Thursday, November 7, 2013

Crash Again!?

What the heck. 又炒車。



但由於出事地點在叫天不應,叫地不聞的 valley 內(ya…. cycling in the valley to avoid the road after my last incident but still … 出事), 加上不太嚴重,休息數分鐘後繼續上路,don’t think that it was as bad as that time I cracked my bone but I definitely couldn’t put much weight on the arm and I can’t exert force to squeeze the brake. Can’t rotate my forearm… 我諗係扭傷.

Didn’t go to doc this time… well… at least not yet.

I had trouble taking clothes off for shower when I arrived at the office. I managed to do it but it was tough and with lots of moaning and groaning. Going to washroom I need to allow myself extra time. Can’t leave it till last minute.

Working wasn’t too bad. I can type on the keyboard without too much problem as long as my hand stays relatively stationary (ie. not to make too many typing mistakes that I need to hit the backspace too often).

I hope that it’s just a spring of something in my elbow and wrist. 詹占 worries that I might have dislocated something or broken something again but I don’t think so. Everything seems to be in place, just swollen up a bit.

I actually felt a bit better after arriving work and had a shower but as the day went by, my arm became stuff and maybe bcos the swelling settled in, I can hardly move my arm without causing pain.

I have been much more careful when cycling this week but still… sigh… not to mention that I was very closed to being hit by a car on Tuesday. Totally that guy’s fault. It’s not like he didn’t know my existence. He raced to turn into the small road before me (we were travelling in opposite directions) while I have the right-of-way (I was turning right). In fact, I was turning already when he turned left into the road. So ok that’s fine, he made it. But then he totally cut me off by turning right into the driveway right after his left turn with me right on his tail! If I hadn’t braked I would have got hit already… As 小笨's PT said, cycling in TO is dangerous cos drivers are oblivious about cyclists.

Maybe God’s telling me to stop cycling.

1 comment:

Angela said...

o, no, be careful, worried about you....