Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Garbage Comments

Don’t know y after I posted the 3 Kingdom card game post, I’ve received a few garbage comments in that post. They obviously are manual post or that they have computer to crack the ‘word verification’ thing in order to post comments. And these comments ar, as 小笨 had mentioned, have nothing to do with 3 kingdoms. 九唔搭八咁,唔知想點.

I suspect that those ppl/machine who left the comments got to my post through a random search on 3 kingdoms since it seems to be a hot online game in mainland these days.

In any case, I’ve already deleted those garbage. Hopefully no more will come…

Monday, November 29, 2010




其實一直,我都想再學番,我覺得,年紀唔係一個問題,況且我都係學黎自娛,唔係要做 professional, 有心唔怕遲.

但實在又有好多 factors 成為阻力.

1.時間.平時真係好忙,personal 既時間都唔係太多,尤其是 summer, 我怕我真係無時間去練,變相洒$.
2.如果真係要學,學得幾個月,除非無諗住學落去,otherwise 就梗係買返套嘢先有得練.但係一來貴,二來無位擺.貴都唔係問題其實,我唔係真係俾唔起,at least 我而家係有入息人仕,要買,都會買得起,只係肉痛.但屋企真係無乜位擺喎.呢個先係大問題.

錢,其實唔係最大既 factor.唔係話我好有$,但如果真係想既話,唔唔係話 afford 唔到,加上我cool 牙嗰度已經供完,每個月少咗一個開支,嗰舊$都應該夠我交學費.但係,我係咪真係有咁既時間?


雖然我知道自己資質有限,但我一直都係幾鐘意玩樂器既,once again, 我係為咗自娛,所以資質有限都無乜所謂.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

People in the Office

I’ve got to say, it’s hard to fit with them. I’m limited to the people in my team here. Other than my direct super, the rest of the people are the kind of ppl who are really gd at small talks, really gd at chit chatting with clients, or among themselves.

Sometimes, I even found it disturbing when they talked to each other in some non work-related stuff like SNL and prolonged period of time. Even with headphones on, I find it hard to block out their conversation (especially bcos I don’t like turning on my sound volume so loud that it would damage my ears and I found that loud sound (whatever it is) distracting anyway).

My colleagues are also gd at chatting my boss up, which makes sense to an extent cos they have worked there for a few years so they better have a gd relationship with my boss. But looking back at me, I kinda feel like I’m 唔合群.

I also think that the current working place has a lot more politics than the old place. In the old place, probably bcos of its small size, all of us small potatoes were quite friendly to each other. Our one common enemy was our boss (or sometimes, our clients! haha). But now, it feels like ppl are wearing masks. They seem kinda fake sometimes. I don’t know if it’s just my misperception or what. They could be perfectly fine with boss and all joking around and laugh and stuff but then when boss is not around, they talk behind his back a little. In a way, this is understandable cos everyone do have to put on a face when facing your boss no matter how much you dislike him. (well… actually… I have been 黑面 to my old boss before and my tune of speech to him sometimes was a bit 悔氣 when I was really upset. ) But to be totally friendly buddy buddy with someone but turn around to have another face, I really can’t do it. The best I can do is to be polite to the person I don’t like.

They are also quite gossip-y, I found. They like to talk about ppl in the other team or in the other office. This and that and this and that. Drives me crazy. Not only the females, the males are also always gossiping, too. 好似一班八公八婆咁. I mean, maybe it’s a gd thing to know all these 人事關係既嘢. Maybe it’s a very important business skill to have to be able exchange info, but I am really not that interested. Sometimes, I found them very unproductive cos they can stand around and talk about stuff like that for what feels like a long time to me. There was this one time when this guy talked to my boss about this situation. What I think should take about 2min took them 15-30 min. What a waste of time, especially bcos they seem to like to go around and around and around in circles about the same thing over and over again. 長氣又chum氣.

I also dislike the way some ppl talk. Say person A and B. A expresses his point of view and B basically agrees what A said but instead of saying
“I agree. Let’s do it this way.”
B would say,
“Ya, I totally agree with you, especially bcos blah blah blah and considering the fact that la la la la… (5min later) So ya, what you said makes perfect sense to me and I cannot agree more on this issue.”
你 agree 就 agree 囉,反正大家都 agree, 咁就唔駛講哂所有既 pros and cons出黎啦,仲要有時d論點都好無謂吓.明明兩秒就可以傾掂既嘢,係都要拖到咁長,好煩啊大佬.

The bottom line is, they all seem to be nice ppl, really. But just not the kind of ppl whom I can 傾得埋.Especially ppl who gossip. I really want to just keep to my ignorant own little world and don’t want to know about other ppl’s business. All I want to do is good work. I’m not HR. I don’t care about all these other stuff. But maybe bcos of this exact attitude and the lack of 交際手腕,I’ll forever be doing whatever I’m doing right now instead of easing my way up to the better position. Oh well… if it is, then let it be. If that kind of skills is required for higher position, then even if u let me do it, I probably won’t do a gd job anyway. Might as well let the one who has that kind of ‘ability’ to do it. My belief is that 老細俾錢我返黎係做嘢架,唔係返黎吹水,我收咗錢,就要有d好貨交出黎先得,如果唔係, 我會覺得自己好似厄錢咁.一日到黑又話自己忙,但又成日喺度傾偈嗰d人,唔知想點.要傾偈請麻煩行遠d,唔好嘈住我做嘢得唔得?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010




回加後,本來都冇打算玩,因為本說明書係簡體字,睇得好辛苦,但詹占話想試玩,於是就黎咗一鋪 open hands, 其實真係試玩囉,因為個 game 本身 at least 4個人玩,我哋兩條友,一人玩兩副.但都ok喎,我覺得ok好玩,尤其是因為我本身係有少少情迷三國,個 game reminds me of my old old primary school days.

