One is the long dragged PEO ethics exam (yes, I’ve finally 的起心肝 finished my experience record and application form). I’m hoping to sit in the April seating but there seems to be quite a lot of study so I’m not sure if I should wait till August instead. I was told that the hardest part is to write fast enough. Then 死得啦,I haven’t written anything lengthy by hand for a long long time already. Y can’t they have computer-based exam?? TOEFL has computer-based exam at least 9 years ago law. How come we technology-based engineers can’t have computer-based exam???
Another one is the citizenship exam. It’s basically a history, 社會 exam for me which I suck at. The syllabus is actually quite short la. Just a little booklet but you need something like 80% to pass. Even though it’s all MC, my frd who just took and passed it told me that there are trick questions sometimes. sigh… 真是一題都不能錯,萬一一個唔該,答錯咗dtrick questions, d non-trick questions 又唔識答,it’s very easy to fall below 80%…. The date of this exam is not set yet. Still waiting for the immigration department to send me the date. But it’s got to be this year sometime.
Other than these two exams, my whole church is reading the 4 gospels in the first 4 months this year. d timing 撞哂 PEO exam wor… 我邊度咁得閒 read so many things??? I’m a slow reader to start with so I’m quite screwed.
Actually, the PEO exam isn’t really 只許勝,不許敗, 考唔到可以再考過既,but just that if I failed, I have to pay again and 於老細面上不好看囉.So I kinda want to defer it to August. At least I’ll be done with the intense Bible reading by then (not that I don’t have to read Bible anymore but at least I can do it at a much slower pace). But I’m worried that it might clash with my citizenship exam.
Sigh… 一係就唔讀,一係就全部質埋一齊讀,攞命!
1 comment:
add oil a!!!
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