Thursday, June 21, 2012


尋晚去幫詹占買啤酒,竟然俾人check ID, 嘩,大哥,你真係俾面!其實我分分鐘大個賣啤俾我嗰位哥哥仔。

我經已用咗我最 sure 既聲線同語調去 order, 但都係要我出示 ID, 我仲又咁啱留咗係架車度要出返去囉,唔知佢開頭係咪以為我逃走呢?XD

雖然我著既係街坊 look, 但應詃都不至於令人低估我既年齡咁多卦,我仲要係揸車去架喎,如果我踩車,咪仲細個?!

幾廿歲人仲俾人 check ID, I am flattered! XD

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Kingkiller Chronicle

A trilogy that I'm currently reading.

I love it!

I borrowed the ebook from the library. The first one "The Name of the Wind" was better, I thought, but the 2nd one "The Wise Man's Fear" was pretty good still.

However, apparently, the 3rd book is not going to be out until May 2013!!!

I didn't know that the last book wasn't out yet. Well... I actually didn't know that it was a trilogy when I started. I tried to sign out the 3rd book, only that I couldn't find it in the library. So I looked  it up online and found that it's not published yet... orz...

This series is sorta like HP in certain yet but darker and the audience is obviously adults. The main character also went to a magic school but it is a university. There're also other quests and stuff instead of just about going to school. Anyway, it's good, or so I thought.

I recommend this series to people who likes fantasy but I probably would also recommend you to wait till the 3rd book's out so that you don't have to wait.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Have You Ever Seen

A firefly?

I can now say that I did!! ^o^

Firefly is something that I have never thought that I would be able to see in real life, not in my life anyway.
It's something that I only expected to see it on TV or books or stories.

So how and where did it happen?

The youth fellowship of church had a BBQ in a MH park.
We stayed till dark and as we were packing up, one of the boy told me that he saw a firefly. He said that he saw the light twice and told me where he saw it but I couldn't see it.
On our way walking out of the park to get to the car, I saw it from afar!
It was very exciting!! I told the rest of the kids about it.
And we all saw them~~~ Yay~~~
As we continued to walk, either our eyes are adjusting or it's getting darker and darker or more fireflies are coming out, they are everywhere.
So many of them!

I tried to use my phone to take a video of them but it was too dark and my phone's camera is too crappy so I couldn't get any video.
Some of them were flying.When I tried to videotaped it by following the light, they flashed once and I aimed my camera towards it but then when it flashed again, it's already away from my camera's field of view.
And there were so many of them in the bushes a little bit far away from us.
They were all flashing and flashing, like stars!!
It was beautiful!!

It was also very obvious that some kids didn't care much about the nature tho.
We pointed out the fireflies, they were like, "Oh ya! That's really cool." and then they went back to their ipod-listening, game playing or whatever they were doing.
Some of us were genuinely excited and we just couldn't watch enough.
If not because of the mosquitoes, I probably would have stayed longer to watch them.
For me, it was so amazing.
I can still hardly believe what I have seen.
It wasn't that far from civilization, either. Unbelievable!

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Continued from the other post.
我既方程式係no2因為我覺得 no 1 係洗得唔乾淨架,因為洗洗吓,成盤水都係油。
但係我既同屋主用的是 no 1, 所以我總係覺得佢洗完之後d碗碗碟碟都係肥淋淋。

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Got complaint by a frd who said that I don't update anymore but play stupid fb games.

Well... got a few explanations, I guess.

There are two different things that I would like to explain:
1. Doesn't update very often here.
2. Why do I play stupid fb games?

2 is a little easier to explain so let's get that over with first.
I started playing mainly because my sis plays. But then after a little while, I'm hooked. Better now, cos I am not hooked anymore, although I still play.
I also play cos sometimes I don't have much time to do other things when I only have a little bit of time while 小J sleeps. More explanation as to why I don't have much time in the following.

Now, back to 1.
I am actually writing entries almost everyday... but on a different blog. A private blog. A blog dedicated to 小J to record our time together, at least for this year.
Since I'm not working right now and that my time is pretty must all spent in the company of 小J, most of the stuff that I have to say goes to that blog and I don't feel like repeating myself here.
I don't have too much time to update here anyway, after posting on the other blog because when 小J is sleeping, I have to do laundries, prepare for meals, clean up etc. So after I 'catch up' with the other blog and finishing all the house chores, I don't feel like typing no more.
I am actually rather busy in the past two weeks.
小J 發高燒 on the long weekend and we ended up in the emergency. After that, I spent most of my time taking care of a sick, cranky 小J.
Last weekend, we went to the States and I had a mountain of laundry (I do laundry for everyone in the house) to catch up on for the rest of the week.
And ever since 小J was sick, he got spoiled because we held him to sleep (he couldn't sleep on his own while he was sick). Now that he's all better but he's also all spoiled, won't go to sleep on his own and doesn't sleep through the night no more. And naturally, the one person who doesn't go to work have to stay up at night.
This weekend, we had a wedding to go to and of course, 小J's schedule is once again all wrecked again.

We are devoting a lot of time and energy trying to retify the problem. (Luckily, it seems to be slightly better now. Hopefully, by the end of this week, he'll be back to normal. Finger crossed.)
So I'm totally exhausted during the day recently. Sometimes when 小J's having a nap in the afternoon, after doing all the chores, it's not worthwhile for me trying to have a nap myself cos I know that he's going to be up very soon so I just play the mind-numbing game to past some time.

I have also spent quite a lot of time hunting for 臭B服務 in the past week since September is closing in fast and we still haven't nailed down anything yet. Little bit of a panic right now cos we want something good but we are too poor so we don't want to pay too much for it. That makes the search even harder.

And actually, I have a couple posts on the go but just never managed to get them finished.

On top of all these, who's really following this blog anyway, maybe except the frd who filed the complain...