Tuesday, November 27, 2012



佢今次同我講,話做埋呢次之後既 show 就唔會再著埋D古靈精怪既衫,會做番一個 back to the original 既 standup.

Waking up, I highly doubt that it would ever happen, both the fact that he told me about his plan (not even remotely plausible) and the fact that he would 回到從前最 basic 既 basic, 除去所有既 fanfare, 用最根本既棟篤笑.


可是,我諗呢個唔係 majority 最鐘意既嘢,可能大眾的口味不一樣吧,子華不譁眾,就取不了寵,那就要食西北風。

In any case, I still love 子華 la, 那是不爭的事實,只是有時會想想"他現在還能做一個原始的棟篤笑嗎?" 的狂想。

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