Monday, December 15, 2014
More Speaking Record
To-mor-yo - Tomorrow
Stor-ee - Story
Sub維 - Subway
Tail-yo - Tail
Nail-yo - Nail
These cute little words are 買少見少 these days as 小J gets more and more fluent in speech.
Breaking Bad
Picked this series cos one of the kid at church really liked it and there were all these hypes back when the series was about to end.
Unfortunately, I really didn't like it. It's one of those shows that everyone on it is jerk.
Problem is, I was too deep into it before I realized that everyone is a jerk, at which point, I had to finish the series. To be fair, each character also has his/her good qualities but it doesn't offset the dark side enough for me to like them.
Hated the wife, hated the sister, hated the main character, pretty much hated everyone there.
Hated hated it when the main character starts lying cos he's so bad at it and it was obvious that he was lying. I know it's on purpose but it was driving me insane.
The only character that amuses me is the lawyer. He's pretty much loud and proud of the fact that he works for the money. He helps whoever that can pay the price. Not that he's a good person but at least he's honest and open about it instead of lie after lie after lie.
One interesting idea is that everyone, the big bad guys (the big player, not the little 小混混 around the street corner) were all professional and they all hide in plain site, have a normal life, normal business as cover.
Another thing is that they always show these beautiful skies as transition scenes. The show is supposed to be about these ppl in New Mexico. Is New Mexico really that beautiful?
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Citrics Problem
No luck with citrics the whole summer. No matter what I buy – oranges, tangerines, clementines, they are all super dry.
I normally don’t mind a little dry oranges but those are so dry that it’s not even edible. And there is no flavor at all. Let’s say an orange. Normally, when it’s dry, it’s only one side. The other side is usually still okay. So in the spirit of not wasting food, I would bite off the non-dry side, trying to eat as much as possible. But this time, the whole thing is so dry and the flavor is just non-existent that I gave up trying. Had to toss them out.
I even tried and buy from fancy Longos. Not as bad but similar problem. They are barely edible but still don’t taste good at all.
Don’t know what’s wrong with the citrics this year. It’s not a particularly dry year, I don’t think. I normally like oranges/clementines as one of my regular fruits but after multiple failures, I am wary about buying any more citrics. Is it just my bad luck or is it happening to everyone??
Friday, September 26, 2014
My Phones
Luckily, 詹占 had the exact same phone as mine and has moved on to a new one pretty much when mine fell apart so I could inherit a ‘new old’ phone.
Everything’s ok until the phone went for a swim in the toilet a few months ago. Since then, the USB isn’t quite working – I can’t transfer files between the phone and computer anymore. But other than that, the phone is basically functioning.
但係,好境不常,phone #2 suddenly can’t be charged anymore. Guess the USB plug finally had it.
So basically, I have
- Phone #1, can be charged but the on/off button is broken. So if I leave the phone on, then it just drains my battery.
- Phone #2, can be used but can’t be charged.
My 3-yr phone contract is finally up today. And I could get a new phone with a 2-yr contract but I am kinda waiting for the Nexus 6 to come out. 詹占 has moved on to Nexus 5 but discovered some issue with the sound capture when recording video. Apparently, it’s a hardware issue so I don’t want Nexus 5. But then there isn’t any announcement on the release date of Nexus 6 yet. And it might never come. I have been trying to follow all the rumors on some tech/gadget websites but so far, everything’s just rumors. So, I’m holding up, still using the two semi-broken phones in the meantime until either a new Google phone comes out or my semi-broken phones turn into completely broken phones.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Less than 3 weeks to go.
Mom is arriving in less than 2 weeks. Still not sure about her flight schedule yet. Haha… Will be ok. I’ll go pick her up somehow.
House is still a mess. Still sleeping in the basement. The reno is mostly done, only a couple little things to wrap up. And then it’s the big clean up and moving things back upstairs (will mostly done by 詹占. Hor hor… one nice thing abt having a big belly!).
