Moved to new office all of a sudden. I said all of a sudden bcos it was really unexpected. I was told before that I was going to stay in the old office with the field techs until everyone migrates over, which probably won’t be until 2010. But then, I got a call from my supervisor on Sunday afternoon telling me that I’m to go to the new office starting Monday. =_= Well… thanks for letting me know so well in advance!
With such a _long_ notice, I have to dig through all my clothes in the boxes and in luggage to find my “business” clothes and shoes since there’s a dress code in the new office. So grown up now. No more t-shirt and short and jeans and sneakers Monday to Friday. Actually, I still wear them if I’m cycling. I store my dressy clothes in the office and change when I get there. Yes, it means that I’m not washing my clothes everyday. And yes, I am a dirty pig. But seriously, I don’t want to have to drag my clothes back and forth everyday and they are bounded to be all wrinkly inside my pannier. The office is so cold that I hardly sweat so the chance of them getting dirty is really minimal, unless I dump food on myself during lunch time which actually happens quite often. Anyway, I do plan to bring my clothes home and wash them from time to time, just not everyday.
Another big thing about this office is that the IT department blocks all kinds of websites. Really suck man. No msn. No facebook. No hotmail. Can’t even check webmail. What am I supposed to do? Work????
Now I understand y ppl have blackberries. Never really understand y before with computer being accessible all the time and the blackberry keyboard so hard to use. Y would anyone want to check email on their tiny monitor instead of their computer? Now I know… cos they _can’t_ check their email on computer… Just this reason alone, I’m tempted to get either a blackberry or a smart phone with a data plan so that I can have my personal email available all the time. I am not _that_ obsessed with my email but I sometimes do rely on email for timely communications. Eg church stuff, gathering info (especially with the UT ppl cos we have hardly ever been able to settle on a time and venue beforehand) etc. But of course, with me being so broke, I don’t think that I can afford a data plan… I guess I just have to live with the inconvenience for now. SMS is another choice but man, trying to type on my cell phone is a real pain in the ass, although I have to say, I’m getting better at it now that I have more practices. But still, type a message that normally takes about 1min on the computer can easier takes me 5 min on the phone.
This place is actually closer to home. But it’s harder to get to by transit. So it’s ok in the summer when I can cycle but when winter comes, sigh… I don’t know.
Since I don’t have access to blogspot at work, and I have no time to write at home (So busy that I didn’t even have time to watch You’re Hired), bcos I have to go to bed so early in order to get up early enough for the commute, I type this whole thing at work and then pasted it back when I get home. Who can stop me the king of slacking???? Wahahahhahahahahaa… Actually typing this at work is great cos it looks like I’m typing document by looking at my monitor far away (as long as I’m not typing Chinese). Who can tell that I’m slacking off??? Muhahahahahaha…
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
尋日早咗小小放工,突然心血來潮決定試一試一次過踩車返屋企.反正 rush hour 坐 TTC bus 一定有排坐,反正天氣咁好,睇下要踩幾耐都好.
由 Richmond Hill 既北面一直踩踩踩到多人多既 midtown, 我都覺得自己幾犀利 :],我架車既 meter told me that I cycled for about 31km. 當然,唔係一口氣咁踩啦,好多時都要停紅綠燈.
講番同巴士既戰果先,我就去到我既巴士站既時候,啱啱有架巴士轉出黎,咁我就認住佢既車牌,冇耐我就被佢拋離,再加上我俾個燈位隔一隔,而架巴士又過得切個燈位之後,我已經見唔到佢既蹤影,但係唔緊要,我都無放棄到,好努力咁踩,因為我知道,佢去到 Sheppard 要入 subway 站,通常都有成起碼五分鐘先出返黎.就係我追上去既好時機.
就到 Sheppard 既時候,我離遠見到有架巴士出黎,我諗住,唉,佢咁快就出返黎,一定好快又將我拋離,但過咗 Sheppard 無幾耐,又有一架巴士追上我,係呢架喇!車牌577,原來之前見到嗰架係再前一班車,good. 但好境不常,我又係喺一個燈位度佢過到我過唔到,跟住又係無左影.
