Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Got most of the house chores under control before 小J went to bed last night so I could go to bed relatively soon after he’s asleep.

Combined with the fact that 小J slept in till 6:30 this morning, it means that I got almost 8 hours of sleep last night!! Almost. Close enough.

I haven’t had this much sleep in one night for I don’t even rmb how long now (at least a few month). Feels good to have enough sleep, regardless it’s physical or purely psychological…

So nice. In love

Friday, July 26, 2013


Work has picked up its pace recently. Keeping me quite busy.

A few little projects were started and then put on hold half way thru for various reasons. And then my supervisor ended up scrambling around to get me work on some other projects in order to keep me occupied.

I am worried and I know that all these little things that are hanging around right now will come back at the SAME time. And they will come back when I’m super busy with other projects. And to make it worse, I’m sure that by the time they come back to me, I will have forgotten every little details about them already and I will have to scratch my brain out trying to remember what has been done and what was left undone.

When things where put on hold, I was required to stop immediately, no matter what the state of the project/analysis was. This makes it difficult to pick it up again cos I could be in the middle of a multi-steps analysis and all the intermediate files may not be very well named and such. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to tidy them up before leaving them alone cos all the time and labour has to be ‘chargeable’ (i.e. charge to a project). When things are put on hold, you are not allow to charge any more time to it in order to save the budget for later when things starts up again. Altho this logic doesn’t make sense to me (cos if I stop right the way, yes, no more time is charged _right now_. But if I don’t spend that little extra time to clean things up, it’s going to end up costing more in the future when we start things up again cos all the files are a mess and it will end up taking longer to pick them back up, not to mention more prone to errors if the wrong intermediate file is used.), that’s just the way the company (or the industry) operates. All I can do is to try my best not to have alzheimer.

Frustrating, yes, but not much I can do but to cross my fingers that they are not going to come back to me all at once.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

All I can say

At this point is that I’m very busy recently.

Work has picked up.

小J needs more attention.

Church stuff is not more but is not less, either.

Trying to get back into some sort of exercising routine.

Pretty darn exhausting.

24 hr a day is definitely not enough.

I haven’t even played Candy Crush for a few days. Don’t even have those extra few minutes.

A few posts are brewing… brewing…

Friday, July 12, 2013

Upcoming Race

In less than 2 weeks. Triathlon. It’s actually the only race I’ve signed up this year. All the others weren’t races. This will also be the last race/course thing that I’m doing this year. After this, there’s only trips (Scot and camping).

Sigh…Sad smile I’m so NOT in shape for it. I trained a lot less than I would like to, mainly due to the fact that 小J goes to bed too late that by the time he’s asleep, I want to sleep as well.

Anyway, altho I’m not very prepared so as race day approaches, 心情也難免有點興奮.

Just hope that I won’t have a heart attack during the race.

It’s gonna be a busy weekend. Race in the morning, potential highland game in the afternoon and nephew’s birthday dinner in the evening. And then still have to drive home from Guelph. Sunday worship, sunday school, youth fellowship and then potential meet up with 詹占's frd visiting from Calgary.

Trying to see if I could squeeze a few jogging or even swimming session between now and next Sat but my timetable is looking grim.

I was hoping to do better than a few years ago in terms of finishing time but I seriously doubt that I will even come closed. Sigh…Sad smile

On a separate note, there are something called “Triathlon Swim-Bike” category. What the heck? I can understand the Bike-Run one cos it’s called “duathlon”. But how come Swim-Bike is called Triathlon?? Isn’t ‘Tri’ means 3??? Where’s the 3rd thing? Disappointed smile

In fact, swim-bike is even less ‘tri’ than the bike-run duathlon cos the bike-run is actually ‘run-bike-run’, whereas the swim-bike is purely ‘swim-bike’.

I honestly don’t understand this new category. It feels like it’s for ppl who want to tell others that they are doing a triathlon but don’t actually want to do one. I myself has never been a running person but I’m still doing all three. That’s part of the challenge, no? Why take the easy way out? Why don’t just go for a swim or a bike ride? All in or all out, 做乜咁唔三唔四? If it’s for ppl who are not sure if they can finish but just want to try it out, there’s already a category called “Give-it-a-Tri”. It’s basically a shortened version of the triathlon. So I really don’t understand why is there a swim-bike category.  Duathlon, I can sorta understand. Maybe some ppl can’t swim. At least they are substituting the swim with a run. But this swim-bike category simply cut off the run portion. I really don’t understand the reason behind this. Confused smile

Friday, July 5, 2013

O Noir

Went there for 詹占's birthday celebration last month.

I have heard about this restaurant for a while already and have always wanted to try it out. Finally found the excuse to go. Flirt male

It’s pretty cool. We went in from the wrong entrance tho so we entered into the ‘lobby’ of what looks like a cheap cheap motel and was all confused. And the attendant there told us to go to the basement. I was all skeptical but followed the instructions anyway. Getting out of the elevator, altho there’s a ghetto sign that says “O Noir” but there wasn’t even one soul to be seen there. No waiter/waitress to greet us, no sight of other customers.

We wandered a bit and then finally saw someone…

Anyway, the big selling-point of the restaurant is that customers enjoy their meal in utter darkness (guess that’s why it’s in the basement). The servers were all blind employers (the chefs and cashiers were not tho). So we ordered our dinner in the lit louge area and then we were led by our server, Victor, to our table where he gave us some instructions, telling us where to feel for our cutleries and napkin and glasses.

The meal was fun. I had two of my courses as ‘surprise’ so that I can test my taste bud. James wasn’t quite adventurous as me and regretted it afterwards cos he said it would be more fun to have to guess what he was eating. Oh well… 你自己點菜時話唔要order ‘surprise’ items. 無得怨. Smile with tongue out

I had problem guessing some of the items in my appetizer. It was weird cos I could clearly tell that I have had that food before and that both the flavour and the smell was so familiar, except that I couldn’t put a name to what I’m tasting. Took me _a long time_ to name it out – strawberry. And there’s also the unripe avocado which I guessed correctly (tho I wasn’t very sure the whole time). It’s kinda weird that they serves me unripe avocado. I wonder if that’s a mistake.

It was hard to try to finish everything on your plate cos you don’t really know if there’s anything left! Disappointed smile Have to fish around, while trying not to get too messy with my hands.

I was surprised by how well Victor was locating us and handing us stuff. I know that it wouldn’t be a problem for him to navigate around the different tables and things cos he’s familiar with the place but he could even hand us drinks and food to our hands. That was something cos it involves interaction with different ppl and different ppl have different height and they move differently. Anyway, he was good.

Some ppl cheated tho. We saw a few flashes of lights from either ppl’s cellphone or watches. Maybe they were just trying to turn them off. I wasn’t sure. I mean, why go there if you are going to cheat, right?Thinking smile

The food wasn’t spectacular but it’s worth the experience. Quite special.In love

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Children Mischiefs

I am surprised how the first reaction of parents these day when finding their children doing something weird bad things is to take a photo to post on fb later.

Aren’t they supposed to be stopping their children right the way???Disappointed smile

當然,這些相很多時也真的很好笑,只是有時卻會想想,你影完相之後又駡,會不會 send a mix msg to your kids, 孩子會不會覺得很 confused 呢?