兩個星期前既一個 sunday service, 再唱返呢首詩歌,發現d歌詞原來寫得好靚。再加上嗰日既 sermon 同呢首歌好呼應,聽完 sermon 再唱呢首歌真係好正。
- Make me a channel of your peace,
- Where there is hatred let me bring your love,
- Where there is injury your pardon Lord,
- And where there's doubt true faith in you.
- Make me a channel of your peace,
- Where there's despair in life, let me bring hope,
- Where there is darkness, only light,
- And where there's sadness, ever joy.
- O Master grant that I may never seek,
- So much to be consoled as to console,
- To be understood as to understand,
- To be loved as to love with all my soul.
- Make me a channel of your peace,
- It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
- In giving to all men that we receive
- And in dying that we are born to eternal life.
咦...你o地又係呢首???我o個時讀o左三個月間中學都係成日唱呢隻o架...不過我一直都以為首聖詩個名係Make me a Channel of your peace.
我本hymn book係咁寫o架...我仲有本hymn book..不過o向to.
不過唔睇真係唔知... "The hymn version of Make Me A Channel of Your Peace is an anthem of the Royal British Legion and is usually sung every year at the Service of Remembrance in November at the Royal Albert Hall, London"
我諗兩個夠都得....make me a channel好明顯係之後先加上去o既一個名.....there are different versions of lyrics anyway....
好好笑..我以為WIKI上面o個法文version係唱o既....上u2b找...居然剩係俾我搵到個version係讀出o黎......等我仲以為d人可以咁叻又將幾十個syllables cramp埋落去一句度.....*我試過....除非一個音配幾個syllable....否則法文個版本係唔可以用英文hymno既melody去唱出o黎........*
我都覺得自己好無聊....去zzzz bye
baby, 我突然想問一個問題, 我同你唱過k未呀? 唔好意思我記性0旦>.<
未啦, 不如我下次返黎去丫? 不過我好 out 架喎,我對d新歌一無所知架喎.
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