Friday, February 25, 2011

討厭的 Password System

The work IT system forces user to change their password every 3 months. Very annoying. Cos it’s so hard to remember all these passwords. Has to have both letter and number and have a certain length. And it also imposes a further restriction of not allowing users to reuse their password that were being used into last 3 times! That means, I can’t have just two passwords and rotate between the two.

On top of that, there’re all these little modules of online ‘tools’ at work that require password. Eg. Time tracking, personal health, training, performance management etc. Although these tools are all on the intranet, they were probably developed by different software teams on different systems so they have different login and password. Sometimes the login is the email address, some times it’s your user name and sometimes, it’s just whatever you picked yourself. How am I supposed to remember all these? Also, in the beginning, to simplified matter, I use the same password for all of them. However, since they are on different system, change my password on the workstation login doesn’t change the password on the others. Some of them doesn’t even have password expiration. Therefore, the passwords for the various tools became out-of-sync eventually. Some of these tools are only used once a year or very rarely so I can’t even remember their existence until I need to use them and by then I’ve forgotten their password.

Argh… This is driving me crazy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

很爽的 Work Week



雖然我都唔係咁黑心想農夫受傷既,但佢既傷真係好 timing, 咁啱波波佬唔喺度.

今個星期仲要只係返四日,我星期五咁啱又 book 咗睇醫生驗行檢查,會早退,所以呢,今個星期真係好爽呀!

但係爽還爽,點都要做d嘢交功課先得既,而且,我仲未完全病好,d時間其實都幾難挨,尤其是食完 lunch 既時候特別特別既眼瞓,尋日扒咗喺枱上,一個唔覺意瞓咗,不過只係幾分鐘啫,起身之後仍然超眼瞓,sneak 咗入 sick room 小睡咗15分鐘,只係15分鐘咋,多我都唔敢啦.不過都好過無.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011



上星期睇完 Matthew 喇,進度唔錯嘛!

其實咁樣幾唔錯吖,有個 target 咁睇,個 target 又唔係 attain 唔到,做到既時候又好有滿足感.

其實,今次係我人生第一次睇哂成卷 Matthew, 慚愧慚愧,不過有心唔怕遲啦!:)

下一卷是 Luke! (對,我是 skip 了 Mark, 諗住最短呢卷留返最後先睇)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Delivery Boy

上星期五做咗公司既送貨仔,都幾好喎,送去 downtown, 跟住老細話我唔駛返番公司,叫我返屋企,喺屋企做埋下晝d嘢,爽死啦.

真係好得意,以前公司呢d嘢喺俾 coop students 做架嘛,而家我雖然係 junior, 但竟然 junior 到去送文件.不過我一d都唔 mind 喎,得閒可以出去行吓,唔駛成日困住喺 office 咁樣幾好吖,咁啱上星期五天氣又好好,唔凍又有太陽,真係好好有個機會俾我放監出去.

呢d咁既優差真係多多都 welcome!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Exam Season


One is the long dragged PEO ethics exam (yes, I’ve finally 的起心肝 finished my experience record and application form). I’m hoping to sit in the April seating but there seems to be quite a lot of study so I’m not sure if I should wait till August instead. I was told that the hardest part is to write fast enough. Then 死得啦,I haven’t written anything lengthy by hand for a long long time already. Y can’t they have computer-based exam?? TOEFL has computer-based exam at least 9 years ago law. How come we technology-based engineers can’t have computer-based exam???

Another one is the citizenship exam. It’s basically a history, 社會 exam for me which I suck at. The syllabus is actually quite short la. Just a little booklet but you need something like 80% to pass. Even though it’s all MC, my frd who just took and passed it told me that there are trick questions sometimes. sigh… 真是一題都不能錯,萬一一個唔該,答錯咗dtrick questions, d non-trick questions 又唔識答,it’s very easy to fall below 80%…. The date of this exam is not set yet. Still waiting for the immigration department to send me the date. But it’s got to be this year sometime.

Other than these two exams, my whole church is reading the 4 gospels in the first 4 months this year. d timing 撞哂 PEO exam wor… 我邊度咁得閒 read so many things??? I’m a slow reader to start with so I’m quite screwed.

Actually, the PEO exam isn’t really 只許勝,不許敗, 考唔到可以再考過既,but just that if I failed, I have to pay again and 於老細面上不好看囉.So I kinda want to defer it to August. At least I’ll be done with the intense Bible reading by then (not that I don’t have to read Bible anymore but at least I can do it at a much slower pace). But I’m worried that it might clash with my citizenship exam.

