Watched this on tv on sat. Not too bad, I guess, compared to those cheap 'HK' movie that uses Mainland actor n actresses who can't speak canto so they just dubbed over it but the dub work is so shitty that the 口形完全唔夾.
Like many other movies, I actually enjoyed the 配角 more than the 主角. 演阿媽的演一個八婆師奶演得入目三分,令我真的想dull把星她. But the one I like the most is 朱咪咪, I've always kinda like her. I usually see her in comedies n she makes me laugh. 估唔到今次做個正經既角色都得喎,俾到一個好慈祥既阿姨既感覺我,醫院o個一幕都做得好好。
But then the movie itself wasn't particularly good. That's the thing about hk movie. They are usually not that good when they try to b serious. They can b not bad but hardly considered as good. On the other hand, some of the silly movies bcos u know that it's no gd u ended up laughing at it so it might turn out to b quite entertaining.