Friday, December 31, 2010

Julie & Julia

Hv heard gd things about the movie and finally watched it on about a month ago. OK wor. Quite enjoyable. I personally like the Julia part better cos the Julie part is a little frustrating sometimes.

Watching the movie made my mouth watered. Wanna eat/cook some French food!

Meryl Streep’s part was a pleasant surprised. The first time I noticed that was in The Devil Wears Prada. Needless to say, that movie didn’t make me like her too much. The 2nd movie was Mama Mia. Didn’t like it too much either. Her interpretation of the character was not my cup of tea law. Felt too 做作. It might not all be her fault. It could be the problem of the director also. I watched Mama Mia for Colin Firth anyway so it doesn’t really matter.

But in Julie & Julia, Meryl Streep surprised me. I didn’t really know who Julia Child was so 詹占 found me some old clips on YouTube. Turned out that Meryl Streep did a very very gd Julia Child impersonation. The way she talked and the way she moved.

I personally didn’t care too much about Julie’s side of the story. I found Julia a lot more interesting.

Another point to note is that the guy who played Julia’s husband, Paul Child, was also in The Devil Wears Prada. I looked up his name, Stanley Tucci. In Devil, he played a SUPER gay fashion designer. I liked both of his characters in the two movies, which is funny, cos I usually dislike those SUPER gay fashion designers. I’m not homophobic but I just don’t understand how come those ppl always have to be _that_ gay. There’re lots of gay guy out there who doesn’t have those sisi gestures and attitude. Even girls do not act like that. I’m longing to see some male fashion designer who is not gay or at least does not act gay.

Anyway, off topic. The point is, somehow Stanley Tucci was able to portrait characters that I normally dislike into someone that I actually kinda like. Good job man, good job.

It’s pretty refreshing to watch a good 小品 type movie without all those special effects and crime fighting and ppl dying. More human, less magic. I like it.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Went caroling with church on Thur night. I’ve only done it once before and it was caroling at different congregation members’ house.

It has been quite a few yrs that our church has stopped caroling. This time, we’ve decided to do it in the neighborhood, singing carols to ppl we don’t know as an outreach event. And my goodness, it was cold! Last time, we always get to go into ppl’s house and jumped into the car between houses, but this time, we can’t go into strangers houses and we were basically going door-to-door. No chance of warming up.

Really appreciated the teens who came out. I know they were really after the food but still, they are willing the face the cold and possible mean ppl who would slam the door at us. Not to mention 小賴 who was basically the singing leader. 沒有他氣運丹田既歌聲助陣,我哋呢班蚊之咁細聲既雜牌 choir 又點會成到氣候?And of course, there are the few who are 年過半百既 brothers and sisters 亦都冒著嚴寒出席,真係唔話得.

Some of the kids though… are so attention deficient… annoys me sometimes cos they would agree to do something but 10min later, they are tired of it and were totally distracted already. When are they going to grow up???

Friday, December 24, 2010


所以 update 個 blog 多咗.



要好好珍惜清閒既日子,因為 I have a feeling that I’m going to pay for it later……

Thursday, December 23, 2010




不過好衰架,三月結,我啱啱先返過香港,咁短時間唔可以再返,唉,睇黎我又 miss 多一個 frd 既 wedding… >_< 嗚嗚... 唔制...


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Definition of Cheating

Read a stupid article on msn webpage before about a survey of what kind of action do ppl consider as cheating on your partner. I don’t really agree with the results of the survey but it does show show me how bad ppl’s moral values are these days. Some ppl only consider having sex as cheating while kissing, or some other physical contact is not. Some ppl are a little more conservative and thought that kissing was the start of cheating.

But really, what if your other half goes out with another person on a date? Does it count as cheating?

I have been wondering about this issue ever since one of my frd got cheated on (in my opinion) while the cheating person claimed that whatever he/she did didn’t count as cheating. Bascially, he/she went out another person while he/she was still in the previous relationship. He/she claimed that it wasn’t cheating bcos ppl do go out with the opposite sex from time to time. Being in a relationship does not mean that you are not allowed to go out with ppl of opposite sex. He/she got a point (although I still consider that as cheating) but where is that fine line?

Suddenly, I think I know the answer.

Cheating is basically the loss of integrity. It’s not defined by a specific behavior/action that once you cross that boundary, you would be considered as a cheater. But rather, I define it as something you would not/cannot tell your partner before you do it or something that you would not do in front of your partner. Not to say that you have to tell your partner every single things but if in your heart you do indeed feel like you can tell your partner without 隠瞞 whatever you are doing, then I guess it’s not cheating.

