Saturday, December 31, 2011


Another book I just finished. This time it's not an ebook but a 'real' book borrow from 海倫媽媽.
This is the 7th book of the series that I have been reading every once in a while.

I didn't finish this book in super speed but I've been reading this at the same time as Outliers since I can only read hardcopy books during day time. So it happened that I finished both books at pretty much the same time.

I have got to admit, I got a lot more reading done these days.
On top of these books, I've also finished Isaiah (started before 小J came along but was taking me forever), Jerimiah and Lamentations.
Pretty good, eh?

Friday, December 30, 2011


Another library ebook that I've finished. I heard good things about it so I decided to read it. I actually wanted to read Blink but the library doesn't have that as ebook so I tried Outliers instead.
The book is interesting. Some of the things you kinda know already. Like for the successful ppl, not only they have to be smart and motivated and ambitious and all those, they also need to have the 'opportunity'. But there're also other points that the author made that are very interesting. He has obviously done some research in order to write this book.
Not a bad book. Pretty easy to read as well. Good for leisure.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


屋企的地板舊到死咗,d釘成日都突出黎勾腳跟,都不知幾多對襪就係咁死咗。一直都想換,但就一直因為無錢既原因一直拖,但依家唔可以再拖,因為一旦小J變得 mobile, d釘就會由 annoying 變成危險。

但換地板,牽涉到好多嘢,其中一樣就係屋門口既走廊都廳中間嗰幅牆,we had to hire someone to get rid of it. We couldn't do it ourselves cos we don't know if it's a supporting wall or not. Since we were hiring contractor, we got him to get rid of the mantle piece for us as well. The fireplace is non-functional and it's taking up precious space of our living room.

又一破財事件。都仲未計買地板既 cost, 遲d仲窮。

Altho this is costing us too much at the moment, we are very pleased with the result. Now that our living room felt a lot bigger (I know, it's still very small compare to the new houses but we are happy with it). There's finally enough space to set up a little play area for 小J downstairs (we have been using the 'office' room as play area before).

The problem is: 塵土飛揚,everywhere. 成屋 all the surfaces were covered in dust. We have been trying to clean up for almost a week already and still, dusty dusty dusty. Not so good to have 小J breathing in all these dust.

Here're the pictures.

 After (Sorry all the crap has been in place b4 I remembered to take a picture)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


咁啱屋企有d creamer,想用鬼咗佢,於是沖d instant coffee.
點知d instant coffee 一攞出黎,發現原來過咗期一個月多d。
其實本身 instant coffee 就係唔好飲架啦,如果唔係,都唔會喺屋企放到過期。
但估唔到過期既instant coffee仲難飲。
最後,以我孤寒(從我連過期既instant coffee都唔放過就知我幾賢淑啦)既性格,都頂杯咖啡唔順,倒咗。
當然,剩餘既instant coffee powder 都被我倒埋。

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


仲要係喺依家銀根短缺的時候發生,雖則說保險會 pay for it, 但到續保既時候就死得。
仲要收埋 ticket, 罰款加扣分,保險費唔加都無人信啦,死唔死。


今次炒車嚴重過幾年前嗰次,但我今次反而無上次咁驚... 是炒車炒到麻木了嗎?


Friday, December 16, 2011

Album Update

2011-11-25 Walking Down the Valley

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Have a Little Faith

Another ebook that I just finished.
This one is a quick read, compared to Last Light.
Some of my frds read the book when it 1st came out n they all liked it, even my atheist frds liked it. But I was a little skeptical cos I didn't like the 5 ppl you meet in heaven.

As it turned out, I really enjoyed this book. Talks abt faith in a light way. Tho from a rabbi and a strayed away Jew's pt of view, but it's still very inspiring.

I think I even like this book more than Tuesdays with Morrie.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Gigantic Santa

A picture is worth a thousand words. Saw it during my afternoon walk in the neighborhood today.

Friday, December 9, 2011


不是 bieber fever, but the real kind.
Don't know what's with my body, this is the 3rd time I'm having a fever in 3 months.


Unfold 唔到由自可,一unfold就發現o個個位充滿死皮。yuck!
According to 小妹,那些就是傳說中的老泥。

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Last Light of the Sun

A book I have just finished.
Recommended by 詹占。
Sorta interesting. It's kinda my type of genre as well.
詹占also told me that we could borrow ebooks from the public library n read on our phone. Pretty handy since I've been reading in low light at night these days. Actually, Last Light of the Sun is my first library ebook.

One thing I don't like abt library book is that they seem dirty to me sometimes cos u never know who had touched the book b4 u n what's their hand condition when touching the library books. For all I know, they could b reading in the toilet. Call me 潔癖 but I really don't like reading library books in bed.
But ebook solved this problem.

I know, at the end of the day, ebook for library is probably not environmentally friendly cos one printed copy can circulate to tons of ppl but everyone has to spend electricity every time an ebook is read... sigh...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

No Rest

詹占 has left for Chicago for the annual conference, leaving me n 小J alone for a week. This means that I'm not going to get a break in the evenings. I'm gonna b so dead.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I can finally call myself an engineer!

That's right. I hv successfully obtained my PEO license.

Got the letter in Monday. Now I'm just working out little details abt wat name to use on my certificate n my stamp, pay the membership fee and wait for a date for the certificate presentation ceremony.

I was a little worried b4 that they may not accept my experience since wat I do hv absolutely nothing to do with wat I studied. But everything's fine. Praise the Lord. :)

I am hoping that I will still b able to get my company to pay my membership fee. It's not cheap. Over 500 bucks!!! I'm not sure if the company will pay for it tho cos I'm on leave right now. But precisely  bcos I'm on leave, it would really b nice if I can recover that amount cos I'm pretty poor right now.

But in any case, it's done n I'm happy. I'm sure my boss will b happy to know it as well bcos he has been bugging me to get licensed since I joiner the company.

Congratulations to myself! Ha!

Monday, November 21, 2011


A few of my married 'frd' on fb ar so proud of their 師奶 status n their cooking ability that they hv to create photo albums, n call them X師奶 cooking record or similar n post pictures of all the food that they hv made.

Number 1: I don't understand y they r so proud to b a 師奶. To me, 師奶 is a 貶義詞。
Number 2: some of the food r just 家常便食送,not that i can make them myself, 但佢地又唔係請我食,post 出來幹嗎?

Saturday, November 19, 2011


A free ebook that I just finished. One of those silly murder mystery book.

The interesting part is that the main character who's going around to investigate is an old lady. She, along with quite a few characters, are Christians. That's also quite different from the other murder mystery book that I'be read, in which the main character is a materialistic woman. Not to say that the latter is not interesting but the old lady one is just nice cos the old lady doesn't lie or swear or anything. Basically just stay nice during her investigation.

Too bad only the Invisible book is free cos it's a series. They only have the first one free as the bait.

The book itself is not educational or anything. Just for leisure read. But it's great for my night time sitting around cos I can't read a real book due to the lack of bright light so ebook is perfect.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Recent Comments

Don't know if ppl know abt it. It is quite subtle n I didn't know for a long time.
There's a 'recent comments' button on the top left corner of my online album so that if u want to see whether ur comment on a certain picture has been responded, u don't hv to go thru the album to get to the picture again.
I know there's been only two ppl who has left comments so far but I thought I would mention it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Road

A post apocalypse movie.
Certain scenes or idea really creeped me out.
But the movie wasn't particularly gd. Some of the things doesn't quite make sense.
And I also found it depressing. Although 詹占 and I thought that it hinted the world could b turning around at some point. But still, made me depressed.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


又開始對人樣有d反應,at least 佢開始認得我呢個米飯班主。哼,算你醒目啦!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


尋日因為有food delivery,人家仲帶來了一個砵仔 糕。 本身不太愛砵仔糕,但也不是抗拒,砵仔糕總是給 我家鄉的感覺,而且有食物送上門,加上我我咁為 食,當然是說句多謝然後大飽口福。 以我記憶,砵仔糕有幾種,有分有豆同冇豆,同埋啡 色同白色,共四種選擇。我個人prefer白色冇豆,但 通常賣的都是啡色有豆,正正是我prefer既 opposite, 所以我通常都唔會對砵仔糕記寄以乜野厚 望。 其實我唔明d豆係度做乜,砵仔糕,話明係糕,當然 係食舊糕啦,d豆霸住哂d位簡直係厄錢。 你又prefer那一種呢?,

Monday, November 7, 2011


Saturday, November 5, 2011


As of Tue, I'm officially a 艱難大人!
The ceremony was pretty relax cos I was just one of the many who were there.
N I realized that it was the first time I sang the whole 'O 艱難大'.
Thx for 詹占,小J, 海倫媽媽同詹妹出席呢個ceremony.
海倫媽媽 was more excited than I was. :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Watched this on tv on sat. Not too bad, I guess, compared to those cheap 'HK' movie that uses Mainland actor n actresses who can't speak canto so they just dubbed over it but the dub work is so shitty that the 口形完全唔夾.

