Thursday, May 26, 2011


詹占 n me 要襯在十月前去一個小型旅行,因為十月後會爆忙,plus we’ll probably go back to HK for visit later this year. Due to the limited budget and time, we’ve decided to go to Quebec City for a weekend.

其實本來,今年我哋係去 P.E.I. 的,but due to unforeseeable circumstanace, even if we go to P.E.I., we won’t be able to fully enjoy the cycling and all the other activities that we wanted to do.  So we’ve decided to defer it once again (yes, P.E.I. was supposed to be last year…). Too bad cos I sure do miss the seafood that once again slipped away from my reach! XD

We have both been to Quebec City before on our own. 詹占 hasn’t been for many many years while I’ve been there like 3-4 times since I’ve came to TO. The last time I went there was probably 5 years ago. It’s not supposed to be a highly adventurous trip anyway. We just want to get out there and wind down a little.  Niagara-on-the-lake was another option but then we’ve both been to Niagara together and that it’ll probably still be doable after October as a day trip or something so Quebec was our choice.

We finally booked everything last night. Hotels near Old Quebec City aren’t cheap!!  :S We eventually settled with a hotel that’s at the edge of the Old Quebec City. We’ve also booked only the accommodation instead of one of those packages due to limited budget. Not as ideal as it could be but it’s all gd. :)

Going to fly Porter to Quebec, too, as opposed to driving there.  So that alone is something new. Never fly Porter before. Wonder what it’s like. Probably doesn’t matter much cos the flight was just an hour long anyway.

Just have to wait till departure date! 期待-ing.  ^_^

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Worry Sick

Doc called my cell yesterday (I missed the call, only got the voice message).  She said that there’s something that she wanted to discuss with me.  And then proceeded to say that she just saw that I was scheduled for check up this Friday anyway so she said she would wait till then…

Super worried… Last time during checkup, the doctor in the other department already said something that was a little bit disturbing but she said that it’s probably ok and that she’d report it to my regular doctor so that my regular doctor would talk to me about it next time I see her.  So I tried not to think about it in the meantime.

The regular practice of my doc is that they won’t call you if there’s no problem.  Normally no news is good news, like last time I had a MRI on my knee.  If they don’t call you, it means that everything’s fine.

And now, she called me herself (as opposed to the nurse calling me)!!  Highly disturbing. >_<

And worse yet, I missed the call and have to be worried and wait till Friday to know what she wanted to tell me… Sigh…

I hope that all she wanted to talk about is the bone marrow testing/donation options, or simply wanted to repeated what the other doc has told me last time.

For now, I can only tell myself that since she could wait till Friday, it probably means that I’m not dying or the situation won’t get worse within a week… That’s gd I guess… at least I tried to tell myself that it’s gd… it could be worse… at least she’s not telling me to check into the hospital right the way…

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Albums Update

2010-10-18 Taiwan (野柳+九份)
2010-10-19 Taiwan (台北)

After a very hardworking long weekend, I've finally finished organizing and uploading all the taiwan trip pictures. It was like, over 6 months ago. Orz... Next is the rest of the HK pictures. Those should be easier as there aren't that many cameras. One day, I promise, one day I'll finish all the pictures from that trip. One day...

Saturday, May 21, 2011




在這樣的reason 下,再加上我那賢淑的慳家性格(賢淑個屁,cheap 就 cheap 啦),害我很久也沒喝過華田了(誰人害你?),那些茶餐廳又真是節流得離譜,我上次要的熱檸茶,只得兩片比打邊爐的肥牛還要薄的檸檬片,令一向都忍氣吞聲的我都忍不住要求多幾片檸檬.



Friday, May 20, 2011


我家用微波爐 reheat d 嘢食,係叫做“叮飯”.我一直都以為呢個係一個好正常既叫法,因為我印象中好似識得好多人都係咁叫.但近排發現原來其他人既叫法係好唔同.

