前幾個月有人好 random 咁送咗一盒咸餅乾過我,都唔知要黎做乜好,於是買左一小罐麥牙糖,弄一弄小時候愛吃的咸餅乾麥牙糖三文治。
真的很愛吃,sweet and salty.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Lost in Translation
接咗個 volunteer work, 幫我喺香港既朋友做 translation.
朋友寫緊博士論文,interview 咗一個人,錄咗音,做我 translate 篇嘢做英文。個 interview 成兩粒鐘,translate 喺上黎都幾金,但係幫朋友,無計啦。
其實篇嘢頭三十分鐘已經有人 translate 咗,但我個 friend 叫我佢執一執番篇嘢(話哂我都係放羊之人,不論個 expectation 係 va 唔 valid 都係,人家都 expect 我的英語會好一點)。
問題是,朋友希望我返娘家之前搞掂,orz... 唔係話唔得,但我一係唔做,但既然應承咗人家,當然唔會求其交貨,所以其實都幾 time consuming.
不過,個 interview 既內容都蠻 interesting,加上我從來都未做過呢d咁既 translation 既工作,所以都幾有趣。 ^_^
朋友寫緊博士論文,interview 咗一個人,錄咗音,做我 translate 篇嘢做英文。個 interview 成兩粒鐘,translate 喺上黎都幾金,但係幫朋友,無計啦。
其實篇嘢頭三十分鐘已經有人 translate 咗,但我個 friend 叫我佢執一執番篇嘢(話哂我都係放羊之人,不論個 expectation 係 va 唔 valid 都係,人家都 expect 我的英語會好一點)。
問題是,朋友希望我返娘家之前搞掂,orz... 唔係話唔得,但我一係唔做,但既然應承咗人家,當然唔會求其交貨,所以其實都幾 time consuming.
不過,個 interview 既內容都蠻 interesting,加上我從來都未做過呢d咁既 translation 既工作,所以都幾有趣。 ^_^
Sunday, February 19, 2012
The Paris Wife
A book that I stumbled across by accident.
Apparently, it's a very popular/new book cos the line up for it was long. I waited for over a month.
I really didn't know what the book was about and so it was very interesting cos I didn't know what to expect.
Sort of like a love story I guess.
It's about the wife of Hemingway. I didn't know anything about Hemingway expect that he wrote 老人與海, so the end of the story surprised me a little. Wasn't what I thought would happen.
It's a pretty good story tho, even tho it doesn't make me like Hemingway.
Apparently, it's a very popular/new book cos the line up for it was long. I waited for over a month.
I really didn't know what the book was about and so it was very interesting cos I didn't know what to expect.
Sort of like a love story I guess.
It's about the wife of Hemingway. I didn't know anything about Hemingway expect that he wrote 老人與海, so the end of the story surprised me a little. Wasn't what I thought would happen.
It's a pretty good story tho, even tho it doesn't make me like Hemingway.
Got a date for the operation.
Finally booked the tic as well.
All the waiting and now all of a sudden a big rush.
Excited but also not too thrilled about the 15hr plane ride with 小J.
And now that 小J's tagging along, we can't stay at my parents' apartment anymore.
So accommodation is another headache.
And packing, I don't even want to think about it.
But despite all the trouble, I'm very glad that we are finally moving forward. And also very excited abt visiting home and friends again.
Actually, don't know how many friends that I can meet up with cos I imagine I will stay with family for at least the first half of the time. And even when I'm not staying with family, with 小J's schedule, I really don't know how I can meet friends who are mostly available only at night (人家也要搵食的嘛).
Anyway, we'll figure it out. Just minor technicality. Worse comes to worse, just stay with family. I'm sure my frds (if they are true frds) will understand the situation.
Fingers cross on everything, from the flight to accommodation to the operation to everything else.
PS. Too bad I wasn't going back in Feb. Narrowly missed 子華's 野豬舞台劇,嗚嗚... >_<
Finally booked the tic as well.
All the waiting and now all of a sudden a big rush.
Excited but also not too thrilled about the 15hr plane ride with 小J.
And now that 小J's tagging along, we can't stay at my parents' apartment anymore.
So accommodation is another headache.
And packing, I don't even want to think about it.
But despite all the trouble, I'm very glad that we are finally moving forward. And also very excited abt visiting home and friends again.
Actually, don't know how many friends that I can meet up with cos I imagine I will stay with family for at least the first half of the time. And even when I'm not staying with family, with 小J's schedule, I really don't know how I can meet friends who are mostly available only at night (人家也要搵食的嘛).
Anyway, we'll figure it out. Just minor technicality. Worse comes to worse, just stay with family. I'm sure my frds (if they are true frds) will understand the situation.
Fingers cross on everything, from the flight to accommodation to the operation to everything else.
PS. Too bad I wasn't going back in Feb. Narrowly missed 子華's 野豬舞台劇,嗚嗚... >_<
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Tipping Point
Heh... Another book.
It's written by the same guy of Outliers.
As I mentioned before, I actually wanted to read Blink but the library doesn't have Blink as ebook. Too bad. I didn't like Tipping Point as much as Outliers. I found that the argument was harder to follow.
It was interesting tho. After I've read these two books, there were two instances of TV show that referred to terms that I've learned from these books: 10,000 hrs to become an expert (Outliers) and the broken window theory (Tipping Point). I mean, these ideas are not original from the book. The author simply incorporated these theories to support his point. It's not like the TV show writers were using the author's idea. But it was just interesting how they came up at the same time. If I didn't read the book, I probably wouldn't have any idea what the TV show were talking about.