Ordered a bunk and one mattress for 小J from WM. Also a little kid sized dresser from IKEA. We decided to go cheap on these purchase due to the super low cash flow at the moment. Hopefully it will last him for a little while. Buying good quality stuff for him may not be the best idea anyway since he may wreck things too quickly at this age. Dresser is lying around on main floor in various boxes, waiting to be assembled. Don’t know when the bunk and mattress will arrive yet. Hopefully not too soon cos we don’t have any space to put them until we get upstairs more or less organized. Garage is already filled to the top. (clearing even just the 2nd floor only made us realized the amount of CRAP we own… Better not moving house any time soon…)
Still have to pack the GO-bag. But everything is kinda hidden in various places right now that I’m leaving the packing till after we move things back in place, hopefully soon.
Still haven’t got names picked out yet.
The one big step that I have done to get ready was that I bought a size N package of diaper (wow… so much work!).
We’ve also retrieved the bassinet that we’ve lent/given out after 小Jwas done with it.
Not sure where the baby car seat is. We won’t be allowed to leave the hospital without one.
Haven’t dug out all the little clothes yet. They are stashed somewhere in boxes in the basement. The boxes are labeled so it should be relatively easy to find. It’s just a matter of getting all the stuff out of the way and actually go look for them. Ideally, we should wash these clothes that have been put away for a while. But practically, it may not get done…
Lots of work in the office waiting for me to wrap up. 4 projects in line. I believe I can finish 3 of them and 1 is a lost cause. Unfortunately, my manager is the one who’s the bottleneck and holding everything up. Someone really need to whip her ass a bit to get her to move faster. I know she’s trying her best and she’s really overloaded. But if she doesn’t do her part so that I can finish off these projects, guess who’s going to suffer when I leave things hanging?
It could be next week for all I know. 3 weeks is just an estimate. 小Jwas early by 2 weeks. Better not come out until my mom’s here cos no one’s going to look after 小Jotherwise.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Toilet Paper
Hate it when public washrooms provide those super ultra thin toilet paper in big huge rolls like below:
First of all, the toilet paper is so thin that one needs to extract lots so that it can be stacked to a reasonable thickness in order not to have whatever went thru the hands. So if the thinness is for the sake of saving paper, it’s not working cos user will just pull out tons anyway.
Second, due to the ultra thin nature, there’s no strength associated with these toilet paper. Together with the fact that the rolls are so big and heavy, when user pulls on the end, it simply breaks into tiny little pieces and the huge roll is not rolling to let out some more. The end results are:
- Some ppl somehow throws these little pieces all on the ground and therefore making the toilet stall very untidy, with an impression of being dirty, even tho it might not actually be that dirty.
- These little pieces are not usable and mostly ended up being thrown into the toilet without being use and user have to pull out some more. Again, counter-productive if trying to save cost.
- Major annoyance to the user.
Even if I try to use these little pieces that break off, it’s very difficult and I have to pull out a million little pieces.
Why can’t the provider:
- Use normal thickness toilet paper.
- If they really want to use these ultra thin paper, could they put them into smaller rolls so that ppl can actually pull out the toilet paper?
I have to agree, some ppl pull out tons regardless of thickness anyway. Therefore, I don’t mean that the provider needs to provide the best quality of toilet paper out there cos there will be too much waste by those ppl. However, I think normal thickness isn’t too much to ask for.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
House of Cards
Have always wanted to watch this series but was worried that once I started, I’ll always be 心思思狂追。
Finally started. Watched one episode so far. Not much happened but it was only episode 1 so it’s mostly just an intro. Still quite enjoyed it.
Always like to watch Kelvin Spacey. Even when he’s playing the evil/bad guy, he somehow has his way to making the audience root for him.
Watching it with 詹占. It’s a bit tricky cos then it means that I will have to wait till both of us are free to continue. But it’s also a good thing cos it means that I can’t just 狂煲,helps to keep me on track.
Can hardly wait to watch some more!
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
House Reno
This time is the 2nd floor.
