Friday, May 18, 2012

Under Attack

My house has been under raccoon attack in the past week. >_<

詹占 and I were waken up at 3 in the morning the other day by the sound of raccoon (to me it sounded like a pig but more evil and wild). The wood on the side of our garage got torn apart with the insulation ripped out. We suspected that the raccoon(s) were looking for honey (we see bumble bees going in and out from time to time). 詹占 fixed it up temporarily with some old wood that we have.

And the raccoon tipped our green bin last night. Argh... There hasn't been any greenbin tipping the whole winter and I guess they are back now...

Raccoons have also decided that our front lawn next to our tulips is a washroom for them. I went out with 小J the other day and smelled something really stinky and thought that some of our neighbour might have put down fertilizers or something. Talked to 詹占 at night and he told me that it's the raccoon. I totally 
forgot about it and went weeding yesterday and almost stepped on it!!!

As much as I like wild animals and that we human have probably invaded the raccoon habitat, I really dislike raccoons!!!

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