Sigh…  一係就唔讀,一係就全部質埋一齊讀,攞命!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Have been 作病 since coming back from HK. Could not recover from the jetlag for some reason. Maybe I’m too old. Wanted to take a sick day from work to have a rest but since Family Day is coming up, I thought that I won’t waste my sick day but should save it for a month where there’s no public holiday.

Have been 挨-ing 挨-ing. Crashed two Sat in a row. Slept most of the day. Actually got better in the beginning of the week last week but went out till to late on Friday night and I think that caused my body to die again. But finally, on monday, 我挨唔住喇! Only after notifying my boss that I’m staying home for the day did I realized that it was VDay. I don’t know if my boss would believe me. Oh well… I can’t help it anyway. I was actually sick. Slept the whole morning away. Only woke up bcos I was too hungry for lunch.

sigh… 差一個星期都挨唔到去 Family Day, 洒咗!

My throat was a little sore yesterday morning when I woke up. 勉強 went to work yesterday but had to leave early. Running out of juice too quickly. Didn’t do too much at home. My mistake was that I decided to lie on bed to read at around 8pm and I felt asleep until almost 9pm. 跟住就死嘞,到成十二點都瞓唔著.

Actually, I don’t know what kind of sickness I am having. It’s not a cold. It’s more like an exhaustion sickness. Can’t seem to get enough sleep/rest. Just seems to be drained of energy all the time. ~_~

Friday, February 11, 2011


今朝搭 subway 返工,去咗閘後行落樓梯,地下個份一個賤人隨手掉棄既報紙,我前面一個著得好似地盤工人既人執起佢,然後 dump 咗入廢紙回收桶.

通常喺 subway 都係見到d無公德既衰人,今日一早就見到一個好心人,rather refreshing! =)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Album Update

2010-10-13 Taiwan (北投) (Taiwan day 1)

呢幾個月都好懶去整理d相,加上五個人3.5部相機 (my dad's could only c0unt of half a camera cos half of the time, it's not working),尤其是小妹,係唔係都影,d相真係多到...

Friday, February 4, 2011


A good frd of mine gave me this book back in Oct when I went back to HK. It consisted of about 140 true stories from 140 reporters. A pretty gd read right before bed cos you can read a couple of them at a time. Finished it recently. Kinda liked it. Some of the stories were just whatever but some of them were quite touching/inspiring. An interesting view of stories from the reporter’s side and a peek to the life of media workers.

But then, I think that the authors of this book came mainly from the pool of the older generations and reporters with gd ethic value. And therefore, the book seems quite ‘grand’ in a way about how these ppl dealt with different situations. But in reality, there’re sure a lot more ‘bad’ reporters out there simply trying to make a living instead of having those idealistic moral value about what news’ values are and such. But at least, this book offers what ‘the spirit of news’ _should_ be.

Thursday, February 3, 2011






本來以為返工會迫自己習慣番d時間,以前呢招一向好掂,但今次唔係好得,只係白白增加我既痛苦.唔駛返工既話,jetlag 最多咪係屋企攤屍,但喺公司要扮精神,屎忽又好似生瘡咁,坐唔得定,但喺公司又唔可以成日騰黎騰去,無精神又易做錯野,好大壓力...

幾時先 jetlag 完?我好辛苦!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011





Tuesday, February 1, 2011

小小計劃 follow up

之前不是說過小小計劃的嗎?由於是 surprise 小妹既計劃,所以之前不可說出來,但現在計劃已經完成了,可以揭曉了.



呢次旅程的兩程飛機都異常痛苦,我一般都能夠 sleep at least partway, 但今次卻是一點都睡不了,去程更慘,電視在看了一套電影之後壞掉了,眼光光十幾個鐘,看書也看不了那麼多啦,最後就是發呆發咗大部份時間.

今次這麼短程地回去,皆因黏到平雞票,fly standby,  但 standby 的其中一個可恨之處,就是基本上保證你坐單丁的中間位,俾兩個不相識的人夾住,再加上述的因素,是次旅程的飛雞部份真是極度痛苦加難受.

但是就單單是小妹見到我既出現而呆咗足足五秒的樣子,都已經值回票價.今次的回去,真的是純粹探親啦,除了出了一次和好朋友吃晚飯兼攞咭之外,每天不是去探小妹就是待在家或出街買餸.呀,還有最後一天朝早到了我最喜愛之公園走走,其他的時間,可以說是寸步不離家人身邊呀.很多很多年沒有做過這樣的事情喇.我想,自從 my last high school summer holiday, 也沒有那麼多的時間那般的待著.

上次回去才是十月的事,三個月不到又回去,如果可以常常都回去就好了,但當然不希望是像這次一樣 under this kind of circumstances 啦.但是如果不是出了事,老細也不會那麼通融放我回去啦.
