Friday, August 19, 2011

Vita Lemon Tea - Revisit

So I’ve found some of the old style packaging again in NF. What is going on? Does it mean that the one that I bought the other time was 假冒維他的假貨?

I’m genuinely confused right now. It is quite possible that the one I bought last time was boot leg product since all the other Vita drinks’ packaging remained the same (the short, wider package) .

EDIT: So I tried to look it up online and found this Vita website. So it seems like all the Vita lemon tea are genuine. The skinny ones are the special flavor I supposed. And the 3rd flavor that I couldn’t remember last time was the lime one. I think I would just stick with the chubby package since it’s the original one and I have always loved it.


Dor said...

Ceylon lemon tea tastes great!!! i just tried lime lemon tea last sat, not bad too!

oily oli said...

Ceylon is gd but I can't tell what's the differece between ceylon and original. I hated the icy one cos I don't like mint.

Dor said...

I dislike Icy one too!!! Gimme 5!!!