Just want to put in a quick entry to say that I'm still here, still alive.
Life is super busy and exhausting at the moment that I simply don't have much time to update recently.
Ppl who should know why already knows. No need to explain more here.
Hope that life will be on track soon, although I am enjoying the chaos at the moment. :)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Blog Frequency
其實今年既其中既一類似 resolution 既嘢係想寫多d,紀錄多d生活既點滴.到目前為止,成績都不錯喎,而家係九月,但已經係呢幾年黎最多 entry 既一年.
當然,我現在呢個奶奶閒勁hea 既工實在是功不可沒,讓我成日都咁得閒喺公司打 blog,多謝老細!
不過呢份工對我既 blogging 仲有一個重大影響,就係老細太寬鬆,令我少咗好多對老細不滿,訴怨氣的話題,哈哈!
I suspect that my blog frequency might taper off a little bit for the rest of the year and the beginning of next year tho, with the new life and time-draining responsibility as well as my upcoming trip to HK.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The building management of my office building nicely organized a BBQ lunch as appreciation for all the tenants in the whole complex.
It was just hamburgers and hot dogs and soft drinks. Nothing special. But it’s nice enough of them to hold this free BBQ lunch.
The whole thing ends at 1:30pm so I wasn’t rushing down when it opens at 11:30am. Colleague CMan said at around 12:30 that we probably should head down in case there’s no more food and I was like,
"唔會卦,building management 請得我哋食,唔預多都應該會預夠"
"你以為啦,我哋公司有d人一有 free lunch 就搏哂命咁食,有d仲又食又拎."
"唔會卦(其實我上次又真係見到個又食又拎既人,不過I was hoping that it was just a special case.),應該唔會咁誇張卦.不過如果你想落去,我哋而家落都無所謂."
So then, we headed down. There were already some ppl eating and there was a tiny little line up for the burger/hotdog to be cooked. So me and CMan got in line. And then there’s this Chinese dude, apparently just finished eating something cos he had a plate with him already, got to the front of the line and asked the lady if he could have a hot dog.
CMan and I looked at each other and I could feel her telling me. “See? I told you.”
Personally, I think that 條友都白痴架,見唔見到有人排緊隊架,你就算要添食都要排隊啦,真係想搏打.
And then apparently the hotdogs got cooked faster than the burgers but some of the ppl who were in line (including me and CMan) wanted burger so some of the ppl behind us got the hotdogs first, including this Chinese dude. 跟住我哋又見到呢條友又去番條隊尾度,喺度食佢既 hotdog.
跟住我哋都無留意佢,因為無耐之後我哋既 burger 就到手,so we went to the condiment station. While we were still putting condiments on, that Chinese dude arrived at the station with a burger! This meant that he has finished his hotdog and got a burger!
痴孖筋囉,唔駛錢啫,但駛唔駛喪食呀?仲要呢,我哋落黎之前佢都唔知已經食咗幾多轉.CMan 話佢都唔知係咪之前一晚無食飯,今日搏命食番夠本,仲食埋今晚嗰餐.駛唔駛 cheap 成咁呀?Burger 同 hotdog 啫,唔係乜嘢 high class 嘢囉,屋企買唔起咩?
嗰位呀生之後仲有冇繼續食我同 CMan 就唔知嘞,因為我哋攞完我哋嗰個包就返咗樓上食.同埋嗰位人兄究竟係何方神聖我都唔知道,因為個 BBQ 係我哋呢個 complex 幾橦 office buildings, 每橦入面又可能有幾間公司,所以呢嗰人係屬於邊度真係唔知,可能係我哋自己公司既都未定.
詹占有次都講過,話有次佢公司請食 dinner, 有幾個瘦猛猛,一睇就知平時食得唔多嘢既 chinese, 人哋都 warn 咗佢,個餐佢哋會食唔哂,但都係要 order 至貴既 lobster + steak dinner, 驚死蝕底咁,最後就咪係食唔哂,洒哂d嘢囉.詹占 was so not impressed that time.
我真係唔明,點解dChinese 成日都咁 cheap? 映衰哂其他正常既 Chinese. 添食唔係唔得,添一次都夠皮啦吓話,駛唔駛好似飢民咁?
詹占因為我既關係,多咗去dChinese 地方,見得多咗中國人既優良傳統,令佢對中國人有所改觀,佢一直都以為 scottish 係 stereotypically cheap 民族,但佢而家已經覺得 Chinese 係有過之而無不及.
