If it wasn't for the wedding, I doubt that I would go back to Mexico. At least not this soon.
This time I went to central Mexico. According to Mr.S, it's as far away from a beach as you can within Mexico. So no lazing around the beach, doing nothing and getting sunburn. The city we went to is called "Aguascalientes", which means hot water. So we did went to try to hot spring there. The spring wasn't too hot. It was more like warm water. Regardless, it was still very relaxing to just lying around in the warmth. My first hot spring experience.
I also had my first tequila in my life in this trip. Way to go. If you are having tequila, you better start in where tequila first started, right? ^o^
What I've done in the trip will be described by my photo album (when I have time to upload my pictures) so I am not going to repeat here.
The wedding though, was the funnest wedding I've ever been to. Not that I've been to a whole lot of weddings but this one was definitely the best one so far. The food was awful, in my opinion anyway, cos almost all the food are super spicy. I cannot eat spicy food. So even though the food itself was quite tasty but I just can't taste it. The only flavour that I could taste was the spiciness.
But the fun part was the dance. Oh man, almost everyone went out to dance. It was great. The locals all knows the songs. And the band has all kinds of props and toys. They brought out a boxing ring for the bride and groom and the in laws, with capes and masks for them to wear. And they all got really into and pretending to be fighting and stuff and that made it really fun. Everyone else were cheering from the side and dancing with the music.
There were also these necklaces. They put them on ppl randomly and it turned out that whoever got it have to do a dance with the pole in the middle of the circle. And nobody who has received the necklace refused to play along. And it's all just fun and stuff, not low class at all. Then they brought out this huge caterpillar thing and there were tons of balloons hiding inside so when they open the caterpillar, so everyone were playing with balloons. I know it sounds very stupid but trust me, it was fun. I was even in this jumpsuit at one point with a few other girls to pretend to be some sort of Mexican boy band and jumping around like an idiot. haha... I wouldn't say that I got forced into it but more like "encouraged" to do so.
There were more little toys like huge balloons and stuff and it was all very very fun. There wasn't any bride and groom games that I usually hate but was all little group stuff like the balloons that anyone can participate.
Really, the Mexicans know how to do weddings. Ten thumbs up!!
The sucky thing was, JJ got sick after the wedding and I got sick the day after. The red eye flight back to Toronto was delayed for 2 hours. And we weren't able to sleep on the plane. I usually can get at least an hour or two but no no no, not this time. So the whole end of the vacation was just very very painful and we were really glad when I got home.
But still, it's a nice vacation. Not one of those deadly vacation where we go hiking and cycling and all those crazy activities but nice and relaxing. Looking forward to the next vacation.
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