Like many other movies, I actually enjoyed the 配角 more than the 主角. 演阿媽的演一個八婆師奶演得入目三分,令我真的想dull把星她. But the one I like the most is 朱咪咪, I've always kinda like her. I usually see her in comedies n she makes me laugh. 估唔到今次做個正經既角色都得喎,俾到一個好慈祥既阿姨既感覺我,醫院o個一幕都做得好好。

But then the movie itself wasn't particularly good. That's the thing about hk movie. They are usually not that good when they try to b serious. They can b not bad but hardly considered as good. On the other hand, some of the silly movies bcos u know that it's no gd u ended up laughing at it so it might turn out to b quite entertaining.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Bcos I'm too quiet at home, instead of turning on the TV, I turn on the radio at home all the time these days.

I try to avoid any pop stations as I find them annoyingly repeatitive so I opted for 96.3 classical instead.

To my surprise, the classical station is very repeatitive as well. N sometimes it plays a lot of opera singing which is totally not my cup of tea.

But then, at least there's no swearing on this channel n I don't have to listen to retarded lyric like 'I'm a brand new bXtch'. (heard it in the car today. Don't know since when becoming a bXtch is a proud thing to sing abt?? Ppl really has no shame these days ...)

Saturday, October 22, 2011


多謝教會的弟兄姊妹,我呢個幾月來機乎完全不用煮飯,每隔幾日就會有 delivery, 只要 reheat/reboil 就有得食,而且d野食仲好過我平時自己煮嗰d,實在太正。




Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blogger Droid

Android users: Do not download n use Blogger Droid.
I know it's free but it sends u spam notifications.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Hving a vulnerable one in the household definitely forces u rob cleaner.
Haven't mopped the floor ever since we moved in. N really, haven't mopped for I can't remember how many years. Bcos of the plumbing issue we had, the house got all dusty after the plumber did his thing.
Even after quite a bit of vacuuming on 詹占's part, it was still very dusty. I decided to buy a mop to clean up. So there I was, mopping away the morning. If not bcos of the little guy, I probably would hv let it go, thinking that our socks would eventually clean up the dust, by walking around the house. The areas that don't get cleaned means that we don't use those area anyway so who cares.
A lot more housework to do these days.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

This is sorta a test post to c if I can post something with my phone.

There was this stupid show on the TV in sat nite in which the host said something like Thanksgiving is dumb cos ppl were just trying to pretend that there's something in their lives to b thankful for.

What a bitter man! I think he's the one who is dumb. There r so much to b thankful for in life! The fact that we r still breathing is already something that we all should b thankful for. Everything we hv r given by God. He could hv taken it all away just like that, don't even hv to give u a reason.

Ppl who insist that there is nothing 2 b thankful 4 in life r such ungrateful n arrogant jerks.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Album Update


This album will continue be updated as time passes and as our little man grows. I'm only on week 1 even tho he's almost 1 month now. I know. I'm slow. But I'm also very busy, and tired...

I wonder if anyone still come up here anymore since I haven't been updating. Anyway, I guess only my loyal followers will find out about this link. :P haha...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Still Here

Just want to put in a quick entry to say that I'm still here, still alive.
Life is super busy and exhausting at the moment that I simply don't have much time to update recently.
Ppl who should know why already knows. No need to explain more here.

Hope that life will be on track soon, although I am enjoying the chaos at the moment. :)


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Blog Frequency

其實今年既其中既一類似 resolution 既嘢係想寫多d,紀錄多d生活既點滴.到目前為止,成績都不錯喎,而家係九月,但已經係呢幾年黎最多 entry 既一年.

當然,我現在呢個奶奶閒勁hea 既工實在是功不可沒,讓我成日都咁得閒喺公司打 blog,多謝老細!

不過呢份工對我既 blogging 仲有一個重大影響,就係老細太寬鬆,令我少咗好多對老細不滿,訴怨氣的話題,哈哈!

I suspect that my blog frequency might taper off a little bit for the rest of the year and the beginning of next year tho, with the new life and time-draining responsibility as well as my upcoming trip to HK.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011


The building management of my office building nicely organized a BBQ lunch as appreciation for all the tenants in the whole complex.

It was just hamburgers and hot dogs and soft drinks. Nothing special. But it’s nice enough of them to hold this free BBQ lunch.

The whole thing ends at 1:30pm so I wasn’t rushing down when it opens at 11:30am. Colleague CMan said at around 12:30 that we probably should head down in case there’s no more food and I was like,

"唔會卦,building management 請得我哋食,唔預多都應該會預夠"
"你以為啦,我哋公司有d人一有 free lunch 就搏哂命咁食,有d仲又食又拎."
"唔會卦(其實我上次又真係見到個又食又拎既人,不過I was hoping that it was just a special case.),應該唔會咁誇張卦.不過如果你想落去,我哋而家落都無所謂."

So then, we headed down. There were already some ppl eating and there was a tiny little line up for the burger/hotdog to be cooked. So me and CMan got in line. And then there’s this Chinese dude, apparently just finished eating something cos he had a plate with him already, got to the front of the line and asked the lady if he could have a hot dog.

CMan and I looked at each other and I could feel her telling me. “See? I told you.”

Personally, I think that 條友都白痴架,見唔見到有人排緊隊架,你就算要添食都要排隊啦,真係想搏打.

And then apparently the hotdogs got cooked faster than the burgers but some of the ppl who were in line (including me and CMan) wanted burger so some of the ppl behind us got the hotdogs first, including this Chinese dude. 跟住我哋又見到呢條友又去番條隊尾度,喺度食佢既 hotdog.

跟住我哋都無留意佢,因為無耐之後我哋既 burger 就到手,so we went to the condiment station. While we were still putting condiments on, that Chinese dude arrived at the station with a burger! This meant that he has finished his hotdog and got a burger!

痴孖筋囉,唔駛錢啫,但駛唔駛喪食呀?仲要呢,我哋落黎之前佢都唔知已經食咗幾多轉.CMan 話佢都唔知係咪之前一晚無食飯,今日搏命食番夠本,仲食埋今晚嗰餐.駛唔駛 cheap 成咁呀?Burger 同 hotdog 啫,唔係乜嘢 high class 嘢囉,屋企買唔起咩?

嗰位呀生之後仲有冇繼續食我同 CMan 就唔知嘞,因為我哋攞完我哋嗰個包就返咗樓上食.同埋嗰位人兄究竟係何方神聖我都唔知道,因為個 BBQ 係我哋呢個 complex 幾橦 office buildings, 每橦入面又可能有幾間公司,所以呢嗰人係屬於邊度真係唔知,可能係我哋自己公司既都未定.

詹占有次都講過,話有次佢公司請食 dinner, 有幾個瘦猛猛,一睇就知平時食得唔多嘢既 chinese, 人哋都 warn 咗佢,個餐佢哋會食唔哂,但都係要 order 至貴既 lobster + steak dinner, 驚死蝕底咁,最後就咪係食唔哂,洒哂d嘢囉.詹占 was so not impressed that time.

我真係唔明,點解dChinese 成日都咁 cheap? 映衰哂其他正常既 Chinese. 添食唔係唔得,添一次都夠皮啦吓話,駛唔駛好似飢民咁?

詹占因為我既關係,多咗去dChinese 地方,見得多咗中國人既優良傳統,令佢對中國人有所改觀,佢一直都以為 scottish 係 stereotypically cheap 民族,但佢而家已經覺得 Chinese 係有過之而無不及.

I heard that 印印同屍你難加既人都可以好 cheap,I sort of 有少少經歷,就係 garage sale 既時候,件貨已經係賣一蚊,佢哋都仲可以同你講價,叫你5毫賣俾佢,我心諗,唔係吓話,一蚊你都仲想講價,你不如真係唔好買啦.

Mayb there’re always cheap ppl in each ethnic group. It’s just more noticeable in Chinese since I have more contact with them. I don’t mean to stereotype but they drives me nuts sometimes and is such an embarrassment.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Got an email from one of frdR that she’s going to England and had indeed already left. Well… I’ve already knew that she might leave for England for a while but the shock was that she’s already left when I got the email. Not even a chance to say goodbye.

