Finally watched my first match on Monday. It’s good that I’m in NA, not HK that I don’t have to stay up at night to watch the matches but then the matches happens during working hours so I need to to somehow sneak off in order to watch.
I was bad. I turned on the live stream at the corner of one of my monitor to watch Germany vs Portugal. To my disappointment Portugal lost 4:0. 有冇搞錯! But it' was kinda nice that I did manage to see two of the goals. Nothing spectacular tho.
Also watched most of Brazil vs Mex on Tuesday in the gym at the basement of the office (more to say about some other time). Brazil 搞乜? I used to be a Brazil fan, 曾幾何時. But they disappointed me again and again and I have kinda given up on them… I still would like to see them do well tho. 加油呀.
Didn’t watch any yesterday. Was planning to but then work got super ultra busy so I can’t get away.
Planning to see England vs Uruguay this afternoon. I’ll see if I have time. It could be the end of England if they don’t deliver. Well… I guess same to Uruguay.
None of the game I’ve watch was particularly exciting so far tho.
Speaking of unspectacular game, this is truly spectacular: