其實一直,我都想再學番,我覺得,年紀唔係一個問題,況且我都係學黎自娛,唔係要做 professional, 有心唔怕遲.
但實在又有好多 factors 成為阻力.
1.時間.平時真係好忙,personal 既時間都唔係太多,尤其是 summer, 我怕我真係無時間去練,變相洒$.
2.如果真係要學,學得幾個月,除非無諗住學落去,otherwise 就梗係買返套嘢先有得練.但係一來貴,二來無位擺.貴都唔係問題其實,我唔係真係俾唔起,at least 我而家係有入息人仕,要買,都會買得起,只係肉痛.但屋企真係無乜位擺喎.呢個先係大問題.
錢,其實唔係最大既 factor.唔係話我好有$,但如果真係想既話,唔唔係話 afford 唔到,加上我cool 牙嗰度已經供完,每個月少咗一個開支,嗰舊$都應該夠我交學費.但係,我係咪真係有咁既時間?
雖然我知道自己資質有限,但我一直都係幾鐘意玩樂器既,once again, 我係為咗自娛,所以資質有限都無乜所謂.
雖然價錢同仿真度又係成正比...而且都occupy一定o既地方....不過好似比真drum set細少少...價錢可能貴少少...
再唔係..可以試下game box的rock band....個set drums好似同electric drum set差唔多...問人借set番去玩下再decide囉...反正我覺得打鼓學o左手勢之後都係靠自己有無rythm 之嗎..(個人觀點...)...
I know...if I'm going to buy, I'm going to buy an electronic one for sure. Just don't know if it's worth it cos I don't know how long I can last this time before something else took my time away.
Not considering rock band at all. I hate those stupid ppl who plays guitar hero and rock band and somehow actually thought that you can play the instrument... that's just dumb. I'm sure it's a fun game but it's so diff from actually playing the real thing. And it's not like I don't know if I want to learn or not. I already know that I wanted to but I just don't know if I have the time to...
Just to clarify, I don't think there's a problem for ppl to play GH or RB as long as they don't think that they can actually play the instruments.
No no... you don't buy rock band.. you borrow... to see if you can fit the set of drums in your place... if you can't even fit that... then don't bother with the real electric one hahhaaaa.
And if you don't even touch the play drums often, then I guess don't bother to buy the real set....
And I agree, playing it on the game is not the same as the real thing.... It's a lot harder to count the beats yourself....
If you realize you don't have time later.. you can always sell it, right??? Just that it'll be at a cheaper price.... but I don't think they would depreciate a lot.... And the thing is.... I don't know about you.. but if I buy something.. it kinda makes me feel like I have to use it to get my money's worth... so in a way that forces me to make time for it... kinda.....
ic... for the sake of sizing... well... If I really want, I'm pretty sure I can fit it in the basement. Just have to reorganize those boxes that have been lying around since the move. Instead of spreading out for easy access, those boxes could really be stacked to the ceiling. That would free up some space...
Totally understand how you feel about getting ur $$'s worth. I do the same thing, too. And that's y I need to actually take lessons cos then I would have deadlines on my practices to force me. Otherwise, it's going to be like my French textbook...
Watch the drummer... that's pretty intense drumming hahhahaaaaaa....
haha... interesting how I actually knows how to play the guitar part in the first video! haha...
I like how the two guys exchanges places, too. Very gd coordination.
I personally don't really like the 2nd one. I'm sure it takes A LOT of skills in order to add all those weird movement in the drumming but to me, it looks a bit like spasm sometimes. ;)
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