Two weeks ago 星期六花了四個多小時出席公司HR舉辦的 communication event,基本上我覺得係浪費時間,個 event 既 theme 係 “discover your color”, 有四種顏色,每一種代表不同既性格/工作 style,基本上有小小似心理測驗.
花四個幾鐘去做個心理測驗,仲要係無 paid 架喎,仲要去到無雷咁遠既 golf club 去做,仲遠過返工,洒時間之餘仲洒油錢,又唔係真係學到d乜喎,如果係真真正正既 training, 我係唔會介意星期六 din d時間出黎學嘢,但做d無謂心理測驗就真係好廢.
其實做嗰個咁既測驗,十五分鐘就做完,但就係前前後後個講員講嘢同做埋d無無聊聊既 communication/team building activity,搞到十五分鐘變四個幾鐘.I know I know, the point is that thru this exercise, we understand ourselves and others more and learn how to work with each other more smoothly and effectively. But still, I don’t think I remember much of what other ppl’s color is so that I can apply those “techniques” to deal with ppl according to their color. I understand that the ppl who organized this event was really 用心良苦,但我真係覺得唔太 practical.
Another thing is that the test is solely based on the assumption that ppl can answer the questionnaire honestly and objectively. Basically, if you “think” that you are, for example, a spontaneous person (while nobody else thinks that you are), and you answered the questionnaire based on your own knowledge about yourself, then the result is merely a reflection of what you “think” you are, but not who you “really” are.
For instance, I, unfortunately, got to sit next to this lady that I could not stand.點解我咁唔 like-y 佢 is a story on its own and I’ll leave it for another entry. (btw, I seem to get stuck with these ppl that I really don’t like during group events like this. For some reason, ppl whom I don’t like seem to like me… =_=) Anyway, she perceives herself to be a “good listener” which was sooooo not true. I believe that most ppl who have any dealing with her know that she’s definitely a talker, not a listener. What I wanted to say is that the result of the test can’t be that reliable cos you might have the wrong perception of what kind of personality you have.
Anyway, 超離題.What I really want to say is my result. 四種顏色入面,每個顏色最高可以攞廿四分,最低係六分.我既色數係 20, 18, 16, 6.All these colors are really just relative cos the questionnaire always asks you to rank the four different kinds of personality so really, even if one of my marks is low, it really only means that it’s not as strong as the others. It does not necessarily mean that I’m “weak” in that particular area. (finding excuses for myself!) I really don’t mind having a low score on certain area cos I know that it’s just relative. I actually thought that the result was quite accurate for me.
But the problem was that we all have to write down our scores on the big sheet of paper taped to the wall so everyone can see everyone’s score. =_= And what’s the area of my lowest mark? Blue, which is the personality to be sensitive, caring and that kind of interpersonal thing. And I was the only one of the whole room who had such a low score in that area.
So, I got portrait as an anti-social, insensitive person, even got picked out by the speaker and used me as an illustration. She did say that it doesn’t mean that I’m not a nice person but that when I’m working, it might seem like I don’t care too much about other ppl. But I wonder how many ppl in the room did get the point that “the result does not mean that I’m not nice”, but start to think that I’m an impersonal person, especially ppl who doesn’t really know me. Sigh. I mean, I still think that the result is accurate cos when I get to work, I would like to be left alone and do my own thing. I am not particularly social at work. All I want to do is to get my work done on time and leave on time. I don’t like sticking around and chat with other people about stuff like hockey that kind of nonsense. But then, if someone needs help on things, I usually response quite quickly, even it might mean that I have to put down what I’m doing at the time. I don’t think that I’m that impersonal, just that my time management, analytical, and other personality are too strong 而已.
Sigh, 我喺公司入面既好人 reputation 就是如此的被毀掉了….>_
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