Monday, July 28, 2014


呢排就是有興致,之前弄了幾個都是小食甜品的,今次就來些較重量級正餐的。我自小鍾意食饅頭,加上屋企有D由 Halloween frozen 到家下既南瓜蓉,於是一見到這個食譜就好想整,咁啱上星期三因為醫生 appointment right in the middle of the day,唔三唔四既關係,我直情攞一日假,就有時間係無小J干擾下,自己整。


2014-07-23 18.23.48

雖然係個人最靚,但比起人家食譜的相還差好遠。而且好似無乜南瓜味道。看上去很好看,但吃入口總是覺得不夠買 frozen 饅頭的那麼鬆軟。是因為街買的 frozen ones 不夠真材實料還是 frozen ones 都加了不知什麼化學品嗎?


本身食譜教的是白汁蝦仁焗飯,我自己改了點,加了蟹柳,同加了紅蘿蔔和意大利青瓜,咁就一大堆頭搞掂,唔駛另外再煮 veggies. 唔知係咪因為我加咗咁多嘢既係,感覺上這個焗飯比食譜形容的多功夫很多,也弄了很久。


我個人覺得好味,略嫌汁少了一點,但這個可能跟我加咗太多其他嘢同 double 咗個 recipe 有關。小J更是吃了兩碗之後仲話要多D,我哋驚佢又食到肚痛唯有 offer 少少水果去 distract 佢。小J這個人是好吃旳就搏了命的吃,唔知飽,好危險。

Thursday, July 17, 2014


呢兩個星期 weekend  無午睡,多咗D時間玩煮飯仔。


以下既都係我跟簡易食譜做的,小妹又 send 了另一個 blog 俾我,入面有好多食譜,很閒既時候我都想試試。



其實不太成功,因為我無加餡,有Dplain,同唔夠甜,小J第一天勁愛吃,第二天就說不喜歡,真難捉摸。Confused smileIMG_20140711_205224




我個人覺得唔夠咸,下次會落多少少鹽,同埋下次會再碌扁 d。



這個以前整過一次,但原來已經係3年多前的事,早知整之前睇返以前個 entry 啦,因為個結果同上次差唔多-太甜...

這個小J有幫手倒蛋汁,蠻好的,基本上無倒到週圍都係,I was quite impressed by his patience and care.

小J超愛吃,第一日食完之後,我將剩底既收咗入盒,佢第二日放 daycare 一返到屋企,就走入廚房(準備煮飯),一入到去見唔到D撻就即刻問D撻去咗邊,驚死俾我食哂咁。Laughing out loud要等我show 俾佢睇喺D盒入面,佢先放心。


基本上,以上三樣都唔算成功,全部都係得個樣,D味真係差咗D,我都係無乜煮既既天份,跟住 step-by-step instructions 煮都可以唔太好味,不過唔緊要啦,玩吓者,唔係煮俾其他人食,大小J無乜味蕾,乜都食得入口,佢哋做我既白老鼠啱哂。Nyah-Nyah

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I witnessed the following this morning. I was only two cars behind from what happened so I saw everything.

At an on ramp, a red car was getting onto the highway and there was a dump truck next to it. I didn’t know if the car was getting too closed to the truck or what cos I wasn’t really paying attention at them at the time. The truck kinda moved right towards the red car’s disappearing lane and bumped into the red car.

Collision, right?

The red car left side was dented and all scratched up. The driver signalled to parked on the shoulder. The truck kinda signalled too but then decided that it's going to keep going. Trying to run away.

The red car tried to catch up with the truck with slight difficulty because of all the traffic. He made it eventually to be next to the truck by driving on the shoulder and the driver opened his window, stuck out his hand and probably yelled at the truck but the truck still has no desire to park. The car driver finally stuck out his hand again and took a picture of the truck with his phone. Only then the truck finally agreed to parked on the shoulder to deal with the aftermath. 

While the red car was trying to catch up, the truck even tried to signal to get out of the slow lane to run away!

