Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Almost once a week (sometimes more than once a week), I would get yelled at while I am on the bike. Confused smile

Still don’t understand y. As far as I know, I wasn’t doing anything weird or wrong on the road.

I really want to tell these ppl. Almost 100% of the time, I was unable to make out what they were yelling about.

From the tone of these ppl, I can divide them into 3big groups – hostile, friendly and unknown. The hostile sometimes sounds like they were swearing (but again, I was unable to determine what the words were but they do sound like swearing to me). The friendly one maybe cheering me on. The unknown ones were mostly the ones that honk at me. Some of them were trying to let me know that they were about to pass me and the rest were just honking for no good reasons, as far as I’m concerned.

But regardless of their intentions, I really want to tell them that while I’m concentrating hard to cycle hard, sudden loud noise that’s right behind me or right next to me freaks me out. Seriously, I am a jumpy person. I usually try my best to not to fall off my bike and stay on my course, but sometimes, I get so jumpy that I sway a bit, which is no good to either myself or to the person yelling/honking at me. So even if I’m doing something mildly wrong, yelling/honking at me is not going to help anyone. In fact, it makes it worse.

And for those ppl who are purely yelling out of hostility that originated from nowhere: “WHAT THE HACK ARE YOUR PROBLEMS????” Steaming mad and STAY AWAY FROM ME!

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