當然,unless 我 translate 成個 game d字,整一張 lookup list or something, 詹占係玩唔到呢個遊戲,再加上我哋得兩個人,真係玩唔到.但我又心癢癢的,美其名係試吓多d人玩,先真正咁玩到個 game 係咪真係好玩,但其實我就係自己想玩,於是就上網玩 online version. 結果又真係幾好玩喎,上幾個星期都很沉迷耶,今個星期好咗d.有機會去試玩一下吧,免費的!

我最鐘意個 game 係佢真係 incorporate 到d三國人物同佢哋做過既嘢 or 佢哋個性格落去,而唔係九唔搭八咁塞d人物落去有名無實咁,不過,我覺得最可惜既係d人物角色入面無姜維,連郭嘉都有,點解無姜維?可能,對好多人黎講,孔明死咗之後既故事已經無咁精彩,我某程度上都同意,孔明死後既蜀只係一直衰落,所以無人記得起姜維一個智勇雙全既英雄,可惜,可惜.

Online version 用的牌是 original version, 我買的是 cute 版,cute 牌的是真的很可愛喲!

Online Version

Q 版

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


我實在係愛死你兩個.雖然我哋喺埋一齊既時間真係唔長,只係短短既一個暑假,但啱 key 就係啱 key,一拍即合!哈.



Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Heard that there are a lot of weddings recently, especially my frds in HK. To the point that they were saying that 潮流興結婚. I agreed that there seems to be exceedingly lots of weddings these days but I think that it’s mostly bcos we have reached the right age so that the ppl around us are getting married so it feels like it has become the trend.

Luckily, I myself don’t really have lots of weddings to go to. Only one this year. Well… it should have been three but I couldn’t go to two of them in HK. And there was also this one that happened during my time in HK but I didn’t really get invited and it happened on my dad’s bd so I didn’t go. I actually wanted to attend these weddings but anyways. My frds are also complaining how expensive it is to go to all these weddings since they have to do 人情.

It reminds me of my conversation with 小笨's parents a few months ago. They told me the current 公價 of 人情. I was surprised by it. First, I didn’t know that there’s actually a 公價. I just thought that there’s general range of amount that ppl give out but I didn’t know that there’s an _official_ 公價. Second, I think that this 公價 is surprisingly high. No wonder my frds complained about the number of weddings they have to go to. And I’m also embarrassed a bit by some of the 人情 that I’ve given out previously. Apparently, I was below 公價.

No wonder I heard from some of my 八卦 frds that so and so “made money” from their wedding and such and such, as if wedding has become a way to earn money. Weird. But really, why is there a 公價? I just think that you should be able to give out whatever you feel like giving depending on either your current financial situation or your relationship with the bride/groom.

I actually like receiving wedding gifts. Of course, there’s always something that you don’t quite like among the gifts. But that’s why there’s wedding registry to help. But it seems more personal this way rather than business-like. Wedding really is just about inviting your family and frds to witness and celebrate your happiness, the start of your new life with the other person. Why attach a monetary value to it?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Album Update

萬眾期待(其實無人期待) mexico之旅最後一個 album 既相終於都 post 咗喇!(其實 post 黎都唔知係俾邊個睇既...)

Mexico 2010 -> 2010-07-31 Wedding Day ->


Mexico 2010 -> 2010-08-31 Aguas

Saturday, November 6, 2010




差不多每晚都有飯局,有時什至午餐都是飯局,不用說老媽有很輕微很輕微的微言,連我自己都食到有點怕了.味精 overloaded.


台灣之旅,是一咋人第一次真正的乘飛機的家庭旅行,.由於是一咋人一起,旅行的活動跟自己去旅行的活動有點不一樣,但還是蠻好玩的,也因為一群人在一起,熱熱鬧鬧,多了不少笑料.就只是苦了小妹,一大早就要為旅程張羅,沒人幫忙孤軍作戰似的,大家都當了她是導遊耶,一路上壓力太大了吧.But really, job well done la and I hope that you had fun also. 其實我在艱難大帶你們去玩,我也常常迷路喇,不過我沒說,你們不知道吧了,而且就算迷路,也是坐在私家車上,所以才沒那麼大怨氣啦.




在操場內 玩耍中比賽  在試場內 挑戰著未來
在世途上 但願飛出天際 在旅途上 偏偏盼望回來
在鐘樓下 伴著知己感慨 在教堂外 多麼渴望戀愛

誰人在說 誰人在笑 曾在喧嘩嬉戲中惹禍是誰
誰人在叫 誰人在跳 誰讓光輝的記憶放在這裡
渡海輪上 萬家燈火裡 多少個的你或我 曾為這光景陶醉

路已難辨 舊居都改建 但那懷念 開枝散葉蔓延
物會磨滅 事不可改變 逝去年代 清晰往事可見

決定離去 決定回去 不改變的往事永不會道別誰
哪日離去 哪日回去 一生最好歲月也深種在這裡
什麼時候萬家燈火裡 多少個的你或我 仍為這光景陶醉