Completely unbelievable! Disappointed smile

I tried to memorize the truck’s license plate while I was witnessing all these in case the truck did manage to get away and I was going to call the police. Good that the red car managed to get the truck. Well done, man! Thumbs upAltho, I am not sure if the red car wasn’t at fault himself, he might have been a bit too aggressive in his merging… As I said, I wasn’t paying attention to them in the beginning. The truck definitely moved right to bump into the car tho. It was almost like bumper car.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

FB today

今日上FB見到某朋友被一個我唔識既佢既朋友 tag 咗團體相,某朋友比我還老紀大(相入面既人除佢之外一個我都唔識但估計係同佢差不多年紀既老朋友),相既標題係"一眾九十後",我一見到之後心諗,如果佢哋真係九十後但 everyone 個樣都已經係咁既話真係好該煨。

Tons of ppl are posting selfies with the so-called 自拍神器。The weird part is that they all have to specify that the pictures were taken with the stick.

Why do they have to specify that the picture was taken with the stick? And what’s so special about the stick anyway?? Just a stick that you stick your phone to, no?

Friday, July 11, 2014


子華十一月中會黎多人多開 show 呀,但今次跟他無緣了(其實一直都不是有緣啦Broken heart,每每都是我特登去捧場才會見到,在街上撞到的才真是有緣)。十一月的時候我應該是跟老二形影不離,再加超級睡眠不足吧。

無奈。Crying face

唯有預祝子華 good show 啦。其實佢個 show 好似連名都未有。

子華下次要再來喲,我下次才來找你了。Sad smile

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Your Job vs My Job

小J,剪草-ing (well… pretending to be with his toy lawn mower): 汁!
Me (weeding): 執到D乜?
小J:Not 執。 汁。jab。
Me (恍然大悟): 哦,job?
小J:Yes. Job. My job.
Me: 你個Job ?!剪草係你個 job?!
小J(滿意地):Yes. It is my job.
Me: 咁我呢?剪草係咪我個 job 呀?
小J(老積同有權威地): No. It is my job, not your job. Your job is pull out the weeds.

好想爆笑。Rolling on the floor laughing心諗,真係多謝你分配工作俾我囉...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014





呆咗。Disappointed smile我諗全世界睇緊既人都呆咗。



最不滿既係俾 Klose 入到波,俾佢超越到肥仔朗,成為 all-time top scorer. Annoyed



小J 愛食差不多是人人都知的了。但佢家吓大大吓仲加埋驚死蝕底的個性。


話說有一日食飽飯,小J在廳玩,我在廚房收拾殘局。咁我口痕就喺廚房偷食一舊芒果乾。小J同我講嘢我咪應吓佢,點知我一路趙一路講嘢俾佢發現到,佢一聽出我個口內面有嘢,咋咋林放底 whatever 佢做緊既嘢,衝入嚟廚房問

"What are you eating?"
"無額,食乜呀?" (仲想狡辯-ing)
"What are you eating? 呀..." (示意要張開咀吧)
"What is that?"
"I want 芒果乾 too"


Chicken fingers dinner.

(聽話地吉咗兩條,a minute later, looked over at 詹占's plate)
"Why he has three?"
"I am big, too! I need to eat more."


Tuesday, July 8, 2014


前兩個星期是公司大廈的 tenant appreciation day and this week is the company’s employee appreciation week.

先說說上年的 appreciation 吧.


Tenant Appreciation
上年在大廈的 main floor 擺 continental 早餐,有 muffin 呀,cookies 呀,水果呀,果汁呀,croissants呀,coffee呀等等等等.

Employee Appreciation
上年有早餐,almost a full breakfast, 有蛋啦,french toast 啦,bacon 啦,薯仔啦,果汁咖啡啦。我差唔多到個早餐時段就黎完先去食,都仲有好多選擇。
There was also a pizza lunch last year, I think. Nothing too memorable but at least there was nothing to complain about.


Tenant Appreciation
安排了幾個 vendor 喺度賣 discount 嘢,eg. crossfit gym membership, some sort of skin care products, jewelleries, some discount entrance to places like paintball, legoland, wild water kingdom etc., some health booth that show case their massage and other services.
It’s nice to have discount, but the thing is, why do they want me to spend more money on tenant appreciation day?!

