就係 lup lup 突突咁樣衰衰囉. 其實好易整,易過整 bread, especially bcos the red bean餡 are store bought. Actually, 我鐘意食花生,但花生d餡無得賣(at least I couldn't find it), 要自家製,我唔敢咁 adventureous yet.
http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/dodo-helen/article?mid=766 According to this it doesn't look so hard la.... But on other sites it says you have to fry the Peanuts and the sesame first....
張相睇落賣相都ok呀...係有d lup dup 不平o者...不過睇落都ok好味咁喎....
你好勁呀~~~~~ *_* 不過,我都係比較鍾意食蔴蓉...
就係 lup lup 突突咁樣衰衰囉.
其實好易整,易過整 bread, especially bcos the red bean餡 are store bought.
Actually, 我鐘意食花生,但花生d餡無得賣(at least I couldn't find it), 要自家製,我唔敢咁 adventureous yet.
睇過網上某d recipe....
網上有d recipe...無味花生整碎加白芝麻加糖就係o架喇喎...聽落好似唔係咁難...聽落啦吓...
Steam ga. So easy la. 糯米粉+water+suger, mix n then steam g ma.
乜花生so easy ga mei? Maybe I should give it a try next time.
According to this it doesn't look so hard la.... But on other sites it says you have to fry the Peanuts and the sesame first....
yes ar yes ar. That's the way I used to remember my mom make it. Have to fry the pnuts first...
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