Hired someone to do it this time cos we can’t do it ourselves this time – need to level the subfloor. There are a few little things that need fixing as well.
Trying to get this done before the arrival of #2. Took this chance to do it since 小J needs to switch room anyway.
My mom is not impressed by the fact that we are doing reno while #2 is still brewing. Pure superstitious-ness. She said that we should wait till #2 is out. But honestly, that causes more practical problem. We kinda had that happen when 小J was out when we decided that we need to change the main floor flooring before 小J became mobile and hurt himself over the popped nails. I ended up turning into 遊牧民族, taking 小J out of the house everyday to avoid the dust and noise, while 小J needs to nap somewhere in the library and places like that. And because we were out, 變相小J瞓時我都無得瞓. 攰爆.
We would like to get it done end of summer but unfortunately, the contractor delayed the start date a few times and it’s finally getting started this week. If we didn’t ask again and again abt the possibility of getting it done in September, the contractor was going to do it in the beginning of Oct… Was a bit annoyed by how he drags on and on over the start date.
In the rush to clear up the 2nd floor, it was a good time to toss some useless stuff away. One of the stuff that got into the ‘give away’ box is a digital photo frame that I gave 詹占 as an xmas present one year… It was something that got looked at every time we went to stores like Future Shop and stuff. So I bought one. But then we have only used it less than 5 times all these years. Most of the time, it sits in its original box. 詹占毫不留情的說要 get rid of it. I wonder if he rmbs how the frame came into existence. Oh well… it indeed is useless to us tho so it’s good that someone is 狠心 ar.
Sleeping in the basement these days, with 小J sleeping down there, too. It’s kinda fun. Almost feel like we are in a hotel. Heh.
Hopefully, the reno will be done on time. We still need to move everything back up (poor 詹占 had to do all the heavy lifting all by himself, with the ‘help’ of 小J) and to buy 小J a new bunk.
And hopefully, our new floor will not be squeaky no more, which will help to sleep train #2. Fingers crossed.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Late Night Entertainment
A free wild life live show last night – Raccoon fighting.
This time, we were simply the audience.
We heard the calling sound of a baby/young raccoon at around midnight. At first, we didn’t pay much attention to it cos it sounded kinda far away. But after a little while, we heard the moving sound of a normal-sized raccoon and it sounded pretty closed by.
So we opened our blinds, found the little pocket flashlights that’s handy and tried to figure out where the heck these raccoons are. Didn’t see much at first cos our flashlights were pretty sucky (well.. actually they are pretty good for pocket size but it’s not strong enough to see too far). Then we started to heard more fighting/angry noises.
And then we saw eye… one eye… two eyes… reflecting off our flashlights. It was on our neighbour’s shed, two doors down).
It wasn’t moving towards us, which was good. But it was definitely looking right into our light, probably wondering who/what the heck is shining at it.
Then… we saw another pair of eyes… More creepiness…
They moved from two doors down to one door. Our neighbour had a tree where there apparently was another raccoon’s territory. The young calling sound resumed and some more hissing sound.
Suddenly, some fighting sound and the two pairs of eyes crashed down the shed to the ground, taking a bird feeder with them on the way down. They scurried a bit and did two laps around my neighbour’s backyard, crashed into something that we were unable to see in the dark and eventually left the property.
Guess the guy in the tree won.
Then we saw another pair of eyes showed up and slowly went towards the neighbour’s table and chairs in the backyard and out of shining range of our little flashlights.
The show was over.
We watched for a good half an hour.
Thanks for the entertainment, raccoons, altho I still wish that I could shot you guys.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Ice Bucket Challenge
兩個字 - 無聊!
雖然 to raise the awareness of ALS 既目的都算係達到,但 I personally think that for those famous ppl, it's more of a publicity stunt more than anything. Actually, this is more so for the semi-famous ppl. 那些半紅不黑的明星呀,所謂的明人呀嗰D,覺得佢哋係當做廣告搏出位多D囉,根本都唔知佢哋有冇人 tag 佢架,又唔知佢哋係咪真係捐錢既。
同埋我唔鐘意俾人梗硬局你捐錢,覺得值得既,就有冇呢D stupid challenge 都會捐啦。同埋捐錢做乜要 post上網呀?要人知你有幾善心嗎?
