Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blog Frequency

其實今年既其中既一類似 resolution 既嘢係想寫多d,紀錄多d生活既點滴.到目前為止,成績都不錯喎,而家係九月,但已經係呢幾年黎最多 entry 既一年.

當然,我現在呢個奶奶閒勁hea 既工實在是功不可沒,讓我成日都咁得閒喺公司打 blog,多謝老細!

不過呢份工對我既 blogging 仲有一個重大影響,就係老細太寬鬆,令我少咗好多對老細不滿,訴怨氣的話題,哈哈!

I suspect that my blog frequency might taper off a little bit for the rest of the year and the beginning of next year tho, with the new life and time-draining responsibility as well as my upcoming trip to HK.


Bubblejamie said...

Good luck, take care, add oil and enjoy, ok, mate?

Dor said...

可能到時都好多 entry 架,不過題目既主角會係集中係...^^