公司有個 volunteer event on Monday,為公司附近既一條 river valley 執垃圾,本來話可以 charge office time,但後來變咗真正 volunteer event,要自己嘔時間出黎.
不過就算俾我 charge office time 都死,因為唔係 project time,it still hurts utility (for those who doesn’t understand what it means, good for you cos it means that you are not working under such a shxtty system). 所以 charge office time 定係自己第日補返d鐘都冇乜分別.
The biggest disappointment was the promised of getting a company ‘stylish’ t-shirt, which turned out to be of shxtty quality and one size fits all (XXL). 真係當睡衣著都嫌佢大件.The so-called ‘stylish’ was pure BS. It’s basically a white t-shirt of such quality that I probably won’t wear it outside without having something to 打底 cos it’s half translucent (maybe that’s the ‘stylish’ part…), with my company’s number nice and big in black boring font in front. How’s that stylish? Compare to the 2 pretty nice golf shirts that I got from my old company simply by joining the company, this one is basically a piece of shxt that I would only wear when I paint my house cos I don’t care if it gets wrecked.
Anyway, I didn’t join the event for the t-shirt, but wanted to meet other ppl in the company. But to my disappointment (similar to other events that I’ve joined in this company so far), it’s just 各自為政,你執你既,我執我既,完全無交流.
The company has arranged local newspaper and tv station and the town’s representative to take picture, video and stuff. So it’s basically a company image promotion event with free 咖哩啡 (the employees). I felt like being used.
Got a few slices of free pizza out of it during the prep meeting though. But honestly, after a few tries of these company events, none of which was particularly enjoyable at all, I’m undoubtly getting 心淡. Really have to think it before I would join another one.
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