唔好tag我,我一定唔倒加唔捐。(你咁宅,根本就無人 tag 你啦唔該...)
Monday, August 11, 2014
FB Cleanup
我係每天都在FB窺探人家生活的無謂人,但返排發現每日出現在我FB newsfeed 上,被我窺探的,at least 70% 的都跟我的生活毫無關係,生活圈子完全不同,基本上多年完全無聯絡的。
尤甚是呢D每日出現既人,佢哋 post 既絶大部份都係D超級無謂嘢,唔係D貓貓狗狗嘢,就係轉 post 其他的網絡圖文,基本上我都係 scroll 過就算。
我又不至於會 unfriend 呢D人咁串既,不過我決定 unfollow 呢D人。
呢幾日,我個 newsfeed 小咗好多嘢,我唔駛 scroll 到關節發炎,而我亦完全唔覺得自己 miss 咗D乜,反而感覺良好。
MCD – McDonalds
ST – Special treat
PIE – pie
Most of these words are food-related. Nothing naughty that you would see on TV. The main reason is that we need to make sure that we have the consent to let 小J have the object in question but if he hears us talking about it then it would be the end of discussion cos then he is going to have it unless we want to have to lengthy confrontation.
But the problem comes when one day:
One of us (can’t remember which): “Shall we go to MCD this morning?”
小J:Yay! We are going to McDonalds!
When did he learn how to spell McDonalds!?!?!
Luckily most other things still works, but he starts to ask "What is X-X-X?" or "Why/What are you spelling?". It's getting harder to keep secret with Mr. Inquisitive here.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Raccoon 大作戰
近排屋企的 raccoon 作惡,唔知係因為天氣熱我哋開窗瞓,定係因為佢哋真係勢力坐大,成日半夜都聽到佢哋打交,經過或者係傳宗接代(那是詹占說的,佢話以前租屋時就親眼見到 raccoon 傳宗接代時會發出嗰D聲),令人睡不安寧。
詹占跟隔離屋的大叔就很大膽,詹占走咗出去用水射佢,但佢就越爬越上,加上樹葉太多,最後俾佢走咗去一個射唔到既位。隔離屋的大叔更大膽,走咗去樹底用電桶照,看看 raccoon 走咗去邊。佢真係好嘢 ,俾著係我,我會好驚隻野跳落黎我度,我先唔會走去樹底。
This is the time when I really wish that I have a powerful BB gun that I shot the darn thing. But apparently this is illegal, even if you don't kill it… I think it totally should be legal, cos 隻死嘢一副有持無恐的衰相。
I'm normally not an animal hater, but with raccoon… I really don't love them.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Hangerburg = hamburger
Booboobaybay = blueberry
I 砵 jor =我放咗屁 (English + non-language word + chinese grammar) - 實在太強!
唔食哂 - 食唔哂 (語法錯誤)
You! (Finger pointing at 詹占, 很強勢的說) Go take off your bicycle glasses, now!
You don't sing it! And you don't sing it! Only I sing it!
a-ba-la-ba ba-ba-ba-ba-ba
a-ba-la-ba a-ba-gangtoeby
Monday, July 28, 2014
呢排就是有興致,之前弄了幾個都是小食甜品的,今次就來些較重量級正餐的。我自小鍾意食饅頭,加上屋企有D由 Halloween frozen 到家下既南瓜蓉,於是一見到這個食譜就好想整,咁啱上星期三因為醫生 appointment right in the middle of the day,唔三唔四既關係,我直情攞一日假,就有時間係無小J干擾下,自己整。
雖然係個人最靚,但比起人家食譜的相還差好遠。而且好似無乜南瓜味道。看上去很好看,但吃入口總是覺得不夠買 frozen 饅頭的那麼鬆軟。是因為街買的 frozen ones 不夠真材實料還是 frozen ones 都加了不知什麼化學品嗎?