In another word, if you can tell your partner that you are going out with this other person and you have no problem telling your partner everything that you guys have done or will do, then it’s not cheating, even if you guys are going to kiss or whatever bcos your partner do have knowledge of it so I don’t consider it cheating. But if indeed, you are or have kissed this other person and you tell your partner, even if it’s not cheating, it’s at least not respecting your partner cos you basically 親口話俾佢知你俾緊綠帽佢戴.完全既唔尊重.唔算係 cheating, 只係完全既輕視呢段情.

This is my definition of cheating. What’s yours?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sushi Friday

Friday, other than the fact that it means end of the work week, has now an added meaning to it. In my current workplace, for whatever reason, some of the colleagues are very fond of this one sushi place nearby and they pretty much order takeout together every Friday.

For me, as my one pathetic attempt to be part of the group,  do order bento boxes with them from time to time. I don’t think that I can do it every single week. I mean, the food is not bad,but it’s not fantastic either. I don’t think I would want bento boxes every week given that the bento box choices are limited and really only has minor variations. Another reason is that stingy me don’t want to spend $10 bucks every week on lunch.

Regardless whether I order with them or not, I try to eat with them on Friday. It’s actually pretty much the only time of the week that ppl in my team and the one close neighboring team eat together. Ppl usually eat at their own desks at different time. I personally like eating on my own also cos I can be more flexible in when I want to eat and save my brain juice in either trying to engage in conversation or trying to understand other ppl’s conversation so that I can smile politely at ‘jokes’ or ‘funny comments’ at the ‘appropriate’ time.

It’s not all negative I guess. Sometimes, it’s nice to have some 人氣 around you. It’s also a gd thing to try to connect with ppl around me, especially bcos these are the ppl that I see everyday. Or at least show them that I’m friendly. And I do like sushi every once in a while. So it’s really not that bad. Sushi friday, almost something to look forward to. Almost.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Egg Tarts

Thanks to 小笨,whose frd knew where to find the 港式蛋撻模 (turned out that they were in PMall),I finally tried to make HK style egg tarts last week.

Used this one recipe that I’ve found online. It’s 曲奇皮的. Personally, I prefer 曲奇皮 over 酥皮 (unless it’s 葡撻). I like all kinds of 酥皮 bakery goods but 唯獨係蛋撻, 就是喜歡曲奇皮. Anyway, this first time egg tart experiment was not bad. Tasted ok but I think it’s a little too sweet. I may try some other recipe next time.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


等待已久既 show,星期六晚終於去咗睇.


以下有 spoiler 成份,看者自負.


好奇怪既係,頭十分鐘,子華喺大銀幕上既面色都幾殘吓,但之後就好咗好多.係我老眼昏花丫,定係你打既 botox 開始生效,抑或係個 adaptive air brushing algorithm 開始 work?

喺香港上既時候,我睇過一兩則有關個 show 既報導(其實唔係太想睇有關既報導,好同唔好,我都唔想知得太多,免得 spoil 咗),以為會係以"wa苦" 其他藝人 or 娛樂圏既風氣為主,所以都對個 show 冇乜特別期望,只係諗住去笑一吓.唔係話笑唔好,但係取笑人其實唔難,it’s easy to make something sound stupid or riduculous. 但我個人其中一個欣賞黃子華之處,係佢除咗笑之外,仲係有d野,呢個就係佢同其他棟篤人既分別.今次以為只係以取笑其他人為主題,但原來真係講佢自己既血肉史喎,雖然有幾多成真就不得而知,但係有d意思.


開頭播片嗰dok 喎,我唔覺得係搵笨,因為所播既片都好 relevant. 反而令我覺得有d笑點,真係能夠經得起時間既考驗,到咗今時今日,仲係咁好笑.

不過我唔係咁鍾意用音樂去做 transition,還是覺得子華個種轉咗話題你都唔知既 transition 正d.

今次又無上兩年以黎唱咁多歌,唔係話唱歌唔好,但今次好似反樸歸真一d,有服裝,但無d古靈精怪既髮型,I like it!

有帶相機但到最後一刻決定一張相都唔影,個位無舊年咁正,況且要睇相既話上網大把有得睇,仲要比我影既靚好多,所以影都無謂,不如全情投入去 enjoy 個 show 好過.我覺得我既決定係絕對正確.



今年完 show 之後無去等子華,其實我自己都唔知道去等好,定係唔等好.上次既經歷讓人有點沮喪,我唔想再沮喪多一次,但又想再碰一碰運氣.今次由於同糖一齊去睇,所以我就以 "我怎能要求我既朋友喺零下十幾度陪我食西北風呢?" 為原因,說服自己唔好去.唔知道子華有冇發現到多人多嗰個每年都一條友單拖去等佢嗰個戇居某梨今年無出現到呢?定係覺得好高興無人煩佢?