但之後一直到尾都無再俾巴士追到,即係話,我唔係輸得太多啦 (Don Mills 巴士 rush hour 都幾密),再加上,其實如果我想搭巴士既話,係趕唔切搭577, 因為我到未到站佢己經到左,所以某程度上我係嬴咗架啦,wahahahahahaha....
當然,好難講既,我咁啱追巴士尾就可以咁 argue 話自己嬴者,如果下一班巴士近d既話,我好快就會俾佢追到啦.但用客觀既時間去計,尋日用左大約1小時30分左右就返到,平時踩車加巴士要大約1小時45分,咁真係快咗架喎.
Don Mills 條路真係好爛,我每次都驚會爆軚.
踩足全程,呢樣野唔會日日做,但真係唔錯喎,又可以當訓練,又可以慳一程車費,又 avoid 咗我坐喺架巴士入面佢站站停令我勁忟既情況,一係一舉三得.
咁如果我間唔中都係咁做既話,metropass 真係買唔過,留番天氭轉涼我踩唔到咁長程既時候先買.
尋日早咗小小放工,突然心血來潮決定試一試一次過踩車返屋企.反正 rush hour 坐 TTC bus 一定有排坐,反正天氣咁好,睇下要踩幾耐都好.
由 Richmond Hill 既北面一直踩踩踩到多人多既 midtown, 我都覺得自己幾犀利 :],我架車既 meter told me that I cycled for about 31km. 當然,唔係一口氣咁踩啦,好多時都要停紅綠燈.
講番同巴士既戰果先,我就去到我既巴士站既時候,啱啱有架巴士轉出黎,咁我就認住佢既車牌,冇耐我就被佢拋離,再加上我俾個燈位隔一隔,而架巴士又過得切個燈位之後,我已經見唔到佢既蹤影,但係唔緊要,我都無放棄到,好努力咁踩,因為我知道,佢去到 Sheppard 要入 subway 站,通常都有成起碼五分鐘先出返黎.就係我追上去既好時機.
就到 Sheppard 既時候,我離遠見到有架巴士出黎,我諗住,唉,佢咁快就出返黎,一定好快又將我拋離,但過咗 Sheppard 無幾耐,又有一架巴士追上我,係呢架喇!車牌577,原來之前見到嗰架係再前一班車,good. 但好境不常,我又係喺一個燈位度佢過到我過唔到,跟住又係無左影.
但之後一直到尾都無再俾巴士追到,即係話,我唔係輸得太多啦 (Don Mills 巴士 rush hour 都幾密),再加上,其實如果我想搭巴士既話,係趕唔切搭577, 因為我到未到站佢己經到左,所以某程度上我係嬴咗架啦,wahahahahahaha....
當然,好難講既,我咁啱追巴士尾就可以咁 argue 話自己嬴者,如果下一班巴士近d既話,我好快就會俾佢追到啦.但用客觀既時間去計,尋日用左大約1小時30分左右就返到,平時踩車加巴士要大約1小時45分,咁真係快咗架喎.
Don Mills 條路真係好爛,我每次都驚會爆軚.
踩足全程,呢樣野唔會日日做,但真係唔錯喎,又可以當訓練,又可以慳一程車費,又 avoid 咗我坐喺架巴士入面佢站站停令我勁忟既情況,一係一舉三得.
咁如果我間唔中都係咁做既話,metropass 真係買唔過,留番天氭轉涼我踩唔到咁長程既時候先買.
Monday, August 17, 2009
You're Hired
Thanks to Pa, who gave me a link where I can watch the streamed tv series online.
I haven't watched any HK tv series for so many years now. 今次當然係為子華破戒啦.
其實我都幾鐘意李綺紅架,由佢一出道開始就已經幾 like 佢,後尾佢去左參加三項鐵人,就更加的佩服佢,所以今次呢套劇有佢份,可以算係一個 bonus.
蛇屍慢就不嬲都咁靚架啦,雖然我本身唔係特別鐘意佢,但都 ok 啦,但就係唔明點解香港拍劇怕電影,d女仔就成日都好似街市d師奶咁.我知,佢個角色係一個八婆丫嘛,但八婆都有好多種,點解香港拍親既永遠都係歇斯底里,成日都喺條街度大吵大鬧,成個顛婆咁?