本身食譜教的是白汁蝦仁焗飯,我自己改了點,加了蟹柳,同加了紅蘿蔔和意大利青瓜,咁就一大堆頭搞掂,唔駛另外再煮 veggies. 唔知係咪因為我加咗咁多嘢既係,感覺上這個焗飯比食譜形容的多功夫很多,也弄了很久。
我個人覺得好味,略嫌汁少了一點,但這個可能跟我加咗太多其他嘢同 double 咗個 recipe 有關。小J更是吃了兩碗之後仲話要多D,我哋驚佢又食到肚痛唯有 offer 少少水果去 distract 佢。小J這個人是好吃旳就搏了命的吃,唔知飽,好危險。
Thursday, July 17, 2014
呢兩個星期 weekend 無午睡,多咗D時間玩煮飯仔。
以下既都係我跟簡易食譜做的,小妹又 send 了另一個 blog 俾我,入面有好多食譜,很閒既時候我都想試試。
我個人覺得唔夠咸,下次會落多少少鹽,同埋下次會再碌扁 d。
這個以前整過一次,但原來已經係3年多前的事,早知整之前睇返以前個 entry 啦,因為個結果同上次差唔多-太甜...
這個小J有幫手倒蛋汁,蠻好的,基本上無倒到週圍都係,I was quite impressed by his patience and care.
小J超愛吃,第一日食完之後,我將剩底既收咗入盒,佢第二日放 daycare 一返到屋企,就走入廚房(準備煮飯),一入到去見唔到D撻就即刻問D撻去咗邊,驚死俾我食哂咁。要等我show 俾佢睇喺D盒入面,佢先放心。
基本上,以上三樣都唔算成功,全部都係得個樣,D味真係差咗D,我都係無乜煮既既天份,跟住 step-by-step instructions 煮都可以唔太好味,不過唔緊要啦,玩吓者,唔係煮俾其他人食,大小J無乜味蕾,乜都食得入口,佢哋做我既白老鼠啱哂。
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
I witnessed the following this morning. I was only two cars behind from what happened so I saw everything.
At an on ramp, a red car was getting onto the highway and there was a dump truck next to it. I didn’t know if the car was getting too closed to the truck or what cos I wasn’t really paying attention at them at the time. The truck kinda moved right towards the red car’s disappearing lane and bumped into the red car.
Collision, right?
The red car left side was dented and all scratched up. The driver signalled to parked on the shoulder. The truck kinda signalled too but then decided that it's going to keep going. Trying to run away.
The red car tried to catch up with the truck with slight difficulty because of all the traffic. He made it eventually to be next to the truck by driving on the shoulder and the driver opened his window, stuck out his hand and probably yelled at the truck but the truck still has no desire to park. The car driver finally stuck out his hand again and took a picture of the truck with his phone. Only then the truck finally agreed to parked on the shoulder to deal with the aftermath.
While the red car was trying to catch up, the truck even tried to signal to get out of the slow lane to run away!
Completely unbelievable!
I tried to memorize the truck’s license plate while I was witnessing all these in case the truck did manage to get away and I was going to call the police. Good that the red car managed to get the truck. Well done, man! Altho, I am not sure if the red car wasn’t at fault himself, he might have been a bit too aggressive in his merging… As I said, I wasn’t paying attention to them in the beginning. The truck definitely moved right to bump into the car tho. It was almost like bumper car.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
FB today
今日上FB見到某朋友被一個我唔識既佢既朋友 tag 咗團體相,某朋友比我還老紀大(相入面既人除佢之外一個我都唔識但估計係同佢差不多年紀既老朋友),相既標題係"一眾九十後",我一見到之後心諗,如果佢哋真係九十後但 everyone 個樣都已經係咁既話真係好該煨。
Tons of ppl are posting selfies with the so-called 自拍神器。The weird part is that they all have to specify that the pictures were taken with the stick.