Not really complaining cos I am sure that she was so busy making all kinds of arrangement since there was only 1 week between she got the notification and her flight. Just weird how rush the whole thing seems. I guess she probably couldn’t wait to go over there to meet up with her honey.

Ever since we graduated, this group of ppl have been spreading out slowly. First, there were GPA, W, J, M and V who decided to pursue their engineering education out of the country. Only M came back. And then there was A who pursues some other career/field of education out of the country. And then now, there’s R going away to continue with her post-doc career. And M is going away soon to pursue an different career path out of town.

What’s left is just me, C and S (S stands for Sing so as not to get confused with the other A). In this scenario, the chance of having everyone together is very very slim cos there’s no way all of them will come back to visit at the same time, especially W, who has no family here so it’s not like he would come to TO during xmas or something. In view of this, the next chance to have everybody get together would be at someone’s wedding.

W is not going to have a big wedding even if he gets married so we can count him out. I doubt that M will get married anytime soon. So that leaves R, V, S and A. Therefore, at most 4 more big gathering until maybe one of us die that we will start getting together again bcos of funerals. Hopefully, that scenario is not going to happen for at least another 40 years.

Not that I see these ppl very often even when we were all in TO but it just felt weird that we are all spread out everywhere now.

Monday, August 29, 2011

My New Toy

My 3-yr cell contract is finally going to expire in end of Sep. I hv been waiting for it for a while since my phone has been abused by me so much that it can no longer connect to the blue tooth in the car anymore which poses a big problem cos I don’t want to break the law.

Instead of waiting till the end of the contract, I decided to went to shop for a new phone last Thur. I didn’t want to wait till end of September cos I could be too busy by then.

Took forever to get a new phone tho. There was only one person working at the time and there was a customer in front of me. The saleperson was having a heck of a time to activate the phone for the other customer. She also had a hard time doing mine as well and hence forever^2.

I ended up staying with my current wireless provider., which means that I could have renewed my contract and get the new phone 6 months ago. Oh well… not really that big of a deal cos waiting till the end of the contract enabled me to shop around different providers. It wasn’t like my old phone wasn’t working anyway.

One annoying thing of staying with my current provider is that some of the deal that they offer only applies to new customers. I was like ‘what the hack’. Shouldn’t they treat returning customers nicely as well bcos we have been loyal? It reminds me of the bank commercial:

I was so not impressed by the fact that I didn’t get the phone for free even tho I signed up for another 3 years but have to pay $50 for the phone. It doesn’t seem fair to me.

So which phone did I get? The first smart phone in my life is:

Nexus S.

Yea… I didn’t want an i瘋 cos the fact that so many ppl have it and the number of ppl think that owning an i瘋 is a fashion statement annoys me.

I’m been pretty happy with my new toy so far. I don’t really care too much about those little games that one can play on a smart phone anyway. To me, it’s more important to have a keyboard so that I don’t have to press a button 3 times to type a ‘r’ in my text msg, as well as the ability to use WiFi/Data that appeals to me.

One thing tho, is that the battery doesn’t last too long (compared to my old phone) even if I am not actively using it. Have downloaded some app that apparently helps elongate the battery life. I’ll see how it goes.

Finally saying goodbye to my ‘dumb’ phone!

One little extra story. As I was waiting for the sale girl to work on the system to renew my contract, 3 little boy the age of 10 at most came into the store and one of them said, “Hey, look! That’s your phone. Nexus.” Turned out that they came into the store to look for a protective case for one of the boy’s Nexus. I was like, “Oh wow… a 10 year old has a smart phone…” Kids these days are so privileged. I’ve seen a little 1-2 year old playing with an iPad while still sitting in his/her stroller. It seems so wrong…

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


詹占 borrowed a rather nice road bike from his frd, with aero-bar and all that, for his upcoming duathlon.

I helped to move the bike (basically just pushing it around) last night and that made me really really want to ride on it. The fact that I haven’t been riding my bike the whole summer (other than riding the 5 min going to drum classes, which I just had stopped doing in the past month)  and the fact that I just realized that 笨 has been commuting with bike these days and the fact that it’s a much nicer bike than what I have, made me really really really really want to ride on it 兜番一轉.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Album Update

2011-07-02 GPA's Wedding

Once again, congrats to the newly-wedded.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Vita Lemon Tea - Revisit

So I’ve found some of the old style packaging again in NF. What is going on? Does it mean that the one that I bought the other time was 假冒維他的假貨?

I’m genuinely confused right now. It is quite possible that the one I bought last time was boot leg product since all the other Vita drinks’ packaging remained the same (the short, wider package) .

EDIT: So I tried to look it up online and found this Vita website. So it seems like all the Vita lemon tea are genuine. The skinny ones are the special flavor I supposed. And the 3rd flavor that I couldn’t remember last time was the lime one. I think I would just stick with the chubby package since it’s the original one and I have always loved it.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bad Lunch

基於唔想去咁遠既理由,去咗一間明知比平時買開外賣貴一點的港式茶餐廳買 lunch, 買咗午餐焗葡汁雞扒飯.





Going to this preparation class for 4 weeks. Started 1st class last night. Felt like those group therapy class, with lots of discussion and “how’s everyone doing?” time. Weird.

The teacher was pretty funny tho so it was gd, so were some of the guys in the class. Didn’t learn too too much that I didn’t already know from reading the book. Hopefully that was bcos it was the first class. Big waste of money and time otherwise.

Watched a short movie at the end of the class. Featuring a rather fat husband and wife. If you don’t look at the screen and if you don’t know what it’s supposed to be, only listen to the sound caused by the pain, you would think that it was a porn movie.

And then there was the epic of the movie near the end. Way too graphic. Felt like watching a horror movie. The fact that the main characters were this chubby American couple didn’t help, either. >_<


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Assassin Creed

Has been playing Assassin Creed on my Xbox recently. I know I know, there’re already Assassin Creed 2 and Assassin Creed Brotherhood and I’m still playing Assassin Creed 1. But I don’t buy video game at their full price. I could wait for years till the price drop. I’m not one of those video game hot heads that I have to play the latest and newest game all the time.

I actually bought this game (well… 詹占 wanted to play so _we_ bought this game) over a year ago and I finally got around to start playing a few months ago after my PEO exam. It has been fun, even tho 詹占 said that the 2nd one is better (yea… we actually own the 2nd as well… I’m just too slow.)

Anyway, I like this game. The graphics is so beautiful. After playing a few RPG games that involves fantasy/monsters/magic (eg. Fable), this one is a nice change.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Earlier this year, a pair of robins decided to make a home at our 屋簷 and breed their next generation. 詹占 n I took some pictures here and there to record the process. Felt like we were one of those ppl who do animal documentaries, tracking down the progress everyday.

It was pretty cool cos I’ve never seen baby birds in real life. Have only seen them on TV before. And ya, they are quite ugly when they were all bald without any feathers. o_O

It was actually quite hard to take the pictures cos it was a bit high up and that the mum/dad would ‘cherp’ at us to threaten us. Not that we are afraid of the ‘cherping’ but we didn’t want to disturb them too much either. So the quality of the pictures aren’ t the greatest.

One time when the babies were getting big and we were trying to take picture from our door, the mum/dad hovered right in front of us. That scared me a bit cos I was worried that it would fly into the house. I like watching birds and animal from a far but I don’t like to have any type of contact with them in the fear that they might carry disease. And especially birds, you never know when they would decide to have a dump. I definitely don’t want that in my house. So I slammed the door close quickly. I guess those little ‘threats’ works.

We were also quite worried for the little birdies cos one of our neighbours (two doors down) has 2 cats and they are always hanging out in our backyard. We were worried that they will found the nest on our front porch and eat the birdies. Luckily, the birdies were safe the whole time.


More pictures can be found in my online album.

Albums Update

2011 Jan-Jun Various
2011-06-18 Hamilton Duathlon
2011-06 Robins Growing Documetary

Thursday, August 11, 2011


公司有個怨男,really getting to my nerve. 日日就在投訴這投訴那,spending prolonged period of time complaining about either the client or the agency or the company with the lady whose office is right behind my cubicle. And he’s loud. And they don’t close the door. And the lady is also loud. Sometimes, he’s not even complaining about work-related stuff but his neighbour.


Honestly,  好多時真係想叫佢 shut up.

有一日佢喺佢自己間office 度傾電話(佢個office 隔我三個位,但佢太大聲,又唔閂門,所以我聽得好清楚),話佢架車條軚死咗,但前一晚明明ok,因為佢去咗 pump軚,但第二日條軚就已經死哂.跟住佢講完之後又同我後面既大聲婆講一次,基本上我聽咗佢既 story 兩次,跟住佢哋又懷疑係佢個 neighbour 整佢條軚.


