My neighbour's relative came over all the time cos they leave their children to be babysat by my neighbour.
A lot of the times, after they come over to pick up their kids, they honk their horns on their way out.
I never thought of it much until now that 小J is here.
The honking wakes up 小J from his nap sometimes so it definitely doesn't not impress me cos quite a bit of effort was involved to get 小J to sleep.
What's the point of this honking anyway?
It's not like my neighbour doesn't know that he/she is leaving. They probably have already said their goodbyes before they left. So what does this honking signals?? That their car is running fine so that they are _actually_ on their way???
Another thing that pizzles me is the number of times that they come over in a day.
Again, I never notice this before until now I'm staying home with 小J.
It's definitely more than just drop off and pickup and the time is weird.
I assume that pickup and dropoff happens in the evening and in the morning, after and before they go to work.
But no, it''s not. It's random and they come over more than twice a day. And they come over on weekend as well.
Sometimes, it's the husband coming over. Sometimes, it's the wife.
Maybe both of them work shift???
But how come so many times a day?
Pizzled pizzled pizzled...