Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ditching Me

詹占 is going to Vegas tmr with four other dudes, leaving me behind.  It’s ok.  I don’t have a huge urge to go to Vegas anyway.  And as long as he’s having fun with his guy frds, I’m ok with it.

仲連同其他人既老婆偷偷地 purchase 咗一個直昇機 tour 俾其中三個麻甩,另外的兩個麻甩成為我哋既內應,到時到咗嗰一日佢哋就會有驚喜!多謝呢兩個老婆,諗埋d好橋做生日禮物,我連諗都唔駛諗,淨係俾錢就得,腦汗都慳番.又咁啱呢幾個麻甩既生日都咁近,works perfectly. 個 tour 其實都好貴,but it’s supposed to be very very good,希望佢會 enjoy 啦,否則就實在係太洒$$喇.

I’m going to have 4.5 days to myself. Wahahahaha… Can’t decide what to do yet.


Dor said...

小鬼你今次仲唔做甩繩馬騮,日日想子華? HAHA

oily oli said...

大家姐你唔好篤爆我先得架! :P