Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Late Night Entertainment

A free wild life live show last night – Raccoon fighting.

This time, we were simply the audience.

We heard the calling sound of a baby/young raccoon at around midnight. At first, we didn’t pay much attention to it cos it sounded kinda far away. But after a little while, we heard the moving sound of a normal-sized raccoon and it sounded pretty closed by.

So we opened our blinds, found the little pocket flashlights that’s handy and tried to figure out where the heck these raccoons are.  Didn’t see much at first cos our flashlights were pretty sucky (well.. actually they are pretty good for pocket size but it’s not strong enough to see too far).  Then we started to heard more fighting/angry noises.

And then we saw eye… one eye… two eyes… reflecting off our flashlights. It was on our neighbour’s shed, two doors down).


It wasn’t moving towards us, which was good.  But it was definitely looking right into our light, probably wondering who/what the heck is shining at it.

Then… we saw another pair of eyes… More creepiness…

They moved from two doors down to one door. Our neighbour had a tree where there apparently was another raccoon’s territory. The young calling sound resumed and some more hissing sound.

Suddenly, some fighting sound and the two pairs of eyes crashed down the shed to the ground, taking a bird feeder with them on the way down. They scurried a bit and did two laps around my neighbour’s backyard, crashed into something that we were unable to see in the dark and eventually left the property.

Guess the guy in the tree won.

Then we saw another pair of eyes showed up and slowly went towards the neighbour’s table and chairs in the backyard and out of shining range of our little flashlights.

The show was over.

We watched for a good half an hour.

Thanks for the entertainment, raccoons, altho I still wish that I could shot you guys.Devil

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

兩個字 - 無聊!


雖然 to raise the awareness of ALS 既目的都算係達到,但 I personally think that for those famous ppl, it's more of a publicity stunt more than anything.  Actually, this is more so for the semi-famous ppl. 那些半紅不黑的明星呀,所謂的明人呀嗰D,覺得佢哋係當做廣告搏出位多D囉,根本都唔知佢哋有冇人 tag 佢架,又唔知佢哋係咪真係捐錢既。

同埋我唔鐘意俾人梗硬局你捐錢,覺得值得既,就有冇呢D stupid challenge 都會捐啦。同埋捐錢做乜要 post上網呀?要人知你有幾善心嗎?





唔好tag我,我一定唔倒加唔捐(你咁宅,根本就無人 tag 你啦唔該...)

Monday, August 11, 2014

FB Cleanup

我係每天都在FB窺探人家生活的無謂人,但返排發現每日出現在我FB newsfeed 上,被我窺探的,at least 70% 的都跟我的生活毫無關係,生活圈子完全不同,基本上多年完全無聯絡的。


尤甚是呢D每日出現既人,佢哋 post 既絶大部份都係D超級無謂嘢,唔係D貓貓狗狗嘢,就係轉 post 其他的網絡圖文,基本上我都係 scroll 過就算。

我又不至於會 unfriend 呢D人咁串既,不過我決定 unfollow 呢D人。

呢幾日,我個 newsfeed 小咗好多嘢,我唔駛 scroll 到關節發炎,而我亦完全唔覺得自己 miss 咗D乜,反而感覺良好。Smile



MCD – McDonalds

ST – Special treat

PIE – pie


Most of these words are food-related. Nothing naughty that you would see on TV. The main reason is that we need to make sure that we have the consent to let 小J have the object in question but if he hears us talking about it then it would be the end of discussion cos then he is going to have it unless we want to have to lengthy confrontation.

But the problem comes when one day:

One of us (can’t remember which): “Shall we go to MCD this morning?”

小J:Yay! We are going to McDonalds!

Disappointed smileDisappointed smileDisappointed smile When did he learn how to spell McDonalds!?!?!

Luckily most other things still works, but he starts to ask "What is X-X-X?" or "Why/What are you spelling?".  It's getting harder to keep secret with Mr. Inquisitive here.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Raccoon 大作戰

近排屋企的 raccoon 作惡,唔知係因為天氣熱我哋開窗瞓,定係因為佢哋真係勢力坐大,成日半夜都聽到佢哋打交,經過或者係傳宗接代(那是詹占說的,佢話以前租屋時就親眼見到 raccoon 傳宗接代時會發出嗰D聲),令人睡不安寧。

前排仲整爛埋我家的蘋果樹,一大段斷了下來。Steaming mad蘋果樹本身就已經不大,仲要俾佢整斷,而家就是很K型,就死就死的樣子。Sad smile


詹占跟隔離屋的大叔就很大膽,詹占走咗出去用水射佢,但佢就越爬越上,加上樹葉太多,最後俾佢走咗去一個射唔到既位。隔離屋的大叔更大膽,走咗去樹底用電桶照,看看 raccoon 走咗去邊。佢真係好嘢 Thumbs up,俾著係我,我會好驚隻野跳落黎我度,我先唔會走去樹底。

This is the time when I really wish that I have a  powerful BB gun that I shot the darn thing.  But apparently this is illegal, even if you don't kill it… I think it totally should be legal, cos 隻死嘢一副有持無恐的衰相。

I'm normally not an animal hater, but with raccoon… I really don't love them.

Friday, August 8, 2014


Hangerburg = hamburger
Booboobaybay = blueberry
I 砵 jor =我放咗屁 (English + non-language word + chinese grammar) - 實在太強!Laughing out loud
唔食哂 - 食唔哂  (語法錯誤)

You! (Finger pointing at 詹占, 很強勢的說) Go take off your bicycle glasses, now!
You don't sing it! And you don't sing it! Only I sing it!


a-ba-la-ba  ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
a-ba-la-ba  a-ba-gangtoeby