雖然我知我咁諗好黑心,but I couldn’t help it. 佢真係勁揪煩.我有衝動想毒啞佢.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Surprised Act

Sometimes I listen to songs in the office via u2b in the background while working. Was listening to Eason yesterday afternoon. And in the middle of the song, Eason said that here came the guest of the night. I didn’t suspect a thing. It’s common to invite guest to concerts anyway.

And then after a little while, the crowd was going nuts. I thought that was kinda odd cos I didn’t expect the fans of Eason would be so crazy about Alan Tam. So I took a look at the video itself to see what Alan was doing to arouse the audience so much. It totally wasn’t what I expected.

Watch the video urself to see what I’m talking about. Try to just listen to it first and you will see what I mean.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lord Sunday and Hot Six

Two books that I finished recently. It’s a nice feeling that I can have time to read leisure books after I finished the citizenship test.

Lord Sunday is the last book of the series The Keys to the Kingdom by Garth Nix. It’s a fantasy series. And it’s actually a 9-12 years old series… Yes, I’m reading children’s book… It was recommended by a much older dude though so I’m for sure not the oldest person who read this series. lord_sunday

I took the recommendation bcos I really liked another series by Garth Nix, The Abhorsen Trilogy. The Keys to the Kingdom wasn’t bad but The Abhorsen Trilogy was way better. If you are looking for The Abhorsen Trilogy, don’t get this boxset tho I personally think that the cover graphic sucks in this one.abhorsen_badgraphic

This version is much better. More adult-like, at least. If you like reading fantasies, I highly recommend The Abhorsen Trilogy.abhorsen_gdgraphicOops. I am supposed to write about The Keys to the Kingdom. Well… compared to Abhorsen, Keys is a lot childish-er. Not a bad read for leisure but definitely not as exciting as Abhorsen. The ending was also a little strange although I’ve half-suspected that something weird like that would happened since book 2 or 3. But still… I didn’t like the ending too much. Not that I could think of a better ending but simply think that it could, er, somehow, ends differently.

Hot Six, on the other hand, is another series by Janet Evanovich. It’s just a silly novel series but I find it hilarious sometimes, especially those sidekick characters. I read one book from this series from time to time. They are mostly independent so there’s no rush to finish the whole series. There’s certain amount of profanity in this series tho. Not something that I would recommend to immature readers. I personally find this series very easy and entertaining to read.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Ripple Effect

We tried to reorganize the middle room on Sat. Trying to make room in the middle room for all the stuff that keep piling up downstairs in the living room and the basement.

In order to do that, we have to move the futon from the middle to the office.

In order to have a spot to put the futon in the office, we have to move the two bookshelves to the other side.

In order to move the bookshelves to the other side, we have to move my desk to the corner.

In order to move my desk to the corner, we have to move all the random craps from the corner to some other open spaces left in the office after the reorganization.

And since we are moving stuff around, we might as well vacuum the spots that were normally covered up by various things.

And the end, we’ve only managed to have time to go as far as moving the bookselves and most of the books over. With more or less a spot for the futon and most of the random crap piled up in the middle of the office. 寸步難行.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


如果因為平價既關係,一個星期的蔬菜 dish 有四天都是西蘭花的話,你會覺得點呢?我真係好想知道其他人對呢個 situation 會有乜野既感覺/feeling.For the sake of the discussion, let’s assume that the 西蘭花 were cooked in only two different ways for the four days.

Not Much Too Do

Haven’t got too much to do at work recently. Worrisome. Not that they can lay me off for at least another year tho cos I have some sort of protection now. But I’m just worried that I may get laid off afterwards if the situation continues.

基本上,我覺得我呢排都係處於準備開始放假的鬆弛狀態,唔係我唔想做嘢(講你都唔信,其實我好想多d嘢做),但每次 I asked my super what I can do, he kept saying that there were lots to be done, that I don’t have to worry about not getting any work. But he doesn’t actually give me anything to do. 唉,我問又問咗佢,但仍然係無嘢做,咁我可以點?



Wednesday, August 3, 2011




仲出咗三隻不同的口味.由於唔知邊隻味打邊隻味,我買咗其中兩種入camp,super icy 嗰一 pack 無飲到,拎咗返屋企,誰知 super icy 既味道係薄荷味,好難飲耶!(我個人唔喜歡薄荷味)

是薄荷味就直說嘛,叫什麼super icy唧?害得我買錯了,而家仲剩五包,都唔知要黎做乜.


今次買咗嗰兩 pack 既另一 pack應該係原味(唔記得咗叫乜名), 唔知第三隻是什麼怪味呢?個味既名我都已經唔記得咗,記得好似係怪怪的,所以選了 super icy 都無選那一個.如果下次要試,我一定唔會買六包裝咁笨,買一包試試先唔好再俾佢坤.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Camping 去

Went camping this long weekend.

It was a little tough with my current body condition, especially getting in and out of the little two-person tent. But it wasn’t unmanageable. I was glad that I bought a relatively thick air mat this time tho cos it definitely helped the sleeping.

We went to Presqu’ile Provincial Park this time. It wasn’t a bad campsite but it was very buggy. We got eaten alive by mosquitoes.

The weather was great. Sunny everyday. Clear clear sky for star-gazing at night. No moon either. (I almost always ended up going camping on full moon by chance that it affected my star-gazing but this time we were super lucky) Can’t ask for too much more. It was just too bad that I didn’t expect myself to stay up late at night to star gaze. If I knew that I would and that the sky would be so clear, I would have brought my tripod and took some night shots… What a waste of opportunity!

We went hiking for a little bit. The first trail (marsh trail) was gd. The other two were kinda deadly, especially the Newcastle Trail. We weren’t hiking in that trail. We were running for our lives. We didn’t even finish it. Luckily there’s this spot where the trail joined the main road so we just came out of the trail and walked along the main road back to the parking lot instead.

Saw a lot of little frogs on Owen Point Trail. Too bad that there were way too many mosquitoes around. Otherwise, we could have enjoy this trail a little more. It’s also a little tough for me to hike as well cos I get tired quite quickly. I was glad that the trails weren’t too long so it was still doable.

The beach was not bad either. Water wasn’t too cold so we all ended up going into the water. Not the cleanest water tho. Pretty cloudy water. Definitely not dipping my head under. Saw a very cute baby playing with the sand and eating some of them. haha… Also saw a kid who chased and shot water at his grandfather/uncle but when the grandfather/uncle got him back, he started crying. What a suck! Hate kids who do that. 你搞人就得,人哋一搞你就喊,你唔玩得就唔好搞人,真想兜把星佢.

It also turned out that it was the history week in the campsite so there were some activities going on. Most of them were for kids tho but we did go to two of them. Not particularly exciting activities but it was kinda nice and it gave us something to do.

And K媽 brought a 毽 to 踢. And even I was playing, too. Can’t believe I still 踢毽 with my clumsy body! haha… K媽 and 賴 were pretty gd at it (gd compared to me and 詹占 anyway). It was surprisingly fun.

First time to go camping with K媽. She’s fun. And extra wonderful cos she doesn’t mind doing the dishes! haha… And 賴 pretty much took care of the cooking. I simply had to help here and there. SWEET!

This is the last summer event that I’ve planned this year, before my whole life style changes forever (just hope that the change won’t be too big and that the changes are good changes).

Hopefully, I can still go camping next year!

Friday, July 29, 2011

The End of HP

Went to see the last installment of HP movie last Friday. Didn’t disappoint me wor.

One problem was that we ended up seeing the 3D version. I am not a big fan of 3D movies. It makes my eyes tired easily and I don’t see the appeal of it. I personally don’t think that the 3D effect adds too much to a movie, in most cases anyway. And it’s more expensive. I think that the whole 3D thing is just a gimmick so that they can charge ppl more $$.

Movie itself was gd. Most of the movie was just action tho so there was hardly any acting from Ron and Hermione, which is fine cos they aren’t that strong of an actor and actress anyway. haha…

I still liked Snape the best. The more complicated character in the series. Still dislike the fact that JR Rowling killed him off so quickly (although there’s still the memoirs afterwards). He could at least put up a bit of a fight. Oh well…

Saw some pictures of the 3 main characters from the first movie and their pictures now. Looked so different. I’m always kinda disappointed how non-cute Harry Potter is now as an adult.

