Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kick in the Face


Happened when I went swimming last night. The pool that I normally goes to was closed for the night so I went to an alternative one instead. Apparently, a lot of the ppl did the same thing so the alternative pool was much busier than normal.

I was doing my own thing without realized that I was catching up to this one person. And that's how I ended up getting kicked in the face. It hurted quite a bit so I had to do a U-turn to get back to the one end of the pool. Took off my goggles and felt with my finger to check the damage. No blood. Good. But further feeling suggested that some skin might have came off.

I ended up going to the washroom to double-check. Sure enough, I was cut. No wonder if hurt that much. I was going to abort the session and go home but looking at the clock, I was there for only about 30min! I debated with myself whether I should stay. It didn't really hurt _that_ much but I was just worried about infection. Who knows how clean these pools are, especially when there were so many ppl last night.

Since I've paid a whole 3.5 dollar in order to get in, I decided not to tough it out and went back in there to swim. The fact that I could keep swimming probably meant that it wasn't so bad.

So far, I have swum twice already in 2012. That's a 100% increase from last year! Yay! haha... This is sorta of my resolution for the year (altho the resolution wasn't really made in the new year and it only occured to me that I want to do it after last swim): Try to go swimming a little more often and maybe even make it a regular thing.

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