Friday, February 27, 2015

House of Bricks

Sesame street released this House of Cards parody.

I don’t usually like sesame street. It’s not part of my childhood. I don’t relay to it. But I still find this awesome! Thumbs up If you have seen and like House of Cards, you’ve got to watch this.

Even Kevin Spacey left a message on u2b. Pretty cool!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Seeking A Friend for the End of the World

Surprisingly cute little movie. To me anyway. Don’t think it’s for everyone.

Even liked the oldie music for the movie. I don’t normally pay too much attention to the songs of a movie or I should say, they don’t usually catch my attention. But I do like the ones in this one.

Spoiler below. You are warned.

Steve Carell and Kiera Knightley. Quite an unusual pair, in my opinion. But somehow they made it quite cute.

And their world did actually ended. That surprised me a little. The premise was that the last human attempt to avoid some extraterrestrial object (I can’t rmb what it is exactly) to impact the earth has failed and they are on the count down stage to the end of the earth. So I kept thinking that the earth will somehow miraculously survived. Maybe the astronomers calculated the trajectory wrong or the object was deflected by some other ‘natural’ ways or something like that. But no, their world actually ended and that was the end of the movie.

Steve Carell and Kiear Knightley did end up as a pair of lover at the end. Maybe the world did have to end in the movie cos their love are really based on the fact that the world is ending. It is all beautiful and romantic and all but if they actually survived, their love may just die with time and that probably won’t make a very good story.

Another thing I like about the movie is that, most of the ppl are nice.  Sure, there’re quite a few crazies due to the end of the world that they gone nuts on drugs and sex and stuff. But nobody was really mean to other ppl. And Steve Carell’s character is just unbelievably nice and good that you can’t help but love him.

Kiera Knightley isn’t as beautiful as she once was. She’s been trying to rise above the “I’m just a beautiful girl” thing and wanted to be taken seriously as an actress so she’s not trying to be the pretty vase in quite a few of her movies. And her character here doesn’t need to be beautiful anyway cos she’s a bit of a screw up and a druggie. I personally think that her beauty peaked at Love Actually.  Not bad in Pirates either. But man, super gorgeous and sweet in Love Actually, even tho she only had a tiny little role in that movie. It’s almost worth it to see that movie just to watch her being all beautiful and wonderful. Red lips Anyway,  離題了.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Phone Problem

It is happening again. As mentioned in previous post, one of my phone’s power button doesn’t work so you can turn it on and off. The other phone can’t charge.

And then eventually, the 1st phone won’t charge either.

For some miraculous reason, the 2nd phone started charging again before everything died on me. So I’ve been hanging on with the 2nd phone only.

Yesterday, I dropped my phone on the floor… again… And the power button on the phone failed… I thought I was screwed but then I searched on Google Play for some app that would have an on-screen on-off button. I know it exists for iPhone so I figure I just need to find the Android counterpart. And I did succeed. Pretty pleased abt it. It’s working fine and solved my problem.

So I’m still hanging on with the crippled phone until, hopefully, when I go back to work so that I hv money to buy a new phone.

Monday, February 23, 2015


First of all, happy Chinese New Year!

However, this post isn’t going to be a pleasant ones. It’s gonna be the kind of post where I rant about other ppl… again… (Ya, I know. I’m such a bxtch!)

My FB update was totally 充斥著 various ppl’s kids ‘同大家拜個年'.  Some of them wearing some sort of Chinese New Year-sy clothings. Some of them not even bother. For the most part, the kids are not in any type of 拜年 pose. The older ones were just standing in the pictures. The young (baby) ones were simply staring into the camera.

To me, it’s just another excuse for those ppl to post pictures of their kids, which most of those ppl do all the time anyway. I am not completely against ppl posting pictures of their own kids, but I don’t want my fb updates to completely flooded by them for a few days. Same goes with Christmas and other festive seasons. And these so called ‘greetings’ are so impersonal. Well… that’s the essence of fb anyway.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Online Gallery

小笨has reported to me that the image for spam protection on comments was not working a long time ago. Unfortunately, my online gallery is using 詹占's web host so I don't actually have control over a long of things. I asked him to fix it but of course it never got fixed. I finally disabled the plug in just so that the comment function works again.