今次既劇種ok有趣,係講做生意,但唔係平時嗰d名利明爭暗鬥,(我呢排咁啱對 consumerism 好多投訴,但下次有機會先講),雖然最後都應該走唔出子華同屍慢寃家變情人呢d咁 standard 既毛線電視劇既框框,但我係唔會要求太高,而家有得睇我已經好開心. :]
I haven't watched any HK tv series for so many years now. 今次當然係為子華破戒啦.
其實我都幾鐘意李綺紅架,由佢一出道開始就已經幾 like 佢,後尾佢去左參加三項鐵人,就更加的佩服佢,所以今次呢套劇有佢份,可以算係一個 bonus.
蛇屍慢就不嬲都咁靚架啦,雖然我本身唔係特別鐘意佢,但都 ok 啦,但就係唔明點解香港拍劇怕電影,d女仔就成日都好似街市d師奶咁.我知,佢個角色係一個八婆丫嘛,但八婆都有好多種,點解香港拍親既永遠都係歇斯底里,成日都喺條街度大吵大鬧,成個顛婆咁?
今次既劇種ok有趣,係講做生意,但唔係平時嗰d名利明爭暗鬥,(我呢排咁啱對 consumerism 好多投訴,但下次有機會先講),雖然最後都應該走唔出子華同屍慢寃家變情人呢d咁 standard 既毛線電視劇既框框,但我係唔會要求太高,而家有得睇我已經好開心. :]
Friday, August 14, 2009
Government Job
返工搭車無聊就睇免費的 metro 嘛,看到呀,88%的人口 are interested in job in the public sector, 死得啦,難怪我咁耐都係渺無音信。
一早都知 public sector 既 job 競爭大,但都估唔到大得咁緊要,咁樣落去,我真係會成世都轉唔到工... sigh... :(
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Traffic Report
Have been commuting for almost a week now. Tried several things.
Mon going to work: Subway -> YRT
Mon going home: YRT -> TTC bus
Tue going to work: TTC Bus -> YRT
Tue going home: Viva -> Subway
Wed going to work: TTC Bus -> Bike
Wed going home: Bike -> TTC Bus
Thur going to work: Car
Thur going home: N/A (not going home right after work)
By far, the longest route (time -wise) is definitely Mon going home. Mostly bcos of stupid YRT. If you miss one, you have to wait for a long time and are quite screwed. That's another reason to cycle the YRT part instead of TTC part so that I don't have to watch the clock and be anxious about getting off work at a certain time. But at the same time, the TTC part of the bus ride is a lot slower due to the numerous stops and the amount of ppl using the service. Sigh.
Other than driving, most of the commuting method takes about just under 2 hours. That means almost 4 hours per day. That is quite a lot. Needless to say, I fish on the bus/subway all the time. Less so when my bike is on the bus (those bike rack things in front of TTC) bcos I am always worried that my bike is going to fall off, especially with the super bumpy and potty road.
On the other hand, it took me <30min to drive to work this morning. Now I understand y ppl drives all the time. Definitely a big time-saver. Yes, you can't sleep when u are driving but I can sleep an extra hour before getting up and still get to work earlier. But then, the drive home is probably going to take a lot longer since the DVP near York Mill is always always jammed for no reason. Well... i'm not going to try that today cos I'm not going home after work (that's y I drove in the first place).
I think I'll stick with my TTC + Bike method for the most part. I'll see how long I can last before I have a breakdown and start driving all the time.
Another thing to note is that I realized that Metropass is actually more expensive than YRT pass. Weird, considering the fact that TTC single fare is lower than YRT single fare. Makes no sense to me at all.
Metropass: $109
TTC single fare: $2.75
TTC 10 Tokens: $22.5
So, if I get 10 tokens at a time all the time, then one single fare would be $2.25. To be able to break even with Metropass, I would need to take TTC $109/$2.25 = 48.444444 times a month, which is over 24 days a month. Assuming that there's no public holiday that month and with 4 months a week and I'm not taking any day off. I only have about 20 work days. Even with 5 weeks a month, I'll have 25 work days which means that I can _barely_ break even. So, if I don't take ttc other than work, it's hardly worthwhile to buy the pass.
Of course, with the pass, you can jump off the bus and buy a coffee and then hop back on the next bus. More flexible. And you can take ttc on the weekends, too. But still, the incentive to get a pass isn't that high.
