Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Toilet Paper

Hate it when public washrooms provide those super ultra thin toilet paper in big huge rolls like below:

First of all, the toilet paper is so thin that one needs to extract lots so that it can be stacked to a reasonable thickness in order not to have whatever went thru the hands.  So if the thinness is for the sake of saving paper, it’s not working cos user will just pull out tons anyway.

Second, due to the ultra thin nature, there’s no strength associated with these toilet paper. Together with the fact that the rolls are so big and heavy, when user pulls on the end, it simply breaks into tiny little pieces and the huge roll is not rolling to let out some more. The end results are:

  1. Some ppl somehow throws these little pieces all on the ground and therefore making the toilet stall very untidy, with an impression of being dirty, even tho it might not actually be that dirty.
  2. These little pieces are not usable and mostly ended up being thrown into the toilet without being use and user have to pull out some more.  Again, counter-productive if trying to save cost.
  3. Major annoyance to the user.

Even if I try to use these little pieces that break off, it’s very difficult and I have to pull out a million little pieces.

Why can’t the provider:

  1. Use normal thickness toilet paper.
  2. If they really want to use these ultra thin paper, could they put them into smaller rolls so that ppl can actually pull out the toilet paper?

I have to agree, some ppl pull out tons regardless of thickness anyway. Therefore, I don’t mean that the provider needs to provide the best quality of toilet paper out there cos there will be too much waste by those ppl. However, I think normal thickness isn’t too much to ask for.


vics said...

The thing that I find most annoying... is that the end where u r supposed to pull is always INSIDE the holder.. and then i have to put my hand in to roll the roll so that the end falls down... sometimes i roll in the wrong direction (or the toilet paper roll is installed the other way)... then the end rolls up and doesn't fall down. . And then i have to roll one full round... and sometimes if i roll too fast or if there is static... the end just doesn't fall down... and then i need to squat to peek in to see where the end is... very annoying....

But yeah pulling these are just a pain in the xss as well... like.. have to use 陰力but even then... might have to push the roll up with one finger and spin the roll at the same time just to get the paper to come out nicely... gives me finger cramps...

oily oli said...

Yes ar yes ar. Totally agree.
Both situations happen to me all the time too. Sometimes because the paper's so thin, even tho it wasn't INSIDE the holder in the beginning, when it breaks, the end ends up inside the holder... argh!

Hate it.

Hard to use two hands simply to get toilet paper. One hand has to hold on to my pants/shirt. Don't want it to touch the ground/toilet. ew...