牧師的家:beep 飯

同事:咪飯 (係 microwave 既 'mic')



Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nap Location

Seems like the prime nap location these days is the car.

Monday: Nothing to do at work, falling asleep at my desk. Decided to have a nap in the car (Thank God for underground parking) during lunch time. After work, I had to wait till 9:30pm for a meeting. Got to the venue too early, napped in the car for another half an hour.

Wednesday: Nothing to do at work in the morning, falling asleep at my desk. Sneaked down again to the parking lot during office hour to have a nap.

Today: Dropped 詹占 off at his buddy’s house at 6:30am so that they can carpool to the airport. Went straight to work but it was too early, especially bcos I had nothing to do at work. Went to a McDonalds but didn’t want to eat breakfast yet. Slept in the car in the parking lot for about an hour.

我都唔明點解我好似患咗渴睡症,日日都好似唔夠瞓咁.尤其是當喺公司無嘢做既時候,坐吓坐吓就一定會變成中吓中吓.今日又係無乜嘢做,睇黎一陣 lunch time 都係上車叉一叉電先得...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ditching Me

詹占 is going to Vegas tmr with four other dudes, leaving me behind.  It’s ok.  I don’t have a huge urge to go to Vegas anyway.  And as long as he’s having fun with his guy frds, I’m ok with it.

仲連同其他人既老婆偷偷地 purchase 咗一個直昇機 tour 俾其中三個麻甩,另外的兩個麻甩成為我哋既內應,到時到咗嗰一日佢哋就會有驚喜!多謝呢兩個老婆,諗埋d好橋做生日禮物,我連諗都唔駛諗,淨係俾錢就得,腦汗都慳番.又咁啱呢幾個麻甩既生日都咁近,works perfectly. 個 tour 其實都好貴,but it’s supposed to be very very good,希望佢會 enjoy 啦,否則就實在係太洒$$喇.

I’m going to have 4.5 days to myself. Wahahahaha… Can’t decide what to do yet.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Different Kind of Stink

So, I finally remembered to bring febreze to work last Friday. And guess what I did?

I sprayed way too much. So the smell of the febreze is waaaaaaay to strong the whole day and I can still smell it today.  It was so strong yesterday that I felt really uncomfortable and gave me a headache that I almost wanted to go back to the poo smell instead… >_<

This is not that first time it happened to me.  The last few times I used febreze I ended up spraying too much also.  But not as bad as this time…

How come I don’t seem to learn my lesson???  T_T

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bad Smell In The Air

Sigh… remember that I stepped on ‘ng ng’ last week?  So I’ve scrubbed my shoes the day I discovered it and then washed the shoes in the washing machine over the weekend and then put them out in the sun to let the UV to kill whatever germs that’s left on it.

I thought that this would fix my problem but that’s not the end of it.

I get a swift of ‘ng ng’ smell at my desk in the office every once in a while. Usually strongest in the morning, probably bcos my nose has not adjusted to the stink yet.  詹占 said that I’ve probably grounded the ‘ng ng’ into the carpet.  That’s just great… cos my colleague told me when I first came to this company that they only clean the carpet once a year… I had no idea when was the last they cleaned it so I don’t know when will be the next time either.

詹占 also told me to bring some febreze to work and spray it a little but stupid me kept forgetting… sigh… so dumb… I have been smelling ‘ng ng’ at work for over a week now… >_<

I also hope that nobody else can smell it in the office cos otherwise, ppl might think that I pooped my pants… that’s not cool…

Monday, May 9, 2011



發現,原來好似好耐無整過麵包,好耐無做過甜品,好耐都好似無 bake 過d乜.

於是襯星期六幾得閒,就嘗試做了椰茸賓,成不成功就見仁見智,味道是不錯的,但賣相就... 你自己看吧.


旁邊的那個散咗,雖然無礙它的味道,但就不能 '出得廳堂' 囉.




Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sleep, Pale Sister

A book given to me by 占媽 for xmas. Doesn’t look like an exciting book to start with but after I finish my exam, I would like to read something non-technical/non-serious for a while.

Basically 占媽 gave everybody a book for xmas. And we had a feeling that it’s just some random book that she picked up.  詹占 already finished his a while ago and he totally disliked the book.

My book is about this weird religious painter who married his 女神 but he treated her totally like a 女神 that he’s pretty much restricting her on everything. So this girl became highly unhappy in her marriage and cheated with this other bad guy who likes to seduce women. And then turned out that this religious painter went to brothel all the time bcos he wouldn’t touch his 女神, except when “his body is weak” that he couldn’t control himself but to fall for the ‘trap’ that his wife is setting for him. This girl, who apparently could let her soul to leave her body, helped (without knowing) the owner of the brothel found out who killed her daughter long long time ago and it turned out to be the painter. The brothel owner is therefore planning her revenge, while the bad guy who seduces women is in need of money so he decided to blackmail the painter with the fact that he goes to brothel all the time. So now, the bad guy and the brothel owner are teamed up against the painter.

That’s how far I’m with the book, about half way. Basically, everybody in the book is a jerk and that’s exactly the kind of story that I don’t like. I want to be on someone’s side when I read a story or watch a movie. It’s ok if everybody is nice but I really hate it when everybody is an A-ho. However, my weakness is that once I started a book, I usually want to finish it, despite the fact that it’s bad.

And why on earth would 占媽 think that I would like a book/story like this is a complete mystery to me. That’s y we thought that she just randomly picked some book without even reading the synopsis.

Wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone unless I don’t like that person! haha…

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sore Throat

Had sore throat for 3 days already. >_< 又唔係好痛嗰隻,但就係成日好似有d嘢嗰個喉嚨丁咁.




Thursday, May 5, 2011







這次的 poster 蠻特別的,有點點藝術氣息.




Stepped on Shit


I wore my running shoes to work today. As I’m sitting in the office, I kept smelling this bad smell. Eventually, I realized that it’s from my shoe. There was some mud looking thing at the bottom which I tried to get off with some paper towel. I thought that it’s just some old mud rotting.

But the smell continue, so when I went to the washroom, I took one of those popsicle stick with me and clean the bottom of the shoes as much as I can. That’s when I realized that there’s big chunk of it on the other side of my shoe that I didn’t notice until then. Get the paper towel to get it off but still there were quite a bit of dried stuff stuck on my shoe.

Luckily, I kept a pair of work shoes in the office. Switched shoes and throw the stinky ones to one side.

So I tried to trace back to where I’ve worn my shoes to last and I figured that the last time was when I cycled to drum class on Monday. And I parked my bike next to a pole on a grass cover. That must be where I stepped on the shit when I came out of lesson and it was getting dark. Who the hack is the a-ho who did not clean up after his/her freaking dog?

Now I’ll have to joy to wash my stinky shoe after work tonight… great… just great… just exactly what I need to do after a tiring work day…

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hair Cut

Went to get a hair cut last Friday~~~

Short la of course but not as short as some other time. The last time I had a haircut was probably in June or July. And it wasn’t a very satisfying haircut. My hair has been getting long enough to start bugging me, especially when I work and when I eat. So since summer is coming soon (hopefully… we’ve been having an unusually cool and wet spring so far…), it’s a good time to start with a hair cut.

And this time is so much better. Went on a Friday evening. The salon was quite quiet, with just a few customers. (I usually go on weekend) So, the stylist has more time and patience to work with me. Last time it was so busy that I didn’t get the stylist I wanted and hence the unsatisfying haircut. Friday evening is definitely a better time to go. Less waiting, better service.

Everybody at work (who does not know that I used to have even shorter hair than now cos I’ve only worked her for just over 1/2 yr) were surprised by my short hair. haha…

And I love the fact that it’s so much easier to dry my hair with a towel after shower, as well as the ease to wash them.