The plug in doesn't work perfectly anyway since there's always some spam that somehow get through and left all kinds of spams that I had to delete manually. Instead, I activated Akismet. I'll see whether this will work better than the old thing or not.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Yours? Mine?

One time we were visiting 小J’s cousin. We were playing in the basement and cousin said something (I didn’t catch what it was). And 小J came over to me, gave me a huge hug and said “She’s MY mommy, not your mommy!” Super possessive. But in this case, also super sweet. Red heart It was unexpected cos I was not on his good book at the time. Daddy has been his best friend and true love while I was just nothing.

Guess the last statement needed some explanation. 小J has been talking about what he loves and stuff recently, after watching Frozen and they probably learn emotions in daycare. His true love was kleenex and cars for a while and then switched to daddy at some point.

Me: 我係咪你 true love?
小J: No, I don’t love you. (Crying face)
Me: But I still love you.
小J: No, you don’t love me bcos I don’t love you.
Me: You don’t have to love me I can still love you (trying to explain)
小J: No, I don’t love you. (obviously do not understand…)

Another occasion.
小J: Daddy is my best friend.
Me: 咁我係咪你 true love?
小J: No, I don’t love you. Daddy is my best frd and my true love.
Me: 咁我係咪你個 best frd?
小J: No.
Me: 咁我係乜?
小J: You are nothing. (Broken heartCrying face)

This attitude has developed since 二少 was born. Before that, I has always been the preferred one. >_< So anyway, bcos of that, it was surprisingly sweet when he was all possessive like that.

Another time, grandma was visiting. She was holding 二少 during lunch time at our house. She said something abt 二少 (again, I don’t remember what she actually said).
小J: He is not YOUR baby. He is OUR baby!

So cute!Red heart He has definitely come around on his view on 二少. Has changed from having nothing to do with him, to at least sort of friendly from time to time. Still not super loving yet but at least he wouldn’t go physically hurt him (like some horror story that I’ve heard from some other ppl) when we turn our head but sometimes actually tries to help console 二少.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


二少 is super pukey, totally different from 小J. When I say ‘super’, I mean it. I’m not one to exaggerate things. Both the volume and frequency of the vomit is way higher than normal. To the point that weight gain has stopped at some point so that we got referred to a PED…

Unfortunately, the referral was done right b4 xmas so we had to wait for a long time to actually got an appointment. (And there was a little incident that we got told to go in anyway during the break so there was doc on duty that would see us but turned out it was only for emergency and therefore a total waste of time on my part).

Anyway, finally got in two weeks ago and there were a couple suspected causes. Either 二少 has GER or has food sensitivity. So now, I am on this no diary diet, which means no milk, no cheese, no yoghurt, no cream. And no soy either. So hard to do. Can’t even do the easy breakfast like cereal bcos of that. Not to mention ice cream. No pizza either…

I don’t know if I would rather it be GER (which sounds more like an actual sickness) than food sensitivity bcos supposedly, kids usually grow out of GER sooner than sensitivity. But for GER, there’s not much I can do to lessen the issue but with food sensitivity, I can avoid certain food. But then avoiding food is a pain in the ass.

But so far, avoiding diary and soy product seems to do the trick, to a certain extent. There’re still spit ups, everyday. But at least it’s not all through the day and the volume is definitely less. And he seemed to have chub-ed up a bit in the past two weeks.

At the same time, 二少's digestive system also seemed to have matured. Only one poopy diaper per day, as opposed to 4-6 times. So it seems like he’s absorbing his food better.

So really, is the diary that causes the problem? Or so it happens that he has grown out of whatever the problem was at the same time?? Don’t know. Going back to the PED this week. Let’s see what she’s going to say.