Less than 3 weeks to go.
Mom is arriving in less than 2 weeks. Still not sure about her flight schedule yet. Haha… Will be ok. I’ll go pick her up somehow.
House is still a mess. Still sleeping in the basement. The reno is mostly done, only a couple little things to wrap up. And then it’s the big clean up and moving things back upstairs (will mostly done by 詹占. Hor hor… one nice thing abt having a big belly!
Ordered a bunk and one mattress for 小J from WM. Also a little kid sized dresser from IKEA. We decided to go cheap on these purchase due to the super low cash flow at the moment. Hopefully it will last him for a little while. Buying good quality stuff for him may not be the best idea anyway since he may wreck things too quickly at this age. Dresser is lying around on main floor in various boxes, waiting to be assembled. Don’t know when the bunk and mattress will arrive yet. Hopefully not too soon cos we don’t have any space to put them until we get upstairs more or less organized. Garage is already filled to the top. (clearing even just the 2nd floor only made us realized the amount of CRAP we own…
Better not moving house any time soon…)
Still have to pack the GO-bag. But everything is kinda hidden in various places right now that I’m leaving the packing till after we move things back in place, hopefully soon.
Still haven’t got names picked out yet.
The one big step that I have done to get ready was that I bought a size N package of diaper (wow… so much work!). 
We’ve also retrieved the bassinet that we’ve lent/given out after 小Jwas done with it.
Not sure where the baby car seat is. We won’t be allowed to leave the hospital without one.
Haven’t dug out all the little clothes yet. They are stashed somewhere in boxes in the basement. The boxes are labeled so it should be relatively easy to find. It’s just a matter of getting all the stuff out of the way and actually go look for them. Ideally, we should wash these clothes that have been put away for a while. But practically, it may not get done…
Lots of work in the office waiting for me to wrap up. 4 projects in line. I believe I can finish 3 of them and 1 is a lost cause. Unfortunately, my manager is the one who’s the bottleneck and holding everything up. Someone really need to whip her ass a bit to get her to move faster. I know she’s trying her best and she’s really overloaded. But if she doesn’t do her part so that I can finish off these projects, guess who’s going to suffer when I leave things hanging?
It could be next week for all I know. 3 weeks is just an estimate. 小Jwas early by 2 weeks. Better not come out until my mom’s here cos no one’s going to look after 小Jotherwise.