Sunday, June 3, 2012


Got complaint by a frd who said that I don't update anymore but play stupid fb games.

Well... got a few explanations, I guess.

There are two different things that I would like to explain:
1. Doesn't update very often here.
2. Why do I play stupid fb games?

2 is a little easier to explain so let's get that over with first.
I started playing mainly because my sis plays. But then after a little while, I'm hooked. Better now, cos I am not hooked anymore, although I still play.
I also play cos sometimes I don't have much time to do other things when I only have a little bit of time while 小J sleeps. More explanation as to why I don't have much time in the following.

Now, back to 1.
I am actually writing entries almost everyday... but on a different blog. A private blog. A blog dedicated to 小J to record our time together, at least for this year.
Since I'm not working right now and that my time is pretty must all spent in the company of 小J, most of the stuff that I have to say goes to that blog and I don't feel like repeating myself here.
I don't have too much time to update here anyway, after posting on the other blog because when 小J is sleeping, I have to do laundries, prepare for meals, clean up etc. So after I 'catch up' with the other blog and finishing all the house chores, I don't feel like typing no more.
I am actually rather busy in the past two weeks.
小J 發高燒 on the long weekend and we ended up in the emergency. After that, I spent most of my time taking care of a sick, cranky 小J.
Last weekend, we went to the States and I had a mountain of laundry (I do laundry for everyone in the house) to catch up on for the rest of the week.
And ever since 小J was sick, he got spoiled because we held him to sleep (he couldn't sleep on his own while he was sick). Now that he's all better but he's also all spoiled, won't go to sleep on his own and doesn't sleep through the night no more. And naturally, the one person who doesn't go to work have to stay up at night.
This weekend, we had a wedding to go to and of course, 小J's schedule is once again all wrecked again.

We are devoting a lot of time and energy trying to retify the problem. (Luckily, it seems to be slightly better now. Hopefully, by the end of this week, he'll be back to normal. Finger crossed.)
So I'm totally exhausted during the day recently. Sometimes when 小J's having a nap in the afternoon, after doing all the chores, it's not worthwhile for me trying to have a nap myself cos I know that he's going to be up very soon so I just play the mind-numbing game to past some time.

I have also spent quite a lot of time hunting for 臭B服務 in the past week since September is closing in fast and we still haven't nailed down anything yet. Little bit of a panic right now cos we want something good but we are too poor so we don't want to pay too much for it. That makes the search even harder.

And actually, I have a couple posts on the go but just never managed to get them finished.

On top of all these, who's really following this blog anyway, maybe except the frd who filed the complain...


vics said...

Ok..un.. but fyi that wasn't a complaint la. just checking up on how u r coping... the cityville updates from time to time are actually good in the sense that i know u r still alove and have time to play games..

U should also try angry birds ahhahhaa... cutting rope is not bad too.. i got it for free but it was only free for a limited time for i-products...

What kinda 臭B服務 are you looking for??? No private housewives from church that offer 臭B服務!? What is Kk doing for hers?? Maybe u can pitch urs in at the same time??

At one point somehow there were quite many of those "private" 臭B服務... Like just a housewife taking care of a bunch of B...not a binch but a few in their homes...i think my high school classmate's mom used to be one of those...if u want i can fire an email to her and see if her mom is still in the biz... but i guess u want those young ones that go to ur home to save u time....

oily oli said...

No housewives from church. I don't actually want a just any housewife to do it if they don't have other kids that they are taking care of as well.
KK's not going to work for me. She's probably got hers in Markham. I might actually be easier for her cos she have both sides of the parents around and the two of them works from home a lot of times.
Ya, we are looking for home-based private, too. But we do want a certain quality. Where's ur frd's mom? Scar? Scar won't work for me cos I'm still hoping to bike to work in the future (may not be everyday but I would like to do so occassionally) and Scar is out of the way between my house and my work.
We don't want someone to come to our place cos again, I would like 小J to have frds to play with.
I know I'm being picky, together with the fact that we are not rich enough to pay a lot for it makes it even harder... :(

vics said...

Yeah.. too bad.. I think my friend's mom is in Scar... according to my friend she used to have a few kids at the same time...

Tough around your neighbourhood... only know asian ones.. mostly in markham and scar...

How about normal day care?? They don't take people so young?