Friday, March 26, 2010


There's this couple at work. They are literally inseparable. They obviously live together. They work in the same company, the same department, and a lot of times, the same project, and sometimes, the same computer. They sit next to each other in the office. They go home to eat lunch together. Since the wife does not drive, they go to work and leave together everyday.

They are around each other so much that they don't even have to talk when they go for lunch. One person stands up and starts leaving and the other would follow.

They have three children. Two of them are twins. And they named them Emily and Emila. They wear the same clothes, have the same hair style and all that. How obsessed is that? They don't have their own identity. Maybe the kids like it that way but I feel sorry for them.

How can they do that? 365/24/7? I honestly can't. They either have A LOT of love, or they simply rely on each other to live on. I can't imagine that they have much to talk about at home. They already know everything about each other. They probably just talk to their children cos I don't think that there's anything else to talk about between themselves. Or maybe they just watch TV and don't talk at all.

It just seems so unhealthy. But what do I know. I'm just an outsider. Maybe they like it this way. At least the other half will never have a chance to cheat!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


入冬前詹占同我喺屋企個 front porch 前面埋下了鬱金香的種,再加上我哋喺翻土既時候發現到土壤入面本前既種,佢哋大月d開始發芽喇!



相反詹占好鬼鐘意種野,我一直都同佢講,佢種還種,唔係旨恴我幫佢淋水,any other maintenance 都唔好預我,但兩年前我哋還在租屋的時候開始咗種 herbs, 我對種野既興趣就慢慢發掘咗出黎,再加上我支持本地食物既環保意識,我哋諗住今年喺後園種d蔬菜,當然唔會成個後園當成一塊田咁用啦,我哋都想 enjoy 個後園,再加上我哋都唔會咁多時間成日去耕田,而且今年都係試一諗,所以今只會用一忽仔既地方去種野,我哋仲諗住可能會買返顆水果樹添。雖然今年都應該無乜收成(d herbs 都係啱啱過去既一年先有少許收成),但都好期待耶!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Some of the knives at home were kinda dead. So we finally 的起心肝 to go buy some new ones a few weeks ago.

And o my goodness! These new ones, they are not that best of the world. Just some IKEA ones but they cut so well! Without comparison, we didn't know that our knives at home had gone super dull.

We read the packaging on the new knives and it told us how to take care of them. Bascially, they should be hung up instead of being stored in a drawer with all the other knives and any metal really bcos constant banging between the blade and the metal causes the blades to go dull. And that was what exactly we were doing at home. So the next week, we bought this magnet strip that is now nailed to our wall so that we can "hang" up our knives.

We can finally cut tomato without it being smooshed everywhere! :D

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Poor Little Squirrel

A tragedy!

I was driving after church today and I saw it happened... There was this little red squirrel dashing across the road but it was not fast enough for the cars. While it has only had only 1/4 more to go, it got hit by a SUV. I saw it got hit so hard that it got bumped onto another lane...

By the time I passed by the 兇案現場, little squirrel's tail was still flapping and it was still alive! It was trying move still... very sad to witness that. I am very sure that it's going to die anyway, either by that massive blow when hit by the SUV or by another car coming to grind it to mush.

This is obviously not that first time I see road kill but what I've seen before was just the aftermath. It happened right in front of my eyes this time. It was extra cruel that the SUV didn't send it to its end right the way and it was still struggling to survive. It was such a heart-breaking scene. :(

R.I.P. little one.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


星期日在幹其他事的時候零零碎碎的看了一點點,但零零碎碎中都俾我見到我喜歡的明星,Colin Firth,一貫的英國 Gentleman; Robert Downy Jr, 又型又有款,當然更少不了我至愛的女星 Sandra Bullock,好靚,好 elegant 喲!

後生一輩的明星中,Zac Efron 仍然咁靚仔(其實一直都為佢擔心,驚佢可能會好似 Dicaprio 咁,由超靚仔變做ok樣.Don’t get me wrong. I think Dicaprio is a really gd actor, especially some of his early work but I am just a little disappointed that he ceased to be a beautiful person as he gets older)還有一個我新發現的女星 Anna Kendrick, 我覺得佢幾靚女喎.

Robin Williams 既笑點大月d不文,但又不覺得低俗,係一種藝術,鬼佬版黃沾(其實卑人覺得黃沾大部份時間都低俗)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Action Packed VS Total Crash

Personal training on Wed night.

Jogging on Thur morning.

Kickboxing fundraising session Thur evening after work.

Friday didn't do much but had a really long work day. Body was completely sore. Last time I did kickboxing was about 7 years ago.

Sat morning went to the gym. Went easy on myself cos body was still sore. Did some abs and back and then stretched forever.

Sat noon time walked to the library. Finally got my first library card in TO. Only took me about 8 years.

Sat afternoon went home. Read a little. Crashed on the couch and napped for a couple hours. Got up for a little while. Wanted to sleep again. Told 詹占 to wake me up after half an hour. Guess what? Someone totally forgot and let me slept till 6pm.

Right now, Sat evening 8pm. Totally awake. I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight. >_<