你同佢玩呢,如果你嬴佢,佢一係就即刻又變同完形,唔同你玩不突只,仲要完全唔 so 你,seriously 想大把大把咁星死佢.再唔係呢,佢就會 cheat 去嬴,佢 cheat 呢又cheat得毫無技巧架喎,白痴既都睇得見佢 cheat,仲要嬴咗之後仲要懶醒咁話嬴咗,又話我渣呀之類咁既嘢,咁我就會好唔抵得咁話佢 cheat, 然後佢就死唔認,如果你繼續話佢呢,佢又發爛,又會粒聲唔出,pat 低d嘢就走咗去.
好低B,你唔玩咪唔好玩囉,我都唔係好想同你玩,但唔該你執番好d嘢先好走囉,我同你玩,根本上就係 babysit, 家下我係你工人牙?同你玩完仲要幫你執嘢,你去食蕉蕉啦!反正d玩具都係佢帶黎既,下次我就一於唔同你執,咁你又咪唔好執囉,唔執你咪拎唔番返屋企囉,到時睇吓係你執定我執?
佢屋企係傳統家庭,重男輕女,仔就得佢一個,喺屋企仲唔係霸王咩!至鬼憎d寵壞哂既細路,我就係要好似Dor Dor大家姐咁鋤吓佢d銳氣先得!muhahahahaha…
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
All The Way
Nice day today. Decided to cycle all the way from home to work (I usually take the bus to Steeles and then cycle the rest). But instead of going on D Mills, I just went straight along V Park for a shorter distance and less hilly ride. It worked out quite well. There was little wind and the road was not busy yet since I was quite early.
Arrived in the office at 7:45, which is just about the same time if I take the bus and then cycle. It honestly surprised me big time. I was suspecting I would arrive at like 8:30. I seriously don’t know how I can possibly be about the same speed as taking the bus. I mean, my route is shorter but only by about 4km. But it’s good. Now I’m tempted to save even that one token per day and just cycle all the way up north. But the sacrifice would be my beauty sleep on the bus. I think I can handle that. And I may wuss out if the wind is too strong and when it starts to get too cold in the fall.
This is awesome, really. It’s better to cycle all the way rather than what I’ve been doing: cycle to the bus stop and then sleep on the bus and then get off the bus and cycle the rest. By the time I get off the bus, my muscles were all tensed and I actually find it harder to cycle after that. And V Park is nice and flat and quiet in the morning, unlike the afternoon rush.
Arrived in the office at 7:45, which is just about the same time if I take the bus and then cycle. It honestly surprised me big time. I was suspecting I would arrive at like 8:30. I seriously don’t know how I can possibly be about the same speed as taking the bus. I mean, my route is shorter but only by about 4km. But it’s good. Now I’m tempted to save even that one token per day and just cycle all the way up north. But the sacrifice would be my beauty sleep on the bus. I think I can handle that. And I may wuss out if the wind is too strong and when it starts to get too cold in the fall.
This is awesome, really. It’s better to cycle all the way rather than what I’ve been doing: cycle to the bus stop and then sleep on the bus and then get off the bus and cycle the rest. By the time I get off the bus, my muscles were all tensed and I actually find it harder to cycle after that. And V Park is nice and flat and quiet in the morning, unlike the afternoon rush.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Come Come
Frd in HK is going to come to Toronto for a few days in June. We can meet up and catch up. She’s coming for her sibling’s graduation. Last time I saw her was in Toronto and she was also here for her other sibling’s graduation. She’s not one of my closest frd when we were in high school but she’s the one who visits me the most often for sure. 當然, 佢有家人喺度梗係多d motivation 過黎啦,而且佢都係順便探我啫,唔係特登飛過黎.但我都好 appreciate wor… 起碼佢會話我知同會抽空約我出黎吖,佢淨係黎幾日咋,基本上係連適應時差既時間都冇,但都約我,我真係覺得好榮幸喎.
I’m looking forward to our re-U, babe~~~
I’m looking forward to our re-U, babe~~~
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Summer Schedule?
Apparently, the managers of my department are trying to decide if they want to work out some sort of summer work schedule for us so that we work longer hours per day but in return, will be able to take every other Friday off or half a day off or something similar.
But I got this news over two weeks ago and have heard nothing else about it since so I don't even know if it's actually going to go ahead. 所以暫時都不要開心得太早, 可能個計劃已經胎死腹中了.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thank God For Friendship
今個星期五完了團契,一眾去了食甜品,後來散水後,我跟小賴兩人竟然站在停車場內傾咗個幾鐘偈,由近況談到電影到書籍到什麼也談到,很順快!雖然天氣有點冷,又已經係深夜(我返到屋企已經成一點鐘),但 it was good time.
So glad that even though we don't have this kind of talk all the time but we are able to just pick it up like that. Friendship forever man! ^_^
今個星期五完了團契,一眾去了食甜品,後來散水後,我跟小賴兩人竟然站在停車場內傾咗個幾鐘偈,由近況談到電影到書籍到什麼也談到,很順快!雖然天氣有點冷,又已經係深夜(我返到屋企已經成一點鐘),但 it was good time.