But then I found out that JJ can get Metropass from his workplace for $96. Must be one of those batch buying discount thing. Then I only need just over 21 work days to break even. + the tax credit. That's enough motivation for me. Of course, my workplace does not have such offer since NO ONE in my office takes transit (the earth poisoning bastards!). You also have the option to get Metropass at $100 if you subscribe for a year. But then, I don't want to commit myself to one whole year of metropass in case I change jobs and I don't need to take transit no more (yea... as if it's going to happen...I've been talking about job changes for over a year now...). In any case, I really don't want to be bounded for a year, not with stupid TTC.
I think I'll take the $96 metropass. One gd reason to get the pass is that once I have it, I feel like I need to use it as much as possible to make it worthwhile. That in turn means that the chance of my breaking down and drive all the time is minimized.
But seriously, who would buy the $109 metropass???
I know, I'm 計埋d婆 la 數,but with the need to pay mortgage, (which is more than double of what I used to pay for rent), I have to be more careful with my money...
Mon going to work: Subway -> YRT
Mon going home: YRT -> TTC bus
Tue going to work: TTC Bus -> YRT
Tue going home: Viva -> Subway
Wed going to work: TTC Bus -> Bike
Wed going home: Bike -> TTC Bus
Thur going to work: Car
Thur going home: N/A (not going home right after work)
By far, the longest route (time -wise) is definitely Mon going home. Mostly bcos of stupid YRT. If you miss one, you have to wait for a long time and are quite screwed. That's another reason to cycle the YRT part instead of TTC part so that I don't have to watch the clock and be anxious about getting off work at a certain time. But at the same time, the TTC part of the bus ride is a lot slower due to the numerous stops and the amount of ppl using the service. Sigh.
Other than driving, most of the commuting method takes about just under 2 hours. That means almost 4 hours per day. That is quite a lot. Needless to say, I fish on the bus/subway all the time. Less so when my bike is on the bus (those bike rack things in front of TTC) bcos I am always worried that my bike is going to fall off, especially with the super bumpy and potty road.
On the other hand, it took me <30min to drive to work this morning. Now I understand y ppl drives all the time. Definitely a big time-saver. Yes, you can't sleep when u are driving but I can sleep an extra hour before getting up and still get to work earlier. But then, the drive home is probably going to take a lot longer since the DVP near York Mill is always always jammed for no reason. Well... i'm not going to try that today cos I'm not going home after work (that's y I drove in the first place).
I think I'll stick with my TTC + Bike method for the most part. I'll see how long I can last before I have a breakdown and start driving all the time.
Another thing to note is that I realized that Metropass is actually more expensive than YRT pass. Weird, considering the fact that TTC single fare is lower than YRT single fare. Makes no sense to me at all.
Metropass: $109
TTC single fare: $2.75
TTC 10 Tokens: $22.5
So, if I get 10 tokens at a time all the time, then one single fare would be $2.25. To be able to break even with Metropass, I would need to take TTC $109/$2.25 = 48.444444 times a month, which is over 24 days a month. Assuming that there's no public holiday that month and with 4 months a week and I'm not taking any day off. I only have about 20 work days. Even with 5 weeks a month, I'll have 25 work days which means that I can _barely_ break even. So, if I don't take ttc other than work, it's hardly worthwhile to buy the pass.
Of course, with the pass, you can jump off the bus and buy a coffee and then hop back on the next bus. More flexible. And you can take ttc on the weekends, too. But still, the incentive to get a pass isn't that high.
But then I found out that JJ can get Metropass from his workplace for $96. Must be one of those batch buying discount thing. Then I only need just over 21 work days to break even. + the tax credit. That's enough motivation for me. Of course, my workplace does not have such offer since NO ONE in my office takes transit (the earth poisoning bastards!). You also have the option to get Metropass at $100 if you subscribe for a year. But then, I don't want to commit myself to one whole year of metropass in case I change jobs and I don't need to take transit no more (yea... as if it's going to happen...I've been talking about job changes for over a year now...). In any case, I really don't want to be bounded for a year, not with stupid TTC.
I think I'll take the $96 metropass. One gd reason to get the pass is that once I have it, I feel like I need to use it as much as possible to make it worthwhile. That in turn means that the chance of my breaking down and drive all the time is minimized.
