本來有份出去做 survey, 諗住正哂啦,而家又唔係好熱,可以出街行行行一日當做運動都好,但最後都係被迫留左喺 office,仲要我負責 prepare 所有出街街既人既 map, 唉.
四月中,公司會有改動,唔講係乜住,因為都未正式 official,總知就唔係升職加薪(係都唔區!),但其實都應該係事在必行,到時再講過,I hope this change is for the good. 一方面好多未知數,另一方面可能會係學野既好機會,究竟是吉是禍,一切要留待下月分解.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
唔理 super 既要求,最後就係乜都冇做。
睇完左雀,打機。嘩,發現原來我好耐未打過機喇,well... 係好耐未自已一個人打機。打左都幾耐,中途又出左去睇左一陣雀同red squirrel, 再打過,然後要開始準備dinner同聽日既lunch, 其實我真係覺得自己好適合做退休人士 or 家庭住婦囉。
咁就同上司講話都係唔返啦,instead of telling me to rest at home, he asked me if I can work from home. 有冇搞錯,公司呢排根本就唔係好多野做,上個星期五仲係冇野做冇到勁無聊,做乜要我喺屋企做啫,d野又唔係急既,我聽日返黎先做都得啦。
On the other hand, intead of saying that my super is too mean to me, maybe I should be grateful that he let me stay home...
喺屋企,邊有心情做野架,尤其是d野唔係急吖嘛,做佢個頭,我做少少,又完全集中唔到精神,加上 remote desktop, 有時個mouse or keyboard 個feedback好慢,做到忟,不如唔好做。反正我都係pay by the hour, 我唔claim你錢咪得囉。雖然呢排係幾等錢駛,但有時都真係情願喺屋企發吓呆。
Thursday, March 12, 2009
不過,以我之前既煮嘢能力,要大進其實不難,即係由1進步到2,就有100個巴仙既進步;但由100到101,就只有1個巴仙既進步;咁我本身係接近零,就算只係進到 0.5,我既進步就是 infinity 啦!hahaha...
不過,以我之前既煮嘢能力,要大進其實不難,即係由1進步到2,就有100個巴仙既進步;但由100到101,就只有1個巴仙既進步;咁我本身係接近零,就算只係進到 0.5,我既進步就是 infinity 啦!hahaha...
尋日見好似咁暖咁,同詹占約埋食完飯去散步,為將來既退休生活作練習,點知勁大風囉,氣溫 literally 急降十度,認真凍到痴肺,行左唔係好遠就決定都係打道回府.
行左唔係好耐,但都影左幾張左,evening 影無腳架真係唔係好掂,唔知係咪飲得太多咖啡既原故呢?In any case, 決定下次再去傍晚散步,如果攞相機既話,就唔爭在攞埋腳架.
尋日見好似咁暖咁,同詹占約埋食完飯去散步,為將來既退休生活作練習,點知勁大風囉,氣溫 literally 急降十度,認真凍到痴肺,行左唔係好遠就決定都係打道回府.
行左唔係好耐,但都影左幾張左,evening 影無腳架真係唔係好掂,唔知係咪飲得太多咖啡既原故呢?In any case, 決定下次再去傍晚散步,如果攞相機既話,就唔爭在攞埋腳架.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
我唔討厭冬天,唔會好似好多人咁每一次落雪都 complain, 但 right now, I'm totally ready for summer to come. 近兩日回暖,更加令我希望夏天快到,I miss running on the field and sweating like a pig.
其實四季之中,我最唔喜歡就係春天,成日都濕 lup lup 咁,仲記得以前喺香港朝早返到協記嗰時,d枱同d牆係可以出哂水架喎,勁誇張.而我係好唔鐘意落雨架,傾盤大雨都還可以,最唔鐘意就係毛毛雨毛毛雨咁成日落唔停,開遮又唔係,唔開又唔係,唔知佢想點.春天的好處就是代表住夏天的快將來臨.
夏天,令我好想去觀星.Really love star observation, 每一次當我躺在每天星斗之下既時候,總是覺得跟大自然好親近,跟創造既神好親近,同時亦覺得自然很奧妙.每次與星同眠,心都是好平安同好舒服的.
我唔討厭冬天,唔會好似好多人咁每一次落雪都 complain, 但 right now, I'm totally ready for summer to come. 近兩日回暖,更加令我希望夏天快到,I miss running on the field and sweating like a pig.
其實四季之中,我最唔喜歡就係春天,成日都濕 lup lup 咁,仲記得以前喺香港朝早返到協記嗰時,d枱同d牆係可以出哂水架喎,勁誇張.而我係好唔鐘意落雨架,傾盤大雨都還可以,最唔鐘意就係毛毛雨毛毛雨咁成日落唔停,開遮又唔係,唔開又唔係,唔知佢想點.春天的好處就是代表住夏天的快將來臨.