Employee Appreciation

  1. Got donut and coffee one morning. Definitely a downgrade from last year. I didn’t get there late or anything but when I got there, there’s no trace of coffee and there were only three little Tim boxes of donuts. I was actually expecting some muffin as well but it really was just donuts ONLY.  And the choices were pathetic.
  2. There was also a pizza lunch. There’s a station set up on each floor. But the problem was that someone was serving out the pizza. They were those square pizzas cut into little squares. They gave us only two pieces each and no more.  There were only choices of either pepperoni or veggie. I didn’t bring lunch that day cos I thought there’s pizza lunch.  Me and my colleague were seriously thinking about having to go buy some food after those two little cheap ass squares.  Luckily, after a while, they announced that we could go for second because there was then some leftover. We went over for another two slices but they gave us one normal size _small_ piece and then one other piece that was half the size of the normal small piece. I could eat that tiny piece in two bites. I’m not kidding. It was so small. And half of that tiny piece was the crust!!! My colleague, who is a guy, said that he needed to eat 20 pieces that size in order to get full.
    And the way they set up the station in the hallway is that we went to get our pizza and then we went back to our cubicles to eat. There was no standing room, didn’t create any opportunity for socializing. It’s ok for me cos I don’t socialize anyway. But before we merged office, we used to have BBQ (hamburger, hotdogs, salads, chips, cookies etc.) and we sit at the picnic tables to enjoy the summer heat.
  3. Ice cream day – got an ice cream sandwich. Not too bad. At least it was what was expected, which wasn’t much, given the disappointment in the last two events.
  4. There was also lucky draw throughout the week but being me, having no luck in any sort of draw, won nothing. So it was as if it never happened.

Seriously not impressed this year. I don’t feel appreciated and I definitely don’t appreciate their appreciations. AnnoyedI mean, 咁 cheap 不如唔好做啦,要做就唔好 cheap 得咁緊要好唔好?你唔做我冇 expectations 就唔會唔高興啦。


The way I watch FIFA is to time my gym time at work to roughly the match I want to see. I can only see part of a match this way because I can’t take that much time working out during office hour but it’s better than nothing.

Guess I’m not the only one who does it. The gym is usually empty at those hours in the afternoon (I don’t go at regular time. Just whenever work is slow so I can sneak away) but when there’s a game, ppl will show up.

The thing is, some of these ppl I have never seen in the gym before. And most of these ppl don’t even pretend that they are there for the workout. There are a few types of ppl who show up:

  1. Ppl who come down in their dress pants and dress shoes, simply standing right in front of the TV to watch the game.
  2. Ppl who pretend to be working out or stretching. Some hold on to a dumbbell or some other equipment but they really are just taking up the equipment and not really moving. Some of them really just treat the exercise bench as a chair for them to sit to watch TV.  最頂癮的是那些 chinese dudes, who just do the 轉腰 (like those 晨運客 in the park). They probably think that they are stretching, 但佢哋真係可以扭腰扭足四十五分鐘,好腰力!Thumbs up
  3. Some uses the stationary bike or the elliptical.  Almost look like they are working out but the ‘workout’ intensity, I suspect, is no more than, say, walk to the washroom for a pee.
  4. Most of the above are men. There are also a couple ignorance ladies who came but know nothing about soccer. I am not talking about the technicality of 越位 but one of them still thinks that Beckham is still in the UK national team… And they do not know how long is the game or anything. They really just came down to comment on the 靚仔 and to chat up the other ppl in the gym. Altho, to give them some credits, these ladies do actually do some exercise while watching and they work a little harder than Group 3 above.
  5. Ppl who are regulars and simply switched their time of workout to game time.

人多都唔緊要,我至唔鐘意既就係呢D唔係做 gym 既人不停咁 comment,超煩囉。你以為自己係講波佬牙??一係就係嗰D女既問埋D白痴嘢,然後個男既就好似 expert 咁解釋一番,煩到爆。Annoyed

有D人又開到個電視鬼死咁大聲,痴架咩!聾gar?!Steaming mad

I kinda understand the regulars cos they have budgeted the time for workouts anyway. But what about those that I don’t know even know if they have the gym membership? 佢哋真係喺度睇足半埸架喎,唔駛 do 架?Eye rolling smile