Monday, August 11, 2014



MCD – McDonalds

ST – Special treat

PIE – pie


Most of these words are food-related. Nothing naughty that you would see on TV. The main reason is that we need to make sure that we have the consent to let 小J have the object in question but if he hears us talking about it then it would be the end of discussion cos then he is going to have it unless we want to have to lengthy confrontation.

But the problem comes when one day:

One of us (can’t remember which): “Shall we go to MCD this morning?”

小J:Yay! We are going to McDonalds!

Disappointed smileDisappointed smileDisappointed smile When did he learn how to spell McDonalds!?!?!

Luckily most other things still works, but he starts to ask "What is X-X-X?" or "Why/What are you spelling?".  It's getting harder to keep secret with Mr. Inquisitive here.


vics said...

Try using another language ... like french....

oily oli said...

我都唔識... 我嗰時上咗一個 beginner course 之嘛, 仲要隔咗咁多年, 乜都唔記得哂啦.