There's this couple at work. They are literally inseparable. They obviously live together. They work in the same company, the same department, and a lot of times, the same project, and sometimes, the same computer. They sit next to each other in the office. They go home to eat lunch together. Since the wife does not drive, they go to work and leave together everyday.
They are around each other so much that they don't even have to talk when they go for lunch. One person stands up and starts leaving and the other would follow.
They have three children. Two of them are twins. And they named them Emily and Emila. They wear the same clothes, have the same hair style and all that. How obsessed is that? They don't have their own identity. Maybe the kids like it that way but I feel sorry for them.
How can they do that? 365/24/7? I honestly can't. They either have A LOT of love, or they simply rely on each other to live on. I can't imagine that they have much to talk about at home. They already know everything about each other. They probably just talk to their children cos I don't think that there's anything else to talk about between themselves. Or maybe they just watch TV and don't talk at all.
It just seems so unhealthy. But what do I know. I'm just an outsider. Maybe they like it this way. At least the other half will never have a chance to cheat!