夏天,令我好想去觀星.Really love star observation, 每一次當我躺在每天星斗之下既時候,總是覺得跟大自然好親近,跟創造既神好親近,同時亦覺得自然很奧妙.每次與星同眠,心都是好平安同好舒服的.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Mouse Problem
It's computer's mouse, not the animal.
I had been skeptical about the Apple mouse even before I bought the computer cos I simply like my logitech mouse that I bought for my old laptop too much. It's not fancy wireless or anything. In fact, it is wired but it's simple 啱我手型 and I just loved it. But as 腎腎 said, it looks nicer to have to whole setup of the same style so I have been using the Apple mouse ever since I got the new computer.
I have had problem with the speed of the mouse from day one. I'm the kind of ppl who like to set the sensitivity of the mouse motion to pretty high. I used the max setting on my Mac and I still find it too slow. I hate it when I have to lift the mouse and then put it down in order to move through the whole screen. Some ppl do not mind it and do so even when it's not necessary (like some ppl in my office) but I don't like it. I want to be able to move through the whole screen in one continuous motion.
For ppl who might now know, Apple mouse only has one button, not two like most mice do. And its scroll button is a ball that can be turned in any direction. The one button thing was the one of the main reason y I didn't switch to my logitech cos I for sure will try to do right click instinctly. But last week, I couldn't take the tracking speed of the apple mouse anymore. I decided to give my logitech a try to see if I can get a better speed out of it. And .... I LOVE IT. I found the perfect speed that I want to operate with. And to my surprised, I realized that the right-click button is actually implemented!!! Awwwwwwwwwwesome! With the apple mouse, if you want to pop up the menu that u normally get with a right click, you have to use the keyboard in combination with a mouse click. I am quite a keyboard person at work but it's a bit annoying to have to do both mouse and keyboard at the same time at home cos my hands tend to freeze at home so that I normally like to sit on it or put hand in pocket etc. I'm so glad that the right click works.
The only thing is the "back" button on my logitech. It doesn't do the "back" action on the browser but activates the "space" instead. In case I can't find a way to override that default behaviour, I will just have to live without the convenient "back" button on my mouse and have to actually press the "back" at the corner of the browser instead. Also, I lost the 360 scroll button on the apple mouse as well as the nice look for the whole apple theme. But none of them is a big deal, really. I am simply so happy with the current tracking speed of my mouse.
Yay for logitech!
I had been skeptical about the Apple mouse even before I bought the computer cos I simply like my logitech mouse that I bought for my old laptop too much. It's not fancy wireless or anything. In fact, it is wired but it's simple 啱我手型 and I just loved it. But as 腎腎 said, it looks nicer to have to whole setup of the same style so I have been using the Apple mouse ever since I got the new computer.
I have had problem with the speed of the mouse from day one. I'm the kind of ppl who like to set the sensitivity of the mouse motion to pretty high. I used the max setting on my Mac and I still find it too slow. I hate it when I have to lift the mouse and then put it down in order to move through the whole screen. Some ppl do not mind it and do so even when it's not necessary (like some ppl in my office) but I don't like it. I want to be able to move through the whole screen in one continuous motion.
For ppl who might now know, Apple mouse only has one button, not two like most mice do. And its scroll button is a ball that can be turned in any direction. The one button thing was the one of the main reason y I didn't switch to my logitech cos I for sure will try to do right click instinctly. But last week, I couldn't take the tracking speed of the apple mouse anymore. I decided to give my logitech a try to see if I can get a better speed out of it. And .... I LOVE IT. I found the perfect speed that I want to operate with. And to my surprised, I realized that the right-click button is actually implemented!!! Awwwwwwwwwwesome! With the apple mouse, if you want to pop up the menu that u normally get with a right click, you have to use the keyboard in combination with a mouse click. I am quite a keyboard person at work but it's a bit annoying to have to do both mouse and keyboard at the same time at home cos my hands tend to freeze at home so that I normally like to sit on it or put hand in pocket etc. I'm so glad that the right click works.
The only thing is the "back" button on my logitech. It doesn't do the "back" action on the browser but activates the "space" instead. In case I can't find a way to override that default behaviour, I will just have to live without the convenient "back" button on my mouse and have to actually press the "back" at the corner of the browser instead. Also, I lost the 360 scroll button on the apple mouse as well as the nice look for the whole apple theme. But none of them is a big deal, really. I am simply so happy with the current tracking speed of my mouse.
