Wednesday, April 29, 2009


睇我 update 得咁密就知我幾得閒.

今個星期會得閒番少少,你睇我能夠喺公司打 blog 就知.時間都係偷番黎既,因為呢兩日做 circuit 既原故,test 緊個 circuit 要等,所以偷到時間.


ESL 班開始上軌道,今期係我第一次坐正,上期只係做幫手,每個星期日夜晚就整整整整整第二日既課程,上左四堂,開始知知地今期既學生想要既係乜.但當然,ESL 只係 "引誘" 街外人入 church 既門口既一個渠道,真正想做既係想帶福音俾佢哋聽.上左四堂,福音未講到,但我最怕就係佢哋學唔到佢地想學既野,唔繼續上堂,咁就真係乜都唔洗講.但而家d入場人數開始穏定,就應該開始諗吓點樣進一步 "引誘"佢哋.

尋日放工去左買相機袋,本身買相機的時候已經買左個背囊的了,但好快就發現個背囊既設計其實超唔好用,無奈個袋係喺香港買既,而香港係無 refund policy, 唯有硬哽.但為左快要出發既 Peru 之旅,就一定要買過個袋.
Peru 之旅既 highlight, 就係一連四日既 hiking + camping trip, 行 Inca Trail, 一直到達出名的 Machu Picchu. 本身就要咩個大背囊,拎住所有既衫同睡袋 etc, 咁即係唔可以再咩住個相機背囊啦,well... technically, I can wear it in front... but the thing is, 個背囊既設計,你唔放低然後放平佢都唔可以攞到個相機出黎,超唔方便,因為個 hike 係 guided (無得唔係 guided cos that the rule of the government), 唔係話你想幾時停就停,要全世界等你放低再放平個袋再拎野出黎,所以今次就有個好好既 excuse 買過個新袋.
舊既唔係話唔用得,其實去 short hike 個背囊都幾實用,因為上面可以用黎放其他野,下面用黎放相機鏡頭,但要攞相機鏡頭出黎真係好麻煩囉,背囊係有佢既好處,只係我買錯咗個設計.
Anyway, 個背囊我都忍左佢兩年,而家先買過個新既,都唔算好過份啫.

Peru trip is coming up. I'm so excited. My coworkers said that I seems to be on holiday all the time cos I just went to Wales not that long ago. True but at the same time, I really feel like going I _need_ to go on vacation and have a break asap. I'm going crazy otherwise.

Friday, April 17, 2009



1大粒又應承d客一d impossible 既 deadline, 完全不理我哋呢d二打六既死活,你應承人嗰時可唔可以諗下個 deadline meet 唔 meet 到先得架,唔係架喎,乜野都話得,你就梗係得啦,都唔係你做。

2大粒 assign 左三個人"幫"我手.
一個係 office manger, 叫咗佢做既野,唔係佢唔想做,而係佢根本就係有其他既野做,唔會有時間做我俾佢既野,assign 左俾佢既野成個星期都剩係做得少少.
一個係一個顛婆,叫佢做野,如果係d雞毛蒜皮既小事呢,淨係解釋俾佢聽既時間我自己已經做完,大事又信唔係好過俾佢做,一係呢,就係被左佢做既野,佢每十零分鐘就走過黎問呢問路,阻住我做我要做既野,前日叫佢做一個figure出黎,做左成日都未做好,最後仲唔知點解save唔到個file d 野無哂,真係被佢吹脤。嗰個咁既figure,我半個鐘至一個鐘一定做得完,佢可以做足一日都做唔完。仲要呢,佢第二日再做好之後,我叫佢整得靚靚哋,要 presentable 先得,叫佢加個 legend, 加個 frame, 我再俾埋我之前做好既 template 俾佢,佢只要將佢做嗰d野加上去,再較番啱個位,執吓d外觀咁就搞掂。半個鐘之後,佢過黎交貨,可以淨係將佢做嗰d野加左上去,但個外觀完全冇執過,半個鐘喎,你淨係加左一樣野上去??你玩牙?Seriously, 加佢嗰舊已經整好既野上去三十秒就夠啦,俾多你當你五分鐘已經係用蝸牛速度做既喇喎。最後就係要我幫佢做,佢企喺度睇,痴孖筋架。到底家下係佢幫我手,定我幫佢手呀?
第三個係新仔,連個 software 都未用過,又要我 spend time 去 train 佢.佢算係三個之中最幫得手既一個,但佢做完既野我要 check 過先得,有一樣野佢做完,我 randomly 咁 take sample 黎 check, check 到有問題,叫佢自己 check 吓,最交貨既時候我再 check 又 check 到有問題.唉,不過佢真係幫我手,唔係我幫佢手,雖然係慢d同我要 check 佢,但 at least 都算做到野.
Anyway, 離左題,我最不滿既其實係大粒,因為佢成日話有三個人幫我手,我可以任用佢哋,所以我可以做得切,但其實,加埋都根本只係得一個半幫手,咪即係好多野都係我自己做...