I heard that 印印同屍你難加既人都可以好 cheap,I sort of 有少少經歷,就係 garage sale 既時候,件貨已經係賣一蚊,佢哋都仲可以同你講價,叫你5毫賣俾佢,我心諗,唔係吓話,一蚊你都仲想講價,你不如真係唔好買啦.
Mayb there’re always cheap ppl in each ethnic group. It’s just more noticeable in Chinese since I have more contact with them. I don’t mean to stereotype but they drives me nuts sometimes and is such an embarrassment.
It was just hamburgers and hot dogs and soft drinks. Nothing special. But it’s nice enough of them to hold this free BBQ lunch.
The whole thing ends at 1:30pm so I wasn’t rushing down when it opens at 11:30am. Colleague CMan said at around 12:30 that we probably should head down in case there’s no more food and I was like,
"唔會卦,building management 請得我哋食,唔預多都應該會預夠"
"你以為啦,我哋公司有d人一有 free lunch 就搏哂命咁食,有d仲又食又拎."
"唔會卦(其實我上次又真係見到個又食又拎既人,不過I was hoping that it was just a special case.),應該唔會咁誇張卦.不過如果你想落去,我哋而家落都無所謂."
So then, we headed down. There were already some ppl eating and there was a tiny little line up for the burger/hotdog to be cooked. So me and CMan got in line. And then there’s this Chinese dude, apparently just finished eating something cos he had a plate with him already, got to the front of the line and asked the lady if he could have a hot dog.
CMan and I looked at each other and I could feel her telling me. “See? I told you.”
Personally, I think that 條友都白痴架,見唔見到有人排緊隊架,你就算要添食都要排隊啦,真係想搏打.
And then apparently the hotdogs got cooked faster than the burgers but some of the ppl who were in line (including me and CMan) wanted burger so some of the ppl behind us got the hotdogs first, including this Chinese dude. 跟住我哋又見到呢條友又去番條隊尾度,喺度食佢既 hotdog.
跟住我哋都無留意佢,因為無耐之後我哋既 burger 就到手,so we went to the condiment station. While we were still putting condiments on, that Chinese dude arrived at the station with a burger! This meant that he has finished his hotdog and got a burger!
痴孖筋囉,唔駛錢啫,但駛唔駛喪食呀?仲要呢,我哋落黎之前佢都唔知已經食咗幾多轉.CMan 話佢都唔知係咪之前一晚無食飯,今日搏命食番夠本,仲食埋今晚嗰餐.駛唔駛 cheap 成咁呀?Burger 同 hotdog 啫,唔係乜嘢 high class 嘢囉,屋企買唔起咩?
嗰位呀生之後仲有冇繼續食我同 CMan 就唔知嘞,因為我哋攞完我哋嗰個包就返咗樓上食.同埋嗰位人兄究竟係何方神聖我都唔知道,因為個 BBQ 係我哋呢個 complex 幾橦 office buildings, 每橦入面又可能有幾間公司,所以呢嗰人係屬於邊度真係唔知,可能係我哋自己公司既都未定.
詹占有次都講過,話有次佢公司請食 dinner, 有幾個瘦猛猛,一睇就知平時食得唔多嘢既 chinese, 人哋都 warn 咗佢,個餐佢哋會食唔哂,但都係要 order 至貴既 lobster + steak dinner, 驚死蝕底咁,最後就咪係食唔哂,洒哂d嘢囉.詹占 was so not impressed that time.
我真係唔明,點解dChinese 成日都咁 cheap? 映衰哂其他正常既 Chinese. 添食唔係唔得,添一次都夠皮啦吓話,駛唔駛好似飢民咁?
詹占因為我既關係,多咗去dChinese 地方,見得多咗中國人既優良傳統,令佢對中國人有所改觀,佢一直都以為 scottish 係 stereotypically cheap 民族,但佢而家已經覺得 Chinese 係有過之而無不及.
I heard that 印印同屍你難加既人都可以好 cheap,I sort of 有少少經歷,就係 garage sale 既時候,件貨已經係賣一蚊,佢哋都仲可以同你講價,叫你5毫賣俾佢,我心諗,唔係吓話,一蚊你都仲想講價,你不如真係唔好買啦.
Mayb there’re always cheap ppl in each ethnic group. It’s just more noticeable in Chinese since I have more contact with them. I don’t mean to stereotype but they drives me nuts sometimes and is such an embarrassment.
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