Friday, November 30, 2012




但到咗真係既時候就局住上,也不是太壞啦,是要好 efficient 咁用d時間囉,感覺上係冇得停,但一兩日後就慣了喲。

還好是星期六那天咁好橋有人約食 tea, nice break and good to see other people.

Luckily, 詹占在星期二的時候回來了喇。

單親,not impossible, as long as you are willing to lay down all your time and be dedicated. Well… or else, as long as you are willing to neglect your little guy. haha… that wouldn’t be good parenting tho, would it?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012



佢今次同我講,話做埋呢次之後既 show 就唔會再著埋D古靈精怪既衫,會做番一個 back to the original 既 standup.

Waking up, I highly doubt that it would ever happen, both the fact that he told me about his plan (not even remotely plausible) and the fact that he would 回到從前最 basic 既 basic, 除去所有既 fanfare, 用最根本既棟篤笑.


可是,我諗呢個唔係 majority 最鐘意既嘢,可能大眾的口味不一樣吧,子華不譁眾,就取不了寵,那就要食西北風。

In any case, I still love 子華 la, 那是不爭的事實,只是有時會想想"他現在還能做一個原始的棟篤笑嗎?" 的狂想。

Friday, November 23, 2012

Technical Difficulties

Due to technical issue with the work computer, I haven’t been updating much recently.

Now the issue is resolved, so hopefully I’ll be here a little more often.

Have lots of work to do these days tho. We’ll see.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


First word: “o-oh”
Second word: “dirt”

詹占: Can you say ‘dada’?
Head shaking
詹占: Can you say ‘mama’?
Head shaking
詹占: Can you say ‘dirt’?


Thursday, November 8, 2012

無聊的撐場 Post

近排都好少 post,再不上來多一點就會發霉(雖然也不見得很多人在看這個)。

呢排喺公司都好清閒,其實唔係無嘢做,個 project 其實超趕的(因為已經過咗deadline),但我俾人 hold up 住,做唔到嘢。

所以呀,當上面搞掂既時候,我肯定忙到 PK, 我而家越是清閒,我到時死得越慘。真正既有咁耐風流,有咁耐折墮。

清閒都少 post, 皆因我忙緊教會 website 既 revitalization, 呢個 revitalization 都蘊釀咗好耐,都落手落腳做咗唔少,但係無人 support 底下,仲未做完。

當我想 pick up 番既時候,我就睇呢個做到一半既 website 好唔順眼,於是我又重新 research 再黎過。今次仲連個 backend 都換埋,由於係咁既關係,好多嘢都要 get used to, 又好多新 function 要學同 understand, 搞一大輪先起到步。

不過 so far, 我對呢個新 backend 同搵咗好耐揀咗好耐既 template 都好滿意,hopefully, once it's finished, 我唔會又屎忽痕又 reinvent 佢啦。不過,做完先算,進度超慢的...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The End of An Era

Just heard from someone that Microsoft has decided to discontinue MSN messenger next March to make everyone move onto Skype.

That ends another era of virtual communication. It's kinda sad but it totally makes sense because there's hardly anyone using MSN these days, at least among my group of friends. Even the once all-timer 小笨 is no longer there.

It makes me feel so old for some reason...