But seriously, who would buy the $109 metropass???
I know, I'm 計埋d婆 la 數,but with the need to pay mortgage, (which is more than double of what I used to pay for rent), I have to be more careful with my money...
Monday, August 10, 2009
星期六搬屋,星期日執野呀,paint 厨櫃呀,好攰.
今朝返工,作死佢,成兩個鐘先返到公司,仲要已經係搭 subway 轉巴士,巴士仲要好好彩咁唔駛等車,一去到就有車,一上車架車就開,都要成兩個鐘.聽日要早一個鐘起身先得.
星期六真係多謝所有黎幫手既朋友,they made the whole move a lot easier than our last move (which was a nightmare). 特別鳴謝既係由啤梨同水下老遠咁黎幫手既海倫媽媽同細路.
雖然星期日大部份時間都留左喺屋企,但都 squeeze 咗少少時間去 taste of Danforth. 當食 lunch, 因為反正屋企都未煮到野食住,gyro on a pita + custard tart, yum... 好耐未食過 lu. 住呢度既其中一個好處,taste of danforth 呀,jazz fest 呀呢d其實年年都差唔多,去過幾次就唔會再特登去,但住得咁近就好方便咁去行吓,very good. haha...
d野多到有排執,相信呢一兩個月內都有好多 "Do u know where my xxx is? Do u know where the box where I put my xxx is?" moments...
今朝返工,作死佢,成兩個鐘先返到公司,仲要已經係搭 subway 轉巴士,巴士仲要好好彩咁唔駛等車,一去到就有車,一上車架車就開,都要成兩個鐘.聽日要早一個鐘起身先得.
星期六真係多謝所有黎幫手既朋友,they made the whole move a lot easier than our last move (which was a nightmare). 特別鳴謝既係由啤梨同水下老遠咁黎幫手既海倫媽媽同細路.
雖然星期日大部份時間都留左喺屋企,但都 squeeze 咗少少時間去 taste of Danforth. 當食 lunch, 因為反正屋企都未煮到野食住,gyro on a pita + custard tart, yum... 好耐未食過 lu. 住呢度既其中一個好處,taste of danforth 呀,jazz fest 呀呢d其實年年都差唔多,去過幾次就唔會再特登去,但住得咁近就好方便咁去行吓,very good. haha...
d野多到有排執,相信呢一兩個月內都有好多 "Do u know where my xxx is? Do u know where the box where I put my xxx is?" moments...
Friday, August 7, 2009
上兩個星期,有錢佬四十歲大壽,在他家開扒地,wa... 真的很豪耶,請了 live band, 請了一大堆的 guests,(連詹占同佢唔係好熟都有得去就知佢請左幾多人),請左一大班人 cook and serve dinner, dinner 係 south african theme 既 buffet. 佢個 backyard 大過我新屋個 lot, 個泳池大過好多 condo 既泳池,間屋完全係一個 modern mansion.雖然係喺襪氏唔係喺多人多,但都超豪的.
The dinner was fancier than some of the weddings that I've been to, with an open bar and all that. Well... I think it's probably fancier than my own wedding. Crazy.
I didn't get to tour around the house too much. Mostly just stayed in the 扒地 area, which was the basement. They even had a pinball and an arcade machine there. Also, there's this totally sound proofed theatre room with those big ass lean back chairs where u can flip up ur legs and put ur big ass coke in the cup holder. There were two rows of those chairs. Any one of those chair could easily cost over $1000. And the screen of the "theatre" was just like one of the ones u see in the theatre, but smaller in size. But it's not those projector screen that some "rich" ppl have in their basement entertainment room. This one is a real screen, with a high quality projector. After been to this place, all the other "rich" ppl's entertainment rooms becomes so insignificant.
佢個厨房唔駛講啦,又係大過我間屋囉.仲有一間房淨係用黎放三角琴.All the sound systems in every single room and the backyard are all wired up to a central controlling system.
Oh oh! 仲有 basement 個厠所,oh my goodness, 超大不突只,個 shower 有6個掣,有幾個 shower head 喺 ceiling, 有幾個喺牆,四方八面咁噴向你.個屎塔隔離嗰幅牆,part of it was this glass aquarium thing. But instead of having fish in it, it shoots streams of bubbles upwards and changes color. 有乜用呢,係冇用架,係用黎裝飾,用黎洒電咁囉,你話係咪有錢冇 dan 洗丫?
