己一個喺屋企,上個星期四整親手腕,尋晚去唔到打羽毛球,一個人 on 居居,就睇 VCD, 睇番 Bridget Jones 1, 真係好鬼死好睇架啫,真係好鬼死鐘意 Colin Firth 架啫.

係寂寞,但我係不怕寂寞嗰亭人,有時返而好 enjoy 自己一個既時間,真係自閉仔女.其實係有好多野等住我做,但我又唔想做,淨係想灘屍,睇完戲,睇書,睇左唔夠五頁,爆眼瞓,搵周公陪我.周公對我太好,基本上一瞓就瞓到今朝,但對周公,我仍然係依依不捨,周公呀,我好掛住你~~


Thursday, February 5, 2009




巴士佬因為我呢排日日都搭嗰架車,佢開始認得我,佢日日都見我落車行去某一邊,前兩日我落車嗰時,佢問我:Is there a school over there?

公司同事個女同佢阿媽講話我好似大學生,之後有一次佢問我:你究竟幾多歲?(佢讀緊 grade 8)我話我只係大佢幾年,不過我係天才,所以已經大學畢業,同佢阿媽喺同事.佢雖然有少少懷疑,但又真係信架噃,小朋友真係好得意.


真係人靠衣裝,著得 casual d,背住個 backpack,就會好多人以為你返學.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Facebook 的麻煩及好嘢

麻煩就是一公司那個我不喜歡的人要 add 我囉,真係唔知道佢要 add 我黎做乜.又唔可以 ignore 佢囉咁先麻煩,如果唔係同佢同一間公司同一間房坐,我真係會 ignore 佢囉.

好嘢就我小學有人開左個 group, 搵返好多 "失散" 左既朋友仔.見到佢哋喺香港 re-U 既相,好羡慕,I wish I was there. 睇佢哋d相,十幾年冇見大部份個樣都唔同哂,真係喺條街撞到都唔認得.嘩,咁就十幾年,真係快到你唔信.突然間覺得自己好老好老.


Beyond the Sea

Watched this movie last night. Quite gd. Well... I've always like Kevin Spacey. Liked most of his movies. He can play serial killer, singer, foulmouth husband, cop, teacher, mid-life crisis man, villain, and even alien. I think he's a very talented actor. Not good-looking or anything, just talented, and I like him.

Somewhere beyond the sea,
Somewhere, waiting for me,
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing;

Somewhere beyond the sea,
He's (She's) there watching for me.
If I could fly like birds on high,
Then straight to his (her) arms I'd go sailing.

It's far beyond a star,
It's near beyond the moon,
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon.

We'll meet beyond the shore,
We'll kiss just as before.
Happy we'll be beyond the sea,
And never again I'll go sailing!