Yay for logitech!
Church Website (Advertising Post :P)
Wa... Friday already. This week kinda flew by.
Have been working on web site stuff on my free time at home. I have two websites to manage these days. Both of them comes from church. I inherited the management of this one site about 1.5 years ago and it has been a bit of disaster. The original site wasn't written too well so it's quite hard to manage. Luckily, most of the things on the site do not change too much so it's pretty low maintenance. I have done some changes to it but it still looks quite ugly. well...it's probably my fault. I should have done a better job on changing its look but I really don't want to...
Another site is a new born baby. It's the website for my own church. Ya, my church hasn't had a website all these time. 真是有夠 outdate 的. Anyway, this one is starting from scratch so I can get all the files and scripts organized the way I wanted. From finding web host to actually writing the html were all done in solo bcos in the tiny aging congregation that I'm in, not many ppl could help me on that. 但也由於是一手一腳的包辦,所以是很有心機的去做啦.Although it's just a very simple website, I'm no designer so it took me a quite a long time to finalize on the layout and design of the page. It's still very simple but I like it cos it's clean and neat. And that's pretty much the best I can do by myself without an artist to help me on the art side of the page.
Content 方面,shamefully, 真的是很不濟,因為也是我寫的,跟我一起讀過中學,認識我的人也知道我作文是多麼的叻.I have asked ppl to help me but I didn't get any response, 無奈地唯有自己從其他教會網頁左抄左抄的拼出來.
還有要做的是 English + Chinese. Chinese 仲要 traditional chinese + simplified chinese. 本來有個可以打中文的教友可以幫忙的,but again didn't hear much response. 咁一不做,二不休,continue solo. Hope that he can help out in the future updates of the site. Right now, I just want to get it done instead of leaving it hanging.
Finally everything is finished last night. Honestly, there's really not that much on the website right now. Mostly having the site so that ppl know that we exist. Content 方面,還是慢慢的 expand 吧.There's also not much pictures on the site (besides the gallery page). Asked for pictures and once again, no response. 唯有有時間的時候自己去拍完再 upload吧.
After so long, here's the link:
Comments and suggestions are welcome. Can either tell me directly or use the comment form on the website bcos the forms are submitted to, of course, me! haha...
I'm glad that I can use what I've learned in work in web programming 去為教會出一點點的綿力, maybe that's y I'm still stuck with this job! ha.
Have been working on web site stuff on my free time at home. I have two websites to manage these days. Both of them comes from church. I inherited the management of this one site about 1.5 years ago and it has been a bit of disaster. The original site wasn't written too well so it's quite hard to manage. Luckily, most of the things on the site do not change too much so it's pretty low maintenance. I have done some changes to it but it still looks quite ugly. well...it's probably my fault. I should have done a better job on changing its look but I really don't want to...
Another site is a new born baby. It's the website for my own church. Ya, my church hasn't had a website all these time. 真是有夠 outdate 的. Anyway, this one is starting from scratch so I can get all the files and scripts organized the way I wanted. From finding web host to actually writing the html were all done in solo bcos in the tiny aging congregation that I'm in, not many ppl could help me on that. 但也由於是一手一腳的包辦,所以是很有心機的去做啦.Although it's just a very simple website, I'm no designer so it took me a quite a long time to finalize on the layout and design of the page. It's still very simple but I like it cos it's clean and neat. And that's pretty much the best I can do by myself without an artist to help me on the art side of the page.
Content 方面,shamefully, 真的是很不濟,因為也是我寫的,跟我一起讀過中學,認識我的人也知道我作文是多麼的叻.I have asked ppl to help me but I didn't get any response, 無奈地唯有自己從其他教會網頁左抄左抄的拼出來.
還有要做的是 English + Chinese. Chinese 仲要 traditional chinese + simplified chinese. 本來有個可以打中文的教友可以幫忙的,but again didn't hear much response. 咁一不做,二不休,continue solo. Hope that he can help out in the future updates of the site. Right now, I just want to get it done instead of leaving it hanging.
Finally everything is finished last night. Honestly, there's really not that much on the website right now. Mostly having the site so that ppl know that we exist. Content 方面,還是慢慢的 expand 吧.There's also not much pictures on the site (besides the gallery page). Asked for pictures and once again, no response. 唯有有時間的時候自己去拍完再 upload吧.
After so long, here's the link:
Comments and suggestions are welcome. Can either tell me directly or use the comment form on the website bcos the forms are submitted to, of course, me! haha...
I'm glad that I can use what I've learned in work in web programming 去為教會出一點點的綿力, maybe that's y I'm still stuck with this job! ha.
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