The next movie that I want to see in the theatre is Sherlock Holms but I don’t know how mobile I will be at that point. May end up watching DVD instead.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Albums Update

2010-11-12-13 Foggy Night and Morning
2010-11-20 Hiking
2010-12-05 Christmas Market
2010 Christmas

That's the end of all the pictures from 2010. Phew! So much easier to do these ones cos they all came from one camera and that these are much smaller albums (only a few pictures each).

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Office Pet Peeve

I had listed some fb pet peeve a little while ago.  I realized that I have a list of office pet peeve also.

I hate it when the office is freezing cold in the summer and boiling hot in the winter.

I hate it when ppl talk loudly about things unrelated to work for a _prolonged_ period of time during office cos it affects my productivity and I’m not interested in your personal life that much.

I hate it when ppl gossip in the office.

I hate it when ppl microwave their lunches for more than 3 minutes.

I hate it when ppl use more than one paper towel to dry their hands in the washroom.

I hate it when ppl do not flush properly.

I hate it when ppl sing/hum songs at their desk.

I hate it when ppl do not turn off their computer and monitor when they leave work (unless they are running simulation/code overnight).

I hate it when ppl have to take the elevator instead of walking the stair for just one or two floors.

I hate it when ppl, who are obviously in the office, do not response to emails and I end up having to track down by phone.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Album Update

2010-10-24 Tai Po Waterfront Park
2010-10-29 Birds in Waterfront Park
2010-10-30 Yum Cha
2010-10-21-29 Various Gatherings (formerly 2010-10-22 EAT but I thought I would just group all the gathering pictures there)

This finally concluded all the pictures from my HK+Tai Wan trip back in Oct!

Also, I just realized that there're comments on the albums!! I've never noticed. I thought that I would get email notifications when I get comments but I guess it wasn't working. Anyhow, I have responsed to some of them although those comments were like a few months ago...

But I'm really glad that some ppl do actually look at the pictures! :D

Thursday, July 21, 2011



其實我唔太 mind the heat. 但我間屋舊到連 insulation 都無,真係超熱,想唔開冷氣都唔得.夜晚都瞓得唔係幾好.

加上可能係太熱太乾既關係,我既 allergy 好似嚴重咗少少,鼻勁塞,透唔到氣好辛苦.

For the sake of not further heating up the house,呢排都盡量唔喺屋企煮食,但係個難度就係買外賣 or eat out 既話,會無乜菜食,我呢排係努力咁均衡飲食丫嘛,真係有d麻煩.同埋外賣同 eat out 就通常都 pack 唔到 lunch 返工,理論上我係可以 pack 三文治,但我呢排又唔可以食 cold cut meat, 真係好麻煩囉.呢兩日都係食喺T&T買既叉燒食同菜肉包就算咋.

Going camping next weekend. Hopefully, it’ll be less hot by then cos I don’t wanna get overheated or get heat stroke.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Little Katelyn

Visited 2 weeks old Katelyn on Sunday. The family’s doing great. Katelyn was nice and peaceful, mostly drifting between sleep and awake during our visit. No crying, which was nice.

She’s so tiny. I guess that’s what 2 weeks old is like.  Well… actually she’s not that tiny. She’s a pretty tall baby. But only the arms and legs were skinnier than I expected cos I always thought that babies are chubby, with the arms and legs like 蓮藕.

Didn’t take any pictures tho. Her dad already made a fb account for her to upload pictures anyway. I don’t feel the urge to add to the exploding wealth of internet information by taking any more pictures.

I didn’t hold or even touch her. I don’t like touching newborns. They are so 軟 lai lai. Me such a rough person doesn’t want to risk hurting them. It’s one thing to hold your own, but other ppl’s 都係唔好.自己既話,整親咪整親囉,從錯誤中學習,但如果係人哋既,你整親佢個金菠蘿,人家嬲死你.That’s y I never touch newborns, unless they are close relatives. 可遠觀而不可亵玩焉(喂,人家的句子好像不是這樣用的喲).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

詹占 went to Cambridge on Sat. I decided not to tag along but to enjoy a rather relaxing day instead cos I have been too busy lately with all the exams, camps, church, mini-vaca etc. and I finally didn’t have too much to do last weekend. I’ve been feeling quick exhausted in the past 2 weeks. All I wanted to do is just to laz-around the house, not doing too much.

Was going to sleep-in a bit but got 抄醒 by 詹占 to eat breakfast. Since I was up, I did some laundry, replied some emails, got the dish washer going and tidied up the house a little bit. Felt like a pretty productive morning. And then after 詹占 has left, I had a lie down on the couch and read for a bit. It was about 10:36am when I started reading. After a little while, I decided that it was time to have a little nap.

唔nap尤自可,一nap就 lai 嘢,到我起身既時候已經係 3:15pm!!! I was like, “Holy smokes! What happened?” I quickly got up, ate some lunch. Did some more laundry. Did some last minute powerpoint edit and then went out for a 30-min walk (my exercise of the day). When I got back, I weeded in the front yard and the garden for about another 30min and then it was too hot for me to stay outdoor any longer. Went back to the house and it was time to relax again. Played some video game. Ate some supper at around 7pm and watered the lawn and the plants. Played a little more video game and then it was time to talk to my family.

That was my Sat. Felt sorta productive and yet quite relaxing. I just couldn’t believe that I napped till 3:15pm. Must have slept for more than 3 hours cos I didn’t read for that long before I decided that it was time to nap. Felt so gd afterwards tho. Renewed energy. I wish I can do this everyday.

Sleeping 就係 sleeping, 但係咪 beauty 就見仁見智.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Surprised Lobster 大餐

Got a text msg from 詹占 yesterday while I was still out that we were invited by our neighbors to a lobster dinner. Really didn’t know what to expect.

We’ve always been having good relationship with them since we moved in. When we are away, we’ll ask them to look after our house plants and collect our mail and vice versa.

They have been out in Nova Scotia for 2 weeks and just came back on Sat. Apparently, they bought a cooler full of lobsters and brought them back and would like to share with us and their other neighbor.

Dinner was served in their air-conditioned garage/work room. Although the air con was on but it was too hot in TO yesterday that it was still a little hot. But it wasn’t bad at all. It felt like having a little dinner gathering in a village. Nice and cozy. Kinda cute indeed.

We brought over some fruits and they served us steak, salad, drinks and whole lobsters. I’ve never had whole lobster in my life before. All the lobsters that I’ve had were always in some sort of dish already. So I was given a quick tutorial on how to crack the shell and all that. Basically, we ate the lobsters cold and dipped them into melted butter. Tasted so good! And so fresh and juicy! As I was enjoying my dinner, I couldn’t help but think that 笨 must be super jealous. wahahaha…

The hospitality was wonderful. They told us stories of their trip and showed us pictures. From the sound of it, they absolutely loved Nova Scotia. I’m glad that they had such a great time. It was a night with great company and lots of laughter.

It was a very enjoyable evening in deed. What a pleasant surprise. ^_^

Friday, July 15, 2011


I have always been trying to eat fruit as snacks at work. Quickly packed a whole bunch of fruit this morning and did not realized until I got to work that my combination of the day is 士多啤梨蘋果橙, haha… made me think of twins. Also made me think of Wong Chi Wah sang (with 劍指, refer to 越大鑊越快樂 if no idea what I’m talking about):

蘋果橙士多啤梨 點揀

Haha… I’m thinking too much.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Albums Update

2010-10-22 EAT
2010-10-23 Peak

The following two pictures were taken with different mode of the camera. Which one do you like better?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Was quite nice. We didn’t have much of an agenda so we mostly just wandered around, looking at shops and such. Even tho I’ve been to Quebec City a couple of times, we still managed to find some spots which I’ve never been to before.

We totally lucked out on the weather. Sunny everyday while we were there and most of the time, not too too hot, as long as you stay in the shade.

Had one fancy dinner on the first night. And some non-fancy ones after. I was surprised that we didn’t eat as much as I thought we would. Probably getting too old, stomach and appetite shrinks.

The expected huge bonus we’ve got out of this trip was that there were two free things at night. One was a 3D projection show that got projected across the river to the huge industrial buildings. The content of the show was… er… not so good. It’s some sort of history of Quebec/Canada from the old days to the modern days but it’s little too artsy with little context so it’s quite hard to follow. I am glad that I’ve taken my citizenship test recently so that I can put some of the things into context. But I really wonder how much does the non-Canadian tourist could get out of this show. The show was long, too. About 50min. We stayed for about 20-30min. It wasn’t too 3D but it was quite impressive to see such a large projection. And it’s free so I try not to complain too much.

