Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Anything else? Might As Well...
上星期頭先 broke the bank 裝冷氣,weekend 洗衫時地庫水浸,嘗試自己解決不果,又要花費加攞假請人整,結果 replace 咗兩條 pipes. 兩張 credit cards 都 max out 哂.
公司人事將要變動,要開始執起本來唔係我做既嘢,但喺暑假前都唔會有 summer student 黎執起我做開既野,即係我本來已經夠多野做架啦,而家仲要雪上加霜,但公司整咗條例,話加班要預先批咗先準加,一日唔加多過三四粒鐘又唔準當加班,要自己食咗d時間佢(this is a whole different story),d野有 deadline 唔可以再拖,總之對我黎講,就係變相減我人工.我唔理佢咁多,如果真係因為d野多到痴了線而要我加班的話,就算只係兩個鐘我都硬要報,唔俾錢唔做.
教會少年團契又要 prep 又要湊仔咁揍,networking training, council meeting, VBS 要趕宣傳,reno completion celebration, 星期日 bible study training.
Triathlon 既 training 要加多兩錢肉緊.
真的不知道時間死了那裡去,呢兩個星期裡每天都睡眠不足,之前仲話想學番一樣樂器,以我現在的 schedule 同 bank account 看來,還是暫時擱置,上網找網頁自學吧.(自學其實即係唔駛學啦,無老師逼住,我又邊會抽到時間出黎搵 material 同練習丫...)
七月要去的 wedding, the easiest way to go is to go thru the States, which means that I'll have to look into 申請旅行簽證.
Monday, April 26, 2010
成個 weekend 都爆忙,差唔多可以話係冇時停,又唔夠瞓,尋晚瞓落床唔夠一五分鐘已經瞓著咗,今朝起身既感覺係好似啱啱瞓落床唔夠十分鐘咁,跟住喺巴士度瞓到差d口水都流埋出黎咁滯,勁唔願意落車,好想繼續瞓繼續瞓.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
於是在搬了屋之後一直都想買個 bird feeder, 但由於破了產的原故,遲遲未買,終於詹占喺我生日既時候送咗個bird feeder,一大包bird seeds 同一本雀仔書俾我.咁就將個feeder掛咗喺屋前既樹上,但可能cardinal屬害羞的鳥類,屋前又成日有人同車經過,所以只係吸引到d麻雀仔.講起d麻雀,佢哋好變態,由俾佢哋發現到我個bird feeder到d野俾佢哋食哂前後唔夠兩日,仲俾我見到有隻食到超肥,好似就黎爆肚一樣.Anyway, 就係因為呢d麻雀既狂食,我哋買咗一包專為cardinal而設的 seed. 但成個冬天都沒有cardinal.>_<
上個星期去 Home 地鋪為後園買 gardening 既嘢,咁我順便買左一碌杆,杆上有兩個釣,平時喺俾人放喺後園掛花的,我同詹占一直都話要買番一碌放喺後園掛bird feeder(因為我哋後園冇樹),咁就唔怕cardinal怕羞唔敢出黎;但又係因為$$既原故,一直都未買.今次反正去Home 地鋪都係大出血,咁就唔爭在買埋.
今朝喺房望出去,見到有少少紅紅啡啡的東西在bird feeder底下,但因為下大雨天色勁暗既關係,我都唔知嗰舊嘢是cardinal還是枯葉,就叫詹占也看看,佢起初都不肯定是不是cardinal,但後尾佢郁喇!在吃跌了在地上的 seeds,跟住我哋再仔細看看,原來仲有其他的雀在吃吃吃吃吃,我超興奮耶,cardinal終於都浦頭喇!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The Final Destination
Mentioned a while ago that my online album was migrating to a new place. I was kinda lazy and have been putting it off for a bit. Finally, I mustered up enough determination to get it going and the process wasn’t as dreadful as I imagined. It’s mostly done now and I’m very pleased about it.
Other than the fact that there weren’t too many themes to choose from, I have a lot of control over what kind of things I would like to show up on the pages. That’s great. The biggest advantage of all is that there is no image compression during upload so the picture quality is a lot better and hence the pictures look a lot better than using Picasa.
So, after years of changing my mind and after trying out quite a few different hosts, looks like this is going to be the final home of my web album.
Link to the new, and hopefully final, online album is added to the right. I haven't figured out how to get the slideshow from there to this blog yet. One of these days I'll figure it out. One of these days...