Saturday, June 1, 2013


(This post has been in process for a long time. I have totally forgotten about it. I found it just now and thought that I should complete this post before I forget everything about this show.)


但可能是 similar to 兒童不宜,I thought it wasn’t very good at first but then when I watched it again on DVD a few years later, I like it better.

So, I’ll have to wait for the DVD to come out and watch again. Maybe I’ll like it better then.

And maybe I wasn’t in the right mood that day. (details refer to the previous 近況 post), but honestly, I think 娛樂圈血谷史II正好多。

I found that the show this wasn’t very 貼題,normally 子華 do a very good job with it but this time… hrm… felt like it’s only 貼題 in the first little bit of the show.

After the show, while I was lining up in the washroom, I heard this 年齡界於師奶and阿嬸的女子同佢個朋友講話個 show wasn’t too good, 講黎講去,都係講番以前講過嗰D嘢。有少少衝動想打個阿嬸。

The best part of the show, I thought, was when 子華 responded to the audience’s question/串,顯出了他的急才。

This time, I went to get a picture with him after the show. His assistants and security were as annoying as ever, kept saying that 子華 wasn’t going to take pictures with me. 好開心地,子華最後都好好人咁有同我影。Really don’t understand how come the 食蕉咁緊張,又唔係好多人,得另一個女仔淨係想簽名,同我淨係想影相之嘛,literally 一分鐘搞掂。而且,睇 youtube 明明就見到子華同香港Dfans 又影相又簽名又傾偈,又站喺度俾人影單人相,點解多人多唔得?好偏心!!Annoyed唔通多人多真係凍得咁緊要一定要即刻衝上車??

不過,其實佢都同我影咗,多謝!Send a kiss

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