雖然我不敢苟同佢哋呢d有錢人洒電既作風,但無可否認既係當我去厠所,一入到去見到個厠所靚到 dup 一聲既時候,心入面真係叫左一聲 "Holy shit". 真係富貴到呢,very impressive.
I am glad that I got invited, 大開眼界.
上兩個星期,有錢佬四十歲大壽,在他家開扒地,wa... 真的很豪耶,請了 live band, 請了一大堆的 guests,(連詹占同佢唔係好熟都有得去就知佢請左幾多人),請左一大班人 cook and serve dinner, dinner 係 south african theme 既 buffet. 佢個 backyard 大過我新屋個 lot, 個泳池大過好多 condo 既泳池,間屋完全係一個 modern mansion.雖然係喺襪氏唔係喺多人多,但都超豪的.
The dinner was fancier than some of the weddings that I've been to, with an open bar and all that. Well... I think it's probably fancier than my own wedding. Crazy.
I didn't get to tour around the house too much. Mostly just stayed in the 扒地 area, which was the basement. They even had a pinball and an arcade machine there. Also, there's this totally sound proofed theatre room with those big ass lean back chairs where u can flip up ur legs and put ur big ass coke in the cup holder. There were two rows of those chairs. Any one of those chair could easily cost over $1000. And the screen of the "theatre" was just like one of the ones u see in the theatre, but smaller in size. But it's not those projector screen that some "rich" ppl have in their basement entertainment room. This one is a real screen, with a high quality projector. After been to this place, all the other "rich" ppl's entertainment rooms becomes so insignificant.
佢個厨房唔駛講啦,又係大過我間屋囉.仲有一間房淨係用黎放三角琴.All the sound systems in every single room and the backyard are all wired up to a central controlling system.
Oh oh! 仲有 basement 個厠所,oh my goodness, 超大不突只,個 shower 有6個掣,有幾個 shower head 喺 ceiling, 有幾個喺牆,四方八面咁噴向你.個屎塔隔離嗰幅牆,part of it was this glass aquarium thing. But instead of having fish in it, it shoots streams of bubbles upwards and changes color. 有乜用呢,係冇用架,係用黎裝飾,用黎洒電咁囉,你話係咪有錢冇 dan 洗丫?
雖然我不敢苟同佢哋呢d有錢人洒電既作風,但無可否認既係當我去厠所,一入到去見到個厠所靚到 dup 一聲既時候,心入面真係叫左一聲 "Holy shit". 真係富貴到呢,very impressive.
I am glad that I got invited, 大開眼界.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Moving Soon
Moving in two days. Have been going to the new place almost every night after work to fix this and fix that and clean this and clean that. Have also been packing and moving stuff over bit by bit so that me and my helpers won't die on moving day.
I don't know how come I seem to own so much stuff now. Have been packing for a while and still seem to have a lot more at home. Seems like a never-ending task.
Once we moved to the new place, hopefully, there'll be no more threats of flooding. In our current walk-out basement. The patio door is a little sunken. And the drains there are always blocked by leaves n crap. A few weeks ago, when we had the big storm at night. Even though the storm didn't last too long, JJ and I were out in our PJs with buckets and recycling bins to bail water away like a maniac, trying to keep the water level below our door. It was like a little waterfall from the upstairs balcony to our sunken patio. It was kinda fun but we were freezing to death.
We bought a rain barrel and a compote box. A very environmental friendly household!! :] wahahhahahaa...
We are hoping that in a few years, when we managed to conjure up enough money, we will install some solar panels to our house to further reduce the amount of energy consumption. Oh and skylights, too. I love the idea of skylight but I don't know if the extra opening's going to increase the energy consumption in terms of heating lost from the house. Have to investigate further. Also thought of installing the geo-thermal heating system but that would be SUPER expensive and with the size of our backyard, I'm not quite sure if it's even feasible.
So, starting next week, I will have to do super long commute. Sigh. That's the price that I hv to pay for living in that area. Since I am so against driving, I'm trying to figure out a way to get up to R.H. without killing myself. Have thought of riding my bike one way per day and the other way I'll take the transit. But that means that I have to be able to lock my bike in a secure place over night. This is not a problem until I move office cos right now, I put my bike in the equipment area of the office (don't even have to lock it). But once I moved office, I am not even sure there'll be bike rack. Sigh.