I felt like reading someone's thesis while reading these books: The way the author has some sort of hypothesis and then he uses various example and other ppl's theories to prove his point. And then some case studies to futher illustrates that his hypothesis applies.
It's written by the same guy of Outliers.
As I mentioned before, I actually wanted to read Blink but the library doesn't have Blink as ebook. Too bad. I didn't like Tipping Point as much as Outliers. I found that the argument was harder to follow.
It was interesting tho. After I've read these two books, there were two instances of TV show that referred to terms that I've learned from these books: 10,000 hrs to become an expert (Outliers) and the broken window theory (Tipping Point). I mean, these ideas are not original from the book. The author simply incorporated these theories to support his point. It's not like the TV show writers were using the author's idea. But it was just interesting how they came up at the same time. If I didn't read the book, I probably wouldn't have any idea what the TV show were talking about.
I felt like reading someone's thesis while reading these books: The way the author has some sort of hypothesis and then he uses various example and other ppl's theories to prove his point. And then some case studies to futher illustrates that his hypothesis applies.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Exciting Neigbourhood
Went out for a walk with 小J at mid day on Friday.
When we passed by the corner store near our house, I realized that there were crime scene tapes all around it.
And then a few blocks down, there were police cars there and a whole block along Milverton was blocked off by crime scene tape!!
A Special Investigations Unit truck arrived right when we walked by!!!
The SIU truck was still there and there were reporter-looking ppl around. The crime scene tapes were still there. I took a picture of the SIU truck with my phone. heh.
Went home to check online to see if there's any news about it. Sure enough, there was.
Apparently, a guy (who might be a bit mental) wandered out from the hospital into the neighbourhood. He was somehow pursued by the police and eventually got killed at the end. In the process, a police or two was injuried.
Isn't it crazy?
When we passed by the corner store near our house, I realized that there were crime scene tapes all around it.
And then a few blocks down, there were police cars there and a whole block along Milverton was blocked off by crime scene tape!!
A Special Investigations Unit truck arrived right when we walked by!!!
The SIU truck was still there and there were reporter-looking ppl around. The crime scene tapes were still there. I took a picture of the SIU truck with my phone. heh.
Went home to check online to see if there's any news about it. Sure enough, there was.
Apparently, a guy (who might be a bit mental) wandered out from the hospital into the neighbourhood. He was somehow pursued by the police and eventually got killed at the end. In the process, a police or two was injuried.
Isn't it crazy?

Saturday, February 4, 2012
Conference Call
I remember 笨 had this post a little while ago ahout how ppl are not concentrating in their conference call.
Now, I'm one of them.
In fact, I'm at a conference call right now.
你唔怪得我架唔尊重佢哋架,個 conference call lasts two days, 尋晚本來話係八點半開始,我等等等,等到十點幾,我一直又email又 txt msg 都無回應,最後成十一點我都熄咗電腦佢哋先 txt 我話原佢哋唔記得咗我,真係 bear 一聲。仲要好意思同我講話佢哋而家完咗,不過食緊消夜,問我仲想唔想同佢哋 conference call, 痴筋架,我老實唔客氣咁同佢哋講話,I'm not gonna watch you guys eat. I've already turned off my computer and I'm going to bed now.
And then this morning, it's supposed to start at 9am. 我已經諗住 skip 開頭嗰 part, 第二 part supposedly 9:30 開始,咁我九點廿幾分上咗,但佢哋可以成十點先開始到。What a waste of my time.
既然佢哋都咁唔睇重個 conference call, 我都無謂咁認真,你話係唔係?
加上d material 我一早就睇過哂,開會班人六個有四個之前都無睇過,又係喺度洒時間 explain 俾d無 prep 到既人聽,in fact, I suspect that I have a better understanding of the material than the presenter. I really only need to participate in the discussion part, once everybody understands the results (which I hope they will within the next hour or so... orz...)
So, I'm really just sitting in front of my computer, with my "listening" face to pretend that I'm paying attention, while my hands are secretly typing like crazy. haha...
Now, I'm one of them.
In fact, I'm at a conference call right now.
你唔怪得我架唔尊重佢哋架,個 conference call lasts two days, 尋晚本來話係八點半開始,我等等等,等到十點幾,我一直又email又 txt msg 都無回應,最後成十一點我都熄咗電腦佢哋先 txt 我話原佢哋唔記得咗我,真係 bear 一聲。仲要好意思同我講話佢哋而家完咗,不過食緊消夜,問我仲想唔想同佢哋 conference call, 痴筋架,我老實唔客氣咁同佢哋講話,I'm not gonna watch you guys eat. I've already turned off my computer and I'm going to bed now.
And then this morning, it's supposed to start at 9am. 我已經諗住 skip 開頭嗰 part, 第二 part supposedly 9:30 開始,咁我九點廿幾分上咗,但佢哋可以成十點先開始到。What a waste of my time.
既然佢哋都咁唔睇重個 conference call, 我都無謂咁認真,你話係唔係?
加上d material 我一早就睇過哂,開會班人六個有四個之前都無睇過,又係喺度洒時間 explain 俾d無 prep 到既人聽,in fact, I suspect that I have a better understanding of the material than the presenter. I really only need to participate in the discussion part, once everybody understands the results (which I hope they will within the next hour or so... orz...)
So, I'm really just sitting in front of my computer, with my "listening" face to pretend that I'm paying attention, while my hands are secretly typing like crazy. haha...
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