Why do they have to specify that the picture was taken with the stick? And what’s so special about the stick anyway?? Just a stick that you stick your phone to, no?
Friday, July 11, 2014
子華十一月中會黎多人多開 show 呀,但今次跟他無緣了(其實一直都不是有緣啦,每每都是我特登去捧場才會見到,在街上撞到的才真是有緣)。十一月的時候我應該是跟老二形影不離,再加超級睡眠不足吧。
唯有預祝子華 good show 啦。其實佢個 show 好似連名都未有。
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Your Job vs My Job
小J,剪草-ing (well… pretending to be with his toy lawn mower): 汁!
Me (weeding): 執到D乜?
小J:Not 執。 汁。jab。
Me (恍然大悟): 哦,job?
小J:Yes. Job. My job.
Me: 你個Job ?!剪草係你個 job?!
小J(滿意地):Yes. It is my job.
Me: 咁我呢?剪草係咪我個 job 呀?
小J(老積同有權威地): No. It is my job, not your job. Your job is pull out the weeds.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
最不滿既係俾 Klose 入到波,俾佢超越到肥仔朗,成為 all-time top scorer.
小J 愛食差不多是人人都知的了。但佢家吓大大吓仲加埋驚死蝕底的個性。
話說有一日食飽飯,小J在廳玩,我在廚房收拾殘局。咁我口痕就喺廚房偷食一舊芒果乾。小J同我講嘢我咪應吓佢,點知我一路趙一路講嘢俾佢發現到,佢一聽出我個口內面有嘢,咋咋林放底 whatever 佢做緊既嘢,衝入嚟廚房問
"What are you eating?"
"無額,食乜呀?" (仲想狡辯-ing)
"What are you eating? 呀..." (示意要張開咀吧)
"What is that?"
"I want 芒果乾 too"
Chicken fingers dinner.
(聽話地吉咗兩條,a minute later, looked over at 詹占's plate)
"Why he has three?"
"I am big, too! I need to eat more."
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
前兩個星期是公司大廈的 tenant appreciation day and this week is the company’s employee appreciation week.
先說說上年的 appreciation 吧.
Tenant Appreciation
上年在大廈的 main floor 擺 continental 早餐,有 muffin 呀,cookies 呀,水果呀,果汁呀,croissants呀,coffee呀等等等等.
Employee Appreciation
上年有早餐,almost a full breakfast, 有蛋啦,french toast 啦,bacon 啦,薯仔啦,果汁咖啡啦。我差唔多到個早餐時段就黎完先去食,都仲有好多選擇。
There was also a pizza lunch last year, I think. Nothing too memorable but at least there was nothing to complain about.
Tenant Appreciation
安排了幾個 vendor 喺度賣 discount 嘢,eg. crossfit gym membership, some sort of skin care products, jewelleries, some discount entrance to places like paintball, legoland, wild water kingdom etc., some health booth that show case their massage and other services.
It’s nice to have discount, but the thing is, why do they want me to spend more money on tenant appreciation day?!
Employee Appreciation
- Got donut and coffee one morning. Definitely a downgrade from last year. I didn’t get there late or anything but when I got there, there’s no trace of coffee and there were only three little Tim boxes of donuts. I was actually expecting some muffin as well but it really was just donuts ONLY. And the choices were pathetic.
- There was also a pizza lunch. There’s a station set up on each floor. But the problem was that someone was serving out the pizza. They were those square pizzas cut into little squares. They gave us only two pieces each and no more. There were only choices of either pepperoni or veggie. I didn’t bring lunch that day cos I thought there’s pizza lunch. Me and my colleague were seriously thinking about having to go buy some food after those two little cheap ass squares. Luckily, after a while, they announced that we could go for second because there was then some leftover. We went over for another two slices but they gave us one normal size _small_ piece and then one other piece that was half the size of the normal small piece. I could eat that tiny piece in two bites. I’m not kidding. It was so small. And half of that tiny piece was the crust!!! My colleague, who is a guy, said that he needed to eat 20 pieces that size in order to get full.
