Time to update my health situation a bit.
星期一終於去咗睇醫生,佢叫我去照 x-ray, which was kinda expected but what I really wanted is a MRI cos I don’t think my bone has any problem. I was more worried about my 筋 than my bones.
But doc probably knows best so I went to get my x-ray done. My doc is a bit of a joker with a sense of humor that shouldn’t be present in a doctor cos sometimes I don’t know if I believe him or not. Last time I visit him about my head he told me that his wife was 8-month pregnant and he only found out the week before. And then he told me that he was just joking when I said how on earth could he not notice sooner.
Anyway, so yesterday when I went to the doc, I actually hope that he wasn’t around so that I would get seen by a resident instead cos I know he’s going to mock me falling off the bike again. Unfortunately, he was there but actually, he’s a very good doctor so besides getting laughed at, I wasn’t actually that upset that he’s there.
When I got the x-ray back, he told me to go in and said to me
“You’ve broken your bone.”
"Noooo. I didn’t".”
"Yes, you did.”
"Nooo, I don’t believe you.” (I was really convinced that my bones were fine.)
"You don’t believe me. I will show you. Let’s look at the x-ray together.”
That’s how much I don’t know when the doc is joking and when he’s actually telling the truth.
Sure enough, I have a fracture in my radius. And it looks like a bigger one than the one I’ve done a few years back.
Luckily there’s no displacement. No need for a cast. Only a sling for now. Have been referred to the fracture clinic to follow up. Doubt that they will say/do much other than telling me not to use that arm, rest more and takes about 6-8 weeks to recover. Nothing that I don’t know already.
Well… at least the doc doesn’t seem to think that there’s anything wrong with my ligament or tendons. So, a little cracked on the bone sounds like a good news to me. Actually, the doc didn’t even check those. So I asked and he just kinda brushed it away so I didn’t pursue any further but to assume that the doc knows better.
Appointment is tmr. Good luck to me.