Friday, December 10, 2010

Company-Sponsored Nap Time

It was company’s Ontario Central Region Town Hall meeting on Wed. I didn’t plan to go so I go to work as usual. So did one of my teammates. But my boss insisted the two of us to go to the meeting.

I’ve been to similar ones when I was in the old company. Given that the old company was a lot smaller than the current one, there was still almost nothing that really related to me.

So in this region-wide meeting, I doubt that there was anything that I care about. All it’s about is just the figures about how much the company is making and that how much we are expecting to grow and such. It’s not like they will give me any of those $$ anyway. I’m not even a stockholder of the company, so the company’s performance really have nothing to do with me. As long as the company’s nice and healthy and not having massive laid off, then the rest really doesn’t apply to me.

I mean, if it’s within the office building and that it serves some sort of breakfast (last time in my old company, we had eggs, sausages, bacons, danishes etc), then I would consider going. It was held offsite in the theatre on Yonge and Hwy 7 and only serves donuts and muffins and coffee.

Since we were late, there weren’t many seats left so we ended up sitting in the very front row of the theatre. They used the screen as projector for the presentation and it’s so hard to read from down there. Not that I care too much about reading it anyway. So sitting in the comfy theatre chair, with all the lights dimmed for the presentation, together with the monotone presenter, it was the perfect sleeping environment.

Naturally, I didn’t waste my opportunity to nap. After all, I got up at 6am this morning to transit to work (yes, cycling season seems to be over now). A little nap seemed like a great idea. Therefore, within half an hour into the presentation, I went to have my own personal meeting with 周公. My personal meeting pretty much ended near the end of the company meeting. Perfect.

I guess even though the meeting was a bit of waste of time, it’s still quite a sweet deal for me to be able to get some extra sleep time. Almost better than free breakfast. :D

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Potato Buttermilk Roll

There were some buttermilk at home for some reason so I made this bread last month. First time making them. The 賣相 wasn’t the greatest but they tasted ok. Good for sandwiches. The texture was perfect.


呢個最靚仔, 夠哂圓.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Market

Went to the Christmas Market in Distillery District on Sunday.

Not my first time to go to the Distillery so we really went for the special market. It was surprisingly cold so we ended up going to some of the store/studio that we’ve been to before to warm up. It wasn’t actually that cold but it was the wind that killed us both. Some of the places did have new exhibit/product so it was mildly amusing.

Bought two yummy sounding savory pies. Haven’t eaten them yet. Hopefully, they will taste as gd as they sounded. Solved one Christmas present headache there also so it was quite productive.

There weren’t too many shops but not too bad considering the fact that this was the first time they have Christmas Market there. There were also quite a lot of ppl there in the cold cold weather. Lots of young children in their buggies, totally wrapped up like a mummy. :S

Was going to have dinner there but all the restaurants were packed. Even the expensive one. So we drove to Front St and had dinner at the Bier Market. I’m not a beer drinker so I focused on the food. They were yummy! And lots of interesting choices also. Boar burger, Pot of Moule, quail, fillet mignon burger, interesting sounding salads, erk etc. I picked venison. I’ve always wanted to try venison and I finally got the chance to. ^o^ We also shared a fondue. Yum yum yum! ♥

Friday, December 3, 2010

Celery Root



我知道呢樣野既 existence 好耐架喇,亦知道係食得既,但無啦啦喺超市見到佢咁樣衰係唔會有衝動要買黎試架囉.


詹占個朋友阿拔有個 play farm,佢間唔中會俾d蔬菜我哋,上幾個星期俾咗個 celery root 我哋,我哋一路都諗住整黎食,但拖咗兩個星期,阿拔又有收成,又俾多個 celery root 我哋.於是無可再拖,我上個星期 roast 咗一個黎食.

只係加咗 olive oil 同 rosemary,roast 咗成個半鐘.咦,原來又 ok 好味喎:煮得夠熟夠林既話個 texture 似 sweet potato, 唔夠熟既話就爽似紅蘿蔔.味道呢,似紅蘿蔔 cross 西芹.

Nutritional value 都唔差:

仲有呀,雖然係叫 celery root, 但其實唔係西芹既根呀,請注意唔好搞錯!


Just realized that I have 5 followers on my blog. Out of these 5, I doubt that any one of them are actually “following”.

I actually only know one of them. Who the heck are the other four??!?!?!