And the way they set up the station in the hallway is that we went to get our pizza and then we went back to our cubicles to eat. There was no standing room, didn’t create any opportunity for socializing. It’s ok for me cos I don’t socialize anyway. But before we merged office, we used to have BBQ (hamburger, hotdogs, salads, chips, cookies etc.) and we sit at the picnic tables to enjoy the summer heat. - Ice cream day – got an ice cream sandwich. Not too bad. At least it was what was expected, which wasn’t much, given the disappointment in the last two events.
- There was also lucky draw throughout the week but being me, having no luck in any sort of draw, won nothing. So it was as if it never happened.
Seriously not impressed this year. I don’t feel appreciated and I definitely don’t appreciate their appreciations. I mean, 咁 cheap 不如唔好做啦,要做就唔好 cheap 得咁緊要好唔好?你唔做我冇 expectations 就唔會唔高興啦。
The way I watch FIFA is to time my gym time at work to roughly the match I want to see. I can only see part of a match this way because I can’t take that much time working out during office hour but it’s better than nothing.
Guess I’m not the only one who does it. The gym is usually empty at those hours in the afternoon (I don’t go at regular time. Just whenever work is slow so I can sneak away) but when there’s a game, ppl will show up.
The thing is, some of these ppl I have never seen in the gym before. And most of these ppl don’t even pretend that they are there for the workout. There are a few types of ppl who show up:
- Ppl who come down in their dress pants and dress shoes, simply standing right in front of the TV to watch the game.
- Ppl who pretend to be working out or stretching. Some hold on to a dumbbell or some other equipment but they really are just taking up the equipment and not really moving. Some of them really just treat the exercise bench as a chair for them to sit to watch TV. 最頂癮的是那些 chinese dudes, who just do the 轉腰 (like those 晨運客 in the park). They probably think that they are stretching, 但佢哋真係可以扭腰扭足四十五分鐘,好腰力!
- Some uses the stationary bike or the elliptical. Almost look like they are working out but the ‘workout’ intensity, I suspect, is no more than, say, walk to the washroom for a pee.
- Most of the above are men. There are also a couple ignorance ladies who came but know nothing about soccer. I am not talking about the technicality of 越位 but one of them still thinks that Beckham is still in the UK national team… And they do not know how long is the game or anything. They really just came down to comment on the 靚仔 and to chat up the other ppl in the gym. Altho, to give them some credits, these ladies do actually do some exercise while watching and they work a little harder than Group 3 above.
- Ppl who are regulars and simply switched their time of workout to game time.
人多都唔緊要,我至唔鐘意既就係呢D唔係做 gym 既人不停咁 comment,超煩囉。你以為自己係講波佬牙??一係就係嗰D女既問埋D白痴嘢,然後個男既就好似 expert 咁解釋一番,煩到爆。
I kinda understand the regulars cos they have budgeted the time for workouts anyway. But what about those that I don’t know even know if they have the gym membership? 佢哋真係喺度睇足半埸架喎,唔駛 do 架?
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
星期一請了半日假落 midtown 同詹占食 lunch 兼睇 Neth vs Chile.
我蠻like Neth 的,主因係佢哋好橙好耀眼既球衣,哈,其次是我個人覺得佢哋通常都頗主動的,通常 resulting in a pretty exciting game to watch.
Spain 都終於入了球,但好明顯成間餐廳無人睇那同時間進行的比賽,因為入了球到重播的時候也沒喝采聲,反觀 Neth/Chile almost 入球都會有驚呼或喝采聲,我亦都係無意間眼尾看到那間電視才知道他們入球了。
很喜歡偷閒的生活。 可能是因為是偷來的吧...
詹占 sent me this after I shared the above with him. Some of the older clips of this guy. The writer of the article is pretty funny, too, I found.