So glad that even though we don't have this kind of talk all the time but we are able to just pick it up like that. Friendship forever man! ^_^
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
佢平時乜都唔做,興趣是掛網追明星,鐘意挨挨崩崩,黏身黏勢(hrm… 講講吓,呢個人有d似年輕版既小妹).咁由於佢乜都無做過,咁人哋同佢傾偈,問佢呢排搞乜咁佢就話完全入唔到題,再唔係呢就講其他人既是非.
成日講埋 or 做埋d低俗當有趣既野,我唔知佢真係覺得好有趣定係只係想吸引人既注意.鐘意既野除咗明星之外,就係錢,唉,錢係重要,但有好多其他嘢更重要嘛,咁細個就咁 materialized, 幾時先得到大?其實唔只係佢,好多同佢年紀差唔多甚至比佢細既小朋友都好貪錢,好想不勞而鑊,所以都好埋哂d炒股票啦,賭馬賭波,買 lottery之類既活動.
當然,in this consumerism society, 鼓吹既都係物質既擁有,好難完全怪哂d小朋友.而且佢家長唔好好教育佢不突只,仲直情做埋不良榜樣:講粗口,貪小便宜,鼓勵孩子放棄理想,專攻搵錢既課目.
佢平時乜都唔做,興趣是掛網追明星,鐘意挨挨崩崩,黏身黏勢(hrm… 講講吓,呢個人有d似年輕版既小妹).咁由於佢乜都無做過,咁人哋同佢傾偈,問佢呢排搞乜咁佢就話完全入唔到題,再唔係呢就講其他人既是非.
成日講埋 or 做埋d低俗當有趣既野,我唔知佢真係覺得好有趣定係只係想吸引人既注意.鐘意既野除咗明星之外,就係錢,唉,錢係重要,但有好多其他嘢更重要嘛,咁細個就咁 materialized, 幾時先得到大?其實唔只係佢,好多同佢年紀差唔多甚至比佢細既小朋友都好貪錢,好想不勞而鑊,所以都好埋哂d炒股票啦,賭馬賭波,買 lottery之類既活動.
當然,in this consumerism society, 鼓吹既都係物質既擁有,好難完全怪哂d小朋友.而且佢家長唔好好教育佢不突只,仲直情做埋不良榜樣:講粗口,貪小便宜,鼓勵孩子放棄理想,專攻搵錢既課目.
不勞而鑊,honestly 邊個唔想?我都好想,但我仍然會腳踏實地咁去做牛仔.
唔講家長唔講年輕人,同我咁上下既,有d搵緊男友,有d摶緊命搵錢.摶緊命搵錢既唔洗講啦,搵緊男友嗰d,有好幾個既首要條件係個男既要有錢,要養得起佢,無錢﹠無前途的一概不考慮。又認識一對夫婦,一家分離兩地,男的不是在艱難大找不到工架喎,但就是放棄唔到香港的高薪厚職,結果又是苦了孩子,缺乏照顧,要是將來真的學壞了(現在還算不壞,但就是羣埋的不太良好既青年,真的令人擔心),怪得誰?不過當然,可能那人根本就不關心孩子壞還是好... 唉,那些兩口子一起挨的情操都去了那𥚃?大人都係咁,第日教出黎d細路又點會好呢?
唔講家長唔講年輕人,同我咁上下既,有d搵緊男友,有d摶緊命搵錢.摶緊命搵錢既唔洗講啦,搵緊男友嗰d,有好幾個既首要條件係個男既要有錢,要養得起佢,無錢﹠無前途的一概不考慮。又認識一對夫婦,一家分離兩地,男的不是在艱難大找不到工架喎,但就是放棄唔到香港的高薪厚職,結果又是苦了孩子,缺乏照顧,要是將來真的學壞了(現在還算不壞,但就是羣埋的不太良好既青年,真的令人擔心),怪得誰?不過當然,可能那人根本就不關心孩子壞還是好... 唉,那些兩口子一起挨的情操都去了那𥚃?大人都係咁,第日教出黎d細路又點會好呢?
離了題,講返本來嗰位年青人,我都想幫佢,但有時真係好令人火滾,我本身就不是有耐性有愛心嗰種人,我想幫佢但都要佢想幫自己先得架,我最多都是能夠鼓勵一下佢,難道要我監佢讀書不成?佢話大唔大,話細唔細,基本上已經到咗佢唔 likey 你,可以當你發 up 風既地步,我除咗好言相勸,真係唔知仲可以做d乜。
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
前排電視重播我喜愛的電影 Before Sunset, 發現原來呢部戲很短.不過我並不在乎一部電影的長短,是好的話,短也可以很精彩;相反,是不好的話,很長的拖著只會令人更難受.
我喜歡跟你一起看電影,但今次重看 Before Sunset, 發現,有些電影,還是一個人看才有 feel.
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