Tuesday, July 8, 2014


The way I watch FIFA is to time my gym time at work to roughly the match I want to see. I can only see part of a match this way because I can’t take that much time working out during office hour but it’s better than nothing.

Guess I’m not the only one who does it. The gym is usually empty at those hours in the afternoon (I don’t go at regular time. Just whenever work is slow so I can sneak away) but when there’s a game, ppl will show up.

The thing is, some of these ppl I have never seen in the gym before. And most of these ppl don’t even pretend that they are there for the workout. There are a few types of ppl who show up:

  1. Ppl who come down in their dress pants and dress shoes, simply standing right in front of the TV to watch the game.
  2. Ppl who pretend to be working out or stretching. Some hold on to a dumbbell or some other equipment but they really are just taking up the equipment and not really moving. Some of them really just treat the exercise bench as a chair for them to sit to watch TV.  最頂癮的是那些 chinese dudes, who just do the 轉腰 (like those 晨運客 in the park). They probably think that they are stretching, 但佢哋真係可以扭腰扭足四十五分鐘,好腰力!Thumbs up
  3. Some uses the stationary bike or the elliptical.  Almost look like they are working out but the ‘workout’ intensity, I suspect, is no more than, say, walk to the washroom for a pee.
  4. Most of the above are men. There are also a couple ignorance ladies who came but know nothing about soccer. I am not talking about the technicality of 越位 but one of them still thinks that Beckham is still in the UK national team… And they do not know how long is the game or anything. They really just came down to comment on the 靚仔 and to chat up the other ppl in the gym. Altho, to give them some credits, these ladies do actually do some exercise while watching and they work a little harder than Group 3 above.
  5. Ppl who are regulars and simply switched their time of workout to game time.

人多都唔緊要,我至唔鐘意既就係呢D唔係做 gym 既人不停咁 comment,超煩囉。你以為自己係講波佬牙??一係就係嗰D女既問埋D白痴嘢,然後個男既就好似 expert 咁解釋一番,煩到爆。Annoyed

有D人又開到個電視鬼死咁大聲,痴架咩!聾gar?!Steaming mad

I kinda understand the regulars cos they have budgeted the time for workouts anyway. But what about those that I don’t know even know if they have the gym membership? 佢哋真係喺度睇足半埸架喎,唔駛 do 架?Eye rolling smile

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