Another option is to take transit part way and then cycle the rest. I have to switch from TTC to YRT anyway. If I cycle half of the way, then I also save the cost of part of the trip. This is actually more economically sounding cos then I only need to purchase one metropass/YRT pass instead of paying two different kind of fees. Wow, I just realized that as I'm typing. Gd point. Maybe this is the way I should go for. The question is whether I should cycle in Toronto or in RH. Probably should be RH cos 1. Metropass is cheaper, 2. roads are wider up north and hence a little safer. Then the next question is how I'm going to take my bike with me to the start of my cycling route? I doubt that I can take it on the subway during rushhour. I know that TTC have these buses with bike rack in the front now but I'm not sure if every bus on those routes have them. If not, then I might have to wait for a couple of buses before I can get on. Another thing is, if I take the bus up to the start line, buses are usually very slow with way too many stops. It's going to take me forever to commute to work. sigh...
I guess I'll just take the transit for a few days to investigate the bike rack situation on buses and to get a gd sense of how long is the bus ride before I'll attempt my hybrid commute.
In the winter though, I will have to do both section in transit. Going to be a pain in the ass.
Weather forcast is predicting 15-20mm of rain on moving day. I so wish that they are once again wrong about it..........shit...................
I don't know how come I seem to own so much stuff now. Have been packing for a while and still seem to have a lot more at home. Seems like a never-ending task.
Once we moved to the new place, hopefully, there'll be no more threats of flooding. In our current walk-out basement. The patio door is a little sunken. And the drains there are always blocked by leaves n crap. A few weeks ago, when we had the big storm at night. Even though the storm didn't last too long, JJ and I were out in our PJs with buckets and recycling bins to bail water away like a maniac, trying to keep the water level below our door. It was like a little waterfall from the upstairs balcony to our sunken patio. It was kinda fun but we were freezing to death.
We bought a rain barrel and a compote box. A very environmental friendly household!! :] wahahhahahaa...
We are hoping that in a few years, when we managed to conjure up enough money, we will install some solar panels to our house to further reduce the amount of energy consumption. Oh and skylights, too. I love the idea of skylight but I don't know if the extra opening's going to increase the energy consumption in terms of heating lost from the house. Have to investigate further. Also thought of installing the geo-thermal heating system but that would be SUPER expensive and with the size of our backyard, I'm not quite sure if it's even feasible.
So, starting next week, I will have to do super long commute. Sigh. That's the price that I hv to pay for living in that area. Since I am so against driving, I'm trying to figure out a way to get up to R.H. without killing myself. Have thought of riding my bike one way per day and the other way I'll take the transit. But that means that I have to be able to lock my bike in a secure place over night. This is not a problem until I move office cos right now, I put my bike in the equipment area of the office (don't even have to lock it). But once I moved office, I am not even sure there'll be bike rack. Sigh.
Another option is to take transit part way and then cycle the rest. I have to switch from TTC to YRT anyway. If I cycle half of the way, then I also save the cost of part of the trip. This is actually more economically sounding cos then I only need to purchase one metropass/YRT pass instead of paying two different kind of fees. Wow, I just realized that as I'm typing. Gd point. Maybe this is the way I should go for. The question is whether I should cycle in Toronto or in RH. Probably should be RH cos 1. Metropass is cheaper, 2. roads are wider up north and hence a little safer. Then the next question is how I'm going to take my bike with me to the start of my cycling route? I doubt that I can take it on the subway during rushhour. I know that TTC have these buses with bike rack in the front now but I'm not sure if every bus on those routes have them. If not, then I might have to wait for a couple of buses before I can get on. Another thing is, if I take the bus up to the start line, buses are usually very slow with way too many stops. It's going to take me forever to commute to work. sigh...
I guess I'll just take the transit for a few days to investigate the bike rack situation on buses and to get a gd sense of how long is the bus ride before I'll attempt my hybrid commute.
In the winter though, I will have to do both section in transit. Going to be a pain in the ass.
Weather forcast is predicting 15-20mm of rain on moving day. I so wish that they are once again wrong about it..........shit...................
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