3大粒話要一日開兩次短會 to keep track of our progress, 洗唔洗一日兩次咁多?仲要係呢,佢嗰d所謂既短會其實唔係好短,至短都要大半個鐘.半日可以 report d乜 progress 俾你呀?基本上係浪費時間,尤其是開會既時候成日都 reiterate 一d已經講過幾次既野,一係就係講d同我做嗰 part 無關係既野,明明已經唔夠時間做,仲要咁樣洒我時間,超廢.

不過老懷安慰既係個 project 今日終於都 sorta under control. 今日有望 7點前走.(waiting for some scripts to run right now) 希望下個星期大粒唔好又有新既 "good idea" 要 implement咁就得嘞,不過大粒既野,真係唔知佢幾時又 change idea 但唔 change deadline.... >_<

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Album Update

2009-03-16 Backyard

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Wish

星期四跟小孖星msn.  發現,真的如小喬所說的那樣:兩個人,無論起點是分隔多遠,但要是大家都是朝著神走的話,我們之間的距離只會越來越近。

不單只是 apply 在夫婦關係中,連朋友也是一樣。相隔半個地球,也不是常有聯絡,但仍然能有所分享,因為我知道大家的價值觀念是一致的,有什麼是可以彼此扶持;反觀有些住在同一個城市的朋友,縱使有一段時間多麼的親近,即使有努力過去維持這一段關係,但大家走的方向不同的話,最終也只會相隔一條洪溝。


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So Lame

I have been given the "permission" to work overtime in the coming two-three weeks. Great. The reason of needing the "permission" is that the company wants to keep the cost of operation down. In other words, they don't want to pay extra money to employee. Therefore, without permission, you are not allowed to charge any extra hours that you spent working.

The truth is, I have been working slightly overtime everyday in the past 2 weeks already but I just didn't charge the company for my overtime work. I would rather 蝕俾佢 than leaving myself behind schedule and ended up dying near the end of the project. Anyway, given this permission, I am entitled to work overtime and charge my hours.

I got to the office at 8:15am yesterday and as I was leaving the office at 5:30pm, 大粒 saw me and call me and said, "You are allowed to work overtime." 言下之意就係話我早走啦.So lame man. Not funny. First, I have _already_ overtime by at least 45min. 你自己遲到唔知我幾點返到公司唔該唔好亂串人.Second, I hate it when I got caught when I'm leaving the office to catch the bus. Missing a YRT bus is not fun man. 輕則十五分鐘,重則四十五分鐘. I usually work till the very last minute so when I'm actually leaving, I _really_ need to leave. That's y I hate it so much when I got caught on my way out.

And, it's usually nothing important that he's saying to me anyway. Especially yesterday, interrupting me leaving just to tell me this _funny_ joke. I could hardly even smile at it. Basically I was so annoyed (due to the fact that I have been having loads of work these days so I was pretty stressed and hence was feeling very serious and definitely not in any mood for any lame jokes) that I basically just said, "heh, BYE" and continue my way.

It's gd to be permitted to charge overtime cos I did spend some time working at home over the weekend. But this also means that working life is going to be hellish in the coming 2-3 weeks.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Not Enough Time

Seriously, I need more time per day. I work super hard these days that I hardly goof off during work and hence not much time to update my blog, either.

After work, I have tons of church-related stuff to do. Either it's preparation for something or having to attend some meeting/gathering.

And then, I have to squeeze time to do housework: laundry, cooking, buy groceries...

And then, there's always tiny little errands that I have to tend to: paying bills, calling Rogers who is ripping me off...

And then, there's this "thing" that is going to be 詹占 and me's major project in the summer.

And then I have to plan my trip in May and my trip in Nov.

Time is really 唔見洗.仲唔見洗過d錢.