Friday, March 6, 2009

Church Website (Advertising Post :P)

Wa... Friday already. This week kinda flew by.

Have been working on web site stuff on my free time at home. I have two websites to manage these days. Both of them comes from church. I inherited the management of this one site about 1.5 years ago and it has been a bit of disaster. The original site wasn't written too well so it's quite hard to manage. Luckily, most of the things on the site do not change too much so it's pretty low maintenance. I have done some changes to it but it still looks quite ugly.'s probably my fault. I should have done a better job on changing its look but I really don't want to...

Another site is a new born baby. It's the website for my own church. Ya, my church hasn't had a website all these time. 真是有夠 outdate 的. Anyway, this one is starting from scratch so I can get all the files and scripts organized the way I wanted. From finding web host to actually writing the html were all done in solo bcos in the tiny aging congregation that I'm in, not many ppl could help me on that. 但也由於是一手一腳的包辦,所以是很有心機的去做啦.Although it's just a very simple website, I'm no designer so it took me a quite a long time to finalize on the layout and design of the page. It's still very simple but I like it cos it's clean and neat. And that's pretty much the best I can do by myself without an artist to help me on the art side of the page.

Content 方面,shamefully, 真的是很不濟,因為也是我寫的,跟我一起讀過中學,認識我的人也知道我作文是多麼的叻.I have asked ppl to help me but I didn't get any response, 無奈地唯有自己從其他教會網頁左抄左抄的拼出來.

還有要做的是 English + Chinese. Chinese 仲要 traditional chinese + simplified chinese. 本來有個可以打中文的教友可以幫忙的,but again didn't hear much response. 咁一不做,二不休,continue solo. Hope that he can help out in the future updates of the site. Right now, I just want to get it done instead of leaving it hanging.

Finally everything is finished last night. Honestly, there's really not that much on the website right now. Mostly having the site so that ppl know that we exist. Content 方面,還是慢慢的 expand 吧.There's also not much pictures on the site (besides the gallery page). Asked for pictures and once again, no response. 唯有有時間的時候自己去拍完再 upload吧.

After so long, here's the link:

Comments and suggestions are welcome. Can either tell me directly or use the comment form on the website bcos the forms are submitted to, of course, me! haha...

I'm glad that I can use what I've learned in work in web programming 去為教會出一點點的綿力, maybe that's y I'm still stuck with this job! ha.

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