自己都覺得有D恐怖...Well… 睇相無咁恐怖,真實的是,成隻手踭加附近前臂同手臂360度都係瘀既顏色。
恐怖既原因係因為受傷既過程無撞到手踭,所以唔係撞到咁瘀,而係內傷,I think I must have torn some blood vessels inside in the process, probably hyper-extending my joint as suggested by 詹占,瘀血積聚咗係入面,變咗瘀血。
I am worried that I might have injured some ligament or tendon or something like that… reminds me of my knee… I hope 唔係又搞到斷筋咁大鑊。嗰時斷筋個膝頭都無咁瘀法...
Well… actually my elbow’s range of motion has restored a bit and I can move my wrist a bit more as well now that the swelling has somewhat subsided. But then, if the elbow’s mechanism is similar to the knee, then 就算斷了筋隻手都會郁到,唔去照吓野唔會知道。Well… another way to know is if I so certain things in the future, say, putting weight on the joint at a certain angle, then the joint will be unstable.
1 comment:
OMG!!! I can judge how seriously it was from the picture (as you said it already looked better in pic!) how come you can suffer the pain!!! You are 令我臣服的小鬼!! Hope are you recovering now. Please take good care!
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