On the other hand, the 2nd free show was AWESOME. It was an outdoor free Cirque du Soleil show. It was almost an hour long. Tons of ppl came out. I mean, you have to stand for an hour and all that but it was great. It’s nice of them to do free shows. I wonder if those performers were newbies who aren’t quite gd enough for the real thing yet so they give them this free show as a training ground. It doesn’t matter tho cos they are pretty gd, other than this one guy whom I’ve noticed that he failed twice. Apparently, they do it through the summer so if you happened to go to Quebec City this summer, make sure you don’t miss out this free show!!

There were also all kinds of street performances. And Elton John was in town! Not that we went to his concert but we did witness the craziness of all those ppl who lined up before noon out in an open area under the hot sun in order to get a good seat for the concert at night. Pretty insane. I wonder how many ppl had heat stroke.

Pics of the trip ma… have to wait wait. Since I’m still in the process of finishing up the HK trip and I’m busy with the youth camp pictures these days as well… Really don’t know when I’ll get to this one. =_=

Oh oh… almost forgot to mention. Flying Porter is quite nice, especially the Toronto Island lounge. They give you free water, coffee and juices, as well as almonds, short bread cookies and some other snack while you are waiting for your flight. And nice couches to sit in. And newspaper available for you to read. Felt like a VIP! ^_^

Waiting for the ferry to cross was dumb tho. The other side was so close. I was telling 詹占 that I could probably swim over there faster than waiting for the ferry.

The plane itself wasn’t that special. My seat on the return flight actually kinda sucked. There was some sort of crumbs on it cos they didn’t have time to clean the cabin.

It was definitely nice to be able to get to Quebec in an hour tho, without the ten million pee breaks in the case of a car ride. I just regretted it that I didn’t eat more of those free snacks in the Toronto lounge cos there’s no lounge on the Quebec side, just the regular old airport. It was also relatively easy to get to, without having to taxi or park-n-fly and all those hassles. Will consider fly Porter again in the future.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


A 小插曲 from the youth camp last week. 話說 we went on the beach on the last day. It was Canada Day and the silly beach parking lot was full. So we all parked on the side street. By the time we left, both me and 小賴's cars, together with a lot of the car that were parked on the street, got a parking ticket. >_<

上帝啊,你為什麼要這樣懲罰我?!(小姓賴啦你,明明是自己不看清楚,見有其他人 park 了便 assume it’s ok to park there)

40 bucks, 很肉痛.

題外話,一心以為 now that the camp is finished, then it’s finished. But no no no, since our church is doing the admin this year, I still have to deal with all the expenses and finance and organize an evaluation meeting. And our pastor wanted to show some pictures of the camp during the church anniversary worship this Sunday, which means that I have to sieve through the pics and select some nice ones to make a slideshow. The fact that I still haven’t finished uploading my own vacation picture back in 2010 means that I don’t have much time working on pictures la.

Compounded with the fact that I’m leaving for my mini-vaca this Friday, I have to get the this Sunday’s powerpoint and slideshow done tonight and I still have to pack! (I’m still going to work for half a day tmr) In order to pack, it means that I need to get some laundry done tonight first. Orz… so much about hae-ing after my exams. Well… at least I don’t feel bad doing all these things instead of studying.

Album Update

2010-10-21 鳯園
The description of the album (left hand side) tells you what 鳯園 is if you've never heard of it. It also tells you how the pictures are organized in this particular album (basically there's not much of an order...).

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I got the PPE exam result the day I came back to town from youth camp. I passed! Doesn’t say what’s the mark but who care. All I need is to pass it.

So now, the final step is to have all my referees filled out the form for me with nice and positive comments and if PEO accepts my experience (since what I do and what I studied is diff), I will be able to call myself an engineer, as opposed to engineer-in-training. Personally, I don’t really care about the title that much. It’s more like something that I have to do in order to keep my boss happy. During last year’s performance review, I put down getting PEO license as one of the goal to achieve this year so I better get it done.

Unfortunately, my colleague who took the exam on the same day as me failed the law part of the exam. It’s not a big deal anyway. You just have to redo it until you pass and it’s free to redo. I’m just glad that I’ve got it over with and don’t have to worry about it anymore.

On the other hand, the citizenship test was a joke. The practice questions online were harder than the actual test. The test was 20 MC questions, to be completed in 30min. I used only 5min to complete the test. Normally, we won’t know the result until they mail us the letter but since I missed a document and ended up having to see an officer, I saw the already marked paper and I got full mark. wakakakakaka… But really, I don’t know if I’m just lucky or what, the test was so easy. And of course, I prayed beforehand so that probably helped also. ^_^

So once I submitted the missing doc, I will probably be a Canadian citizen in a few months. And then I can get a Canadian passport which means that I can go down to the States without applying for a visa. Definitely a big plus cos then there’re a lot more mini-vacation destination choices, not that I can go anywhere anytime soon after September but it’s nice to have the option when I need it.

So relieve that all the exams/tests are over. I can read normal books and play video game without feeling guilty of not studying. :D

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Wedding 比我預期中的好,雖然食物方面真係好唔得,但能夠見到一d好耐好耐冇見既朋友,所以還蠻ok的.


由於有好幾個人係好耐冇見,update 咗大家既近況,當我以為自己好醒,知道咗好多新消息向某人會報既時候,才發現呢d所謂既新消息原來唔係新消息,原來全部人都知道,other than me and 腎腎,爆無奈.

因為咖哩姐剛生咗,再加上珍大姐又有咗,有唔少既話趕都係圍繞住bb呀,大肚呀之類,其實我唔太關心.不過真係好奇怪,有啦啦成村人大肚,I expect 剛結婚的新人亦將會喺短期內宣佈大肚,因為佢哋既 wedding vow 同從牧師口中所講佢哋結婚其中一個原因係為咗建立家庭,咁如果佢哋身體健康既話,我相信不出半年佢哋就會有成果.不過照正我喺條 news chain 入面個 position 咁低既位置,加上我人家不太相熟,可能當我得知消息既時候人家已經生咗.

嘩,咁搞法,下次出黎 book 枱要 book 好大張囉.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


PPE results should be coming any time this week now that the postal service is back on. Nervous. Hope that I pass la. It would be so 樣衰 if I failed, not to mention I will have to do it again if I failed.

May God bless me.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Upcoming wedding to attend. Sigh… honestly, not that keen on going this time. I normally like going to wedding but somehow this time 就是不太 excited.

I don’t like it when the ceremony is mid-day and then the reception’s at night. A few hours in between. 返屋企又唔係,著住禮服週街 'dat' 又唔係. Pain in the ars.

Gonna be so exhausted by the end of Sunday this week. Citizenship exam on Wed, followed by 3 days of youth camp right the way till late at night on July 1. Wedding on Sat and Sunday church and fellowship. By the time I am home on Sunday afternoon, I’ll be so mentally dead, if not physically as well…

Thursday, June 23, 2011


So mayor Ford decided not to attend the gay pride parade and related activities. What’s the big deal?

The homo community is slamming him of intolerant, of hurting the city/country’s diverse culture. blah blah blah…

First of all, I have nothing against gay or les. I have frds who are gay or les and I’m perfectly fine being frds with them. I have even been mistaken as a homo every once in a while and I have no problem with it, either.

What bugs me tho, is that these homo communities always victimize themselves, saying that ppl are not accepting them, saying that ppl are discriminating them. They are never satisfied. Sometimes, it feels like their ultimate goal is to have everyone turning into homo before they will shut up.

Ford is not trying to shut down your silly parade, OK? He’s simply not attending. 年中多人多有幾多 cultural/street festivals? Is he supposed to attend every single one of them to show his support? You don’t hear the Chinese (which I’m sure, is more populous than you homo community) complaining that our mayor is not attending their festival. You don’t hear the Chinese say that the mayor is discriminating against the Chinese bcos he’s not going to the festival.

And really, what’s so gd about your parade anyway? Other than bringing whatever amount of tourism money that all the economists are so concerned about (and which I really don’t care), all that catches my attention is that there will, again, be a lot of practically naked ppl walking down the street. It’s more like promoting pervert-ness than anything, if you ask me. And I don’t see how pervert-ness is something to be ‘proud’ of. What kind of message are you trying to send out, especially to those who may not fully understand homo, anyway? That you guys are all pervs and love to walk down the street with as little clothing as possible whenever the law permits? You are stereotyping yourself. So don’t complain when ppl think that you guys are pervs.

Not to say that all the other festivals are better than pride parade. I personally see most of them as greedy business ppl making an excuse to earn money. The pride parade bugs me more bcos I simply dislike the ultra high profile-ness and the seemingly never-ending demand of the homo community.

I don’t love Ford but totally support his decision of not going to the parade. Way to go man! I hope that you stand by your decision and not give in to the pressure of the media.

Albums Update

2010-10-20 Kadoorie Farm

Also found a few extra pictures from the taiwan trip from my dad's camera. Will slowly put those up as well once I sorted them out. For now, the following is updated.
2010-10-17 Taiwan (菁茼+十分)
I doubt that anyone would like to spend the time and energy to go back to that album to look for that few extra picture. I mean, they are marked as "new" on the album for the coming 6 days I believe but who would really go thru the 12 pages of album to look at them?? Let me just post one that I really like here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Binbrook Duathlon

詹占今年又報咗名參加兩項鐵人,仲報咗兩個站(very ambitious),是舊年跟我參加過之後俾我吸引咗入 the dark side 吧,哈哈.


詹占亦都順利完成賽事,I’m so proud of you.

之後仲順道去探住喺 Hamilton 附近既細路細嫂,那兩隻小魔怪大得真快!They are at the age that needs constant attention. 看著細路細嫂基本上一整天就在照顧佢哋中渡過,完全沒有自我既時間,感覺好恐怖.:S


至搞笑既係細路同我哋玩 wii 既時候(其實只係玩咗一陣,因為個細仔一醒就玩唔到),一個唔覺意太 high 成個 controller 車咗落坐喺佢大脾既女個頭度,超大力的啪咗一聲,好彩佢個女係鐵打的,平時成日PK都唔喊嗰隻,再加上我哋笑到扒哂地,所以佢又同我哋一齊笑,完全無喊.真乖女!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Big Spender

豪花咗 140 on 添置新裝.Actually, every item wasn’t too expensive but they just add up really quickly.

t-shirt – 9
3-piece pj – 29
office 用類似被肩但又有少少袖的東西 – 29
t-shirt x 2 – 35
causal shorts – 29

Part of the reason to buy so much clothes is that some of the button up dress shirt that I have no longer fits. With the 被肩 thing, I can probably get away with those semi-casual tee (I call them semi-casual but to normal ppl, they are probably really casual… cos I normally wear those super old-t-shirt of mine at home with holes in them with the color totally faded. When I go out, I usually wear the relatively new free t-shirts that I get from joining various sports events. My definitely of casual is slightly off from a regular person). These tees that I’ve bought are nice but not too nice that I can still wear them on a day-to-day basis and when I go out to restaurants.

Another reason of me buying all these clothes was that they offered a free gift if I spend more than 100 b4 tax. Wahahahaha… I know, I’m cheap. I totally wouldn’t spend that much in that one store if there’s no ‘jack-so’. So lucky tho, cos by the time I check-out, there’s only one last gift left. No choice on the color. I was going to pick neutral yellow but ended up getting a pink one. It doesn’t really matter cos I don’t really care. Pink is still nice and it’s free and that’s the important part!! hehe…  ^o^

I was glad that there’s one last gift left cos I don’t know what I should do otherwise… telling the cashier that I don’t want most of the stuff anymore?? Have to choose between 樣衰爆 or 肉痛死.Tough choice. Good that I didn’t have to make that choice.

I’m hoping that this is the end of 添置新裝 cos 我之前已經斷斷續續的添了置兩次,第一次很笨,didn’t wait for the promotion but I was sorta desperate for clothes and I didn’t really spend much money that time. I did sign up for the email list so that I’ll get a free bag in a month or two’s time tho. 所以都不能說是全無 'jack-so'. 2nd time I got smarter, I got a free 樽仔.

From now on, I just have to resist the urge to go get free stuff cos I think I have enough clothes already, until the fall anyway.

Monday, June 20, 2011



發夢同一個不太相熟既朋友 n her bf 去睇子華既 show, 坐第一排既邊邊位,半路中途,子華由得佢d嘉賓表演 take over 佢個 show, 而佢自己就坐咗去我隔離嗰個空位度,仲同我講嘢,又話認得我.佢隻腳跟住唔知點解好凍,佢同工作人員攞咗一對好似搭長途機既襪咁既嘢,仲俾一隻我,話我都應該好凍,俾一隻我保暖.

跟住我好想上厠所,但又唔想去,因為我驚走開咗,返去就會見唔到子華,但佢話 promise 我唔會走開,我返黎佢一定會仲喺度.

夢中既子華超 sweet 的!現實的也是這樣嗎?真的不知道.有時候,我覺得夢中子華既 sweet 其實係詹占既 personality 投射咗入子華既軀殼入面.

但不管那個是誰,都是一個很 sweet 的夢.

可惜,夢醒了,是星期一,要返工去... >_<

Thursday, June 16, 2011

You’ve Got to be Kidding

NHL final game 7 last night. Apparently, it’s pretty rare. And since VanCan was one of the competing team, ppl went a little crazy here.

Radio channel 680 always interview ppl and ask what they think about some of the current issue. Most of the time I couldn’t care less about what the ppl think cos it seems to me that a lot of the times, the ppl on the street are just dumb. Hardly ever has any inspiring insight into things. Not entirely their fault, the person who formulates the question wasn’t any gd to start with so they always ask dumb questions anyway. I only really listen to that channel for the traffic news.

Anyway, on the way to work yesterday, the radio was interviewing ppl and asked what they think about the NHL final went all the way to the 7th game. A guy said,

“It’s the 2nd best thing that has ever happened in my life, after the birth of my daughter.”

I was like, what the hack??!!?! That was the 2nd best thing in your life, EVER??? You’ve either had a sad sad life or that you were so stupid that you value watching hockey (note: you are just watching, you aren’t even playing…) so much more than other things in life.

And 詹占 later pointed it out, too, that the 2nd best thing that has ever happened to his life ended in the VanCan team losing. Simply pathetic.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

FB Pet Peeve

I hate it when ppl write an essay on their status.

I hate it when ppl update their status more than 3 times a day.

I hate it when ppl post pictures of their every single meal.

I hate it when ppl take a hundred picture everyday and post every single one of those pictures.

I hate it when two pictures are essentially the same (just slightly diff) and the owner posts both of them. They obviously didn’t filter.

I hate it when ppl are obviously on fb (cos they have recent activities) but not replying my message.

I hate is when ppl using the status to describe what their children are doing.

That’s for now. I’m sure if I think harder, there’s more fb pet peeve that I have. Do you have any that I haven’t listed?

Thursday, June 9, 2011



奇怪的夢(你有那個夢是不奇怪的?),因為我同呢位同學經己好多好多年無見,同埋詹占趕我出家門既原因超怪,anyway… 唔知係咪因為看/聽得太多謝霆鋒同張柏芝既新聞,才會做這個怪夢.


近幾日都好想食魚生呀,唔知係咪因為天氣酷熱所以想食d唔熱既嘢呢?嗰日同舊同事食 lunch, 其中一個人既 bento box 入面既 sushi 好似好好味咁喲,可惜我點了炒udon, 雖然都有點點三文魚,但點都唔夠成舊魚生咁食咁正,於是就只有乾看同流水的份兒.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sunnyside Bathing Pavilion

Was 詹占's BD yesterday. Went to Sunnyside for dinner. Our first patio this year. Took forever to get there during rush hour.

The food there was not particularly good. 主要去嗰度都係食風景. It happens that there’s beach volleyball and ppl were having dragon boat class/practice so there was no lack of entertainment.

The patio’s atmosphere was very vibrant and lively, thanks to all those volleyball and dragon boat team members who would come sit down and have a bit/drink when they are done.

We walked along the shore for a little bit after to help digestion, too. Although it was hot yesterday, it was almost cool near the lake. Quite comfortable.

Not a particularly exciting evening but nice and relaxing. ^_^

Monday, June 6, 2011


I know I’m very out but I finally watched the movie this weekend.

My expectation was quite low to start with so it was better than I expected. A pretty exciting movie for the most part.

I like that female pilot the best. Tough person, 又夠串, I like her!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


星期一晚放工去咗一個由 PEO 我個 area chapter 舉辦既 seminar (my first time to go to these kinds of seminar), pretty much a waste of time. 如果唔係因為個 topic  同工作有關,再加上地點就係喺我屋企附近嗰個 library 可以行到去,我係唔會去.可惜,I didn’t learn anything that I didn’t already know.

The speaker was an Indian guy with super heavy accent. Thank goodness that 佢犯了 powerpoint presentation 既其中一個錯誤,就係將dtext 打哂出黎,但好彩正正因為咁,加上佢講既大部份嘢我本身已經識,所以先勉強"聽"得明佢個 presentation. But some of his slides had so much text on it and the text was so small that I couldn’t read it from where I was sitting.

Since the presentation itself didn’t contain much new info for me, the highlight of the event became the attendants. They provide two trays of sandwiches for the attendants, which, of course, were completely gone by the time I arrived (I was a little late and I didn’t want sandwich anyway. I ate at home before I headed out). There were also a few boxes of granola bars and pops and water. Since I already ate and was not hungry, I only grabbed a water.  And since I was late, I sat at the back and therefore can see everybody.

So here’s the list of all the weirdoes that I’ve noticed that night:

  1. An old man dressed in some sort of old fashion thick thick suit jacket so he looked like he could be an retired engineer was picking on the empty sandwich plate to nibble on the bits and pieces that fell out of the sandwiches… :S
  2. A guy in suit came in late, grabbed a few granola bars and a pop. He proceeded to finish eating them and then fell asleep during the seminar. Everyone in the room knew that he was sleeping cos he started snoring loudly.
  3. An older chinese couple who were super late to the seminar, like the man in #2, grabbed some granola bar each and pop. They sat behind me and ate their granola bars. But they made a lot of noise as they kept brushing their pants. This made me peeked back and realized that they ate the granola bars super messily. All over their clothes and that’s why they kept brushing the crumbs off. And guess where the crumbs went? Onto the carpet on the floor… so stereotypical Chinese… 無公德... sigh… shame… Basically, neither of them looked like engineer. Instead, they looked like that were from the neighborhood, just dropping in to chow down some granola bars.
  4. During Q&A session, an old man raised a questionBefore he asked his question, he introduced himself of his credentials in the area. Basically, he’s more experienced and knowledgeable than the speaker. And since his question is more like a comment, there wasn’t much the speaker needed to answer but to simply acknowledge that he was right. 驕傲的老人.
  5. Another guy who asked question was an Asian guy. He dressed up in white shirt and gray pants. Looked like he was wearing school uniform. He had this very soft and polite voice. Sounded like he’s pretty fresh from school and just joined PEO not long ago. But as he turned around to face the rest of the ppl, I found that he had this HUGE mustache! Bigger than 林子祥! That’s so weird. A huge mustache on a very young face and young personality. And asian, too.

So there, the above summarized my first PEO seminar adventure.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011




做在公司唔太多嘢做,雖然唔係好似上個星期咁無聊,但d嘢都 manageable. 白痴既係尋日公司有個 internal training, 喺出席呢個 training 之前,要 complete 兩個 online training, 咁都無所謂,問題喺呢個on-site training 既內容同online 既都無乜分別,完全係浪費時間.加上兩個 presenter 既 monotone, 我完全想瞓著.

放工又趕趕趕咁去 trainer 既 appointment, 完咗之後又趕返屋企,轉單車去上 drum lesson. 當所有嘢終於都完哂,我返到屋企之後成個人散哂,攰爆,差d連沖涼既力都無.

可憐既係當我 physically d muscles 太攰既時候,係會瞓唔著覺,會有drestless. 最後搞到要去 spare room 既 futon 度先瞓得著.仲發咗個怪夢,夢到一個 math test, 全世界人都爆低分,我只係得69分但已經係全級最高分,I wasn’t too worried in the dream cos as long as I’m near the top of the class, then 拉完 curve 之後就會 no problem. 但我有dfriend only 得19分,非常徬徨,所以我都唔敢話俾佢哋知我有69分,但又有個8婆幫我唱通街,喺夢中好想搥佢.

Anyway, 今朝起身,精神唔錯但肉體仍然好攰,唉,老了老了,recover 得真係慢...

Thursday, May 26, 2011


詹占 n me 要襯在十月前去一個小型旅行,因為十月後會爆忙,plus we’ll probably go back to HK for visit later this year. Due to the limited budget and time, we’ve decided to go to Quebec City for a weekend.

其實本來,今年我哋係去 P.E.I. 的,but due to unforeseeable circumstanace, even if we go to P.E.I., we won’t be able to fully enjoy the cycling and all the other activities that we wanted to do.  So we’ve decided to defer it once again (yes, P.E.I. was supposed to be last year…). Too bad cos I sure do miss the seafood that once again slipped away from my reach! XD

We have both been to Quebec City before on our own. 詹占 hasn’t been for many many years while I’ve been there like 3-4 times since I’ve came to TO. The last time I went there was probably 5 years ago. It’s not supposed to be a highly adventurous trip anyway. We just want to get out there and wind down a little.  Niagara-on-the-lake was another option but then we’ve both been to Niagara together and that it’ll probably still be doable after October as a day trip or something so Quebec was our choice.

We finally booked everything last night. Hotels near Old Quebec City aren’t cheap!!  :S We eventually settled with a hotel that’s at the edge of the Old Quebec City. We’ve also booked only the accommodation instead of one of those packages due to limited budget. Not as ideal as it could be but it’s all gd. :)

Going to fly Porter to Quebec, too, as opposed to driving there.  So that alone is something new. Never fly Porter before. Wonder what it’s like. Probably doesn’t matter much cos the flight was just an hour long anyway.

Just have to wait till departure date! 期待-ing.  ^_^

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Worry Sick

Doc called my cell yesterday (I missed the call, only got the voice message).  She said that there’s something that she wanted to discuss with me.  And then proceeded to say that she just saw that I was scheduled for check up this Friday anyway so she said she would wait till then…

Super worried… Last time during checkup, the doctor in the other department already said something that was a little bit disturbing but she said that it’s probably ok and that she’d report it to my regular doctor so that my regular doctor would talk to me about it next time I see her.  So I tried not to think about it in the meantime.

The regular practice of my doc is that they won’t call you if there’s no problem.  Normally no news is good news, like last time I had a MRI on my knee.  If they don’t call you, it means that everything’s fine.

And now, she called me herself (as opposed to the nurse calling me)!!  Highly disturbing. >_<

And worse yet, I missed the call and have to be worried and wait till Friday to know what she wanted to tell me… Sigh…

I hope that all she wanted to talk about is the bone marrow testing/donation options, or simply wanted to repeated what the other doc has told me last time.

For now, I can only tell myself that since she could wait till Friday, it probably means that I’m not dying or the situation won’t get worse within a week… That’s gd I guess… at least I tried to tell myself that it’s gd… it could be worse… at least she’s not telling me to check into the hospital right the way…

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Albums Update

2010-10-18 Taiwan (野柳+九份)
2010-10-19 Taiwan (台北)

After a very hardworking long weekend, I've finally finished organizing and uploading all the taiwan trip pictures. It was like, over 6 months ago. Orz... Next is the rest of the HK pictures. Those should be easier as there aren't that many cameras. One day, I promise, one day I'll finish all the pictures from that trip. One day...

Saturday, May 21, 2011




在這樣的reason 下,再加上我那賢淑的慳家性格(賢淑個屁,cheap 就 cheap 啦),害我很久也沒喝過華田了(誰人害你?),那些茶餐廳又真是節流得離譜,我上次要的熱檸茶,只得兩片比打邊爐的肥牛還要薄的檸檬片,令一向都忍氣吞聲的我都忍不住要求多幾片檸檬.



Friday, May 20, 2011


我家用微波爐 reheat d 嘢食,係叫做“叮飯”.我一直都以為呢個係一個好正常既叫法,因為我印象中好似識得好多人都係咁叫.但近排發現原來其他人既叫法係好唔同.

牧師的家:beep 飯

同事:咪飯 (係 microwave 既 'mic')



Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nap Location

Seems like the prime nap location these days is the car.

Monday: Nothing to do at work, falling asleep at my desk. Decided to have a nap in the car (Thank God for underground parking) during lunch time. After work, I had to wait till 9:30pm for a meeting. Got to the venue too early, napped in the car for another half an hour.

Wednesday: Nothing to do at work in the morning, falling asleep at my desk. Sneaked down again to the parking lot during office hour to have a nap.

Today: Dropped 詹占 off at his buddy’s house at 6:30am so that they can carpool to the airport. Went straight to work but it was too early, especially bcos I had nothing to do at work. Went to a McDonalds but didn’t want to eat breakfast yet. Slept in the car in the parking lot for about an hour.

我都唔明點解我好似患咗渴睡症,日日都好似唔夠瞓咁.尤其是當喺公司無嘢做既時候,坐吓坐吓就一定會變成中吓中吓.今日又係無乜嘢做,睇黎一陣 lunch time 都係上車叉一叉電先