Saturday, October 22, 2011


多謝教會的弟兄姊妹,我呢個幾月來機乎完全不用煮飯,每隔幾日就會有 delivery, 只要 reheat/reboil 就有得食,而且d野食仲好過我平時自己煮嗰d,實在太正。





vics said...

You can update ur blog and photo album and sit on a gym ball at the same time so u r not just eat and sleep all the time la hahahaa...

One thing my sis told me to bring u and i never remember was food..she said his boss did that and his friend like u appreciated it very much hahaa now i can see why hahahaa too bad i always forgot...but i guess it's good that i forgot hahaha i'd just buy take out anyway...

Michael Leung said...

Your brothers and sisters are so nice!!!!

Dor said...

haha small ghost, any recent photos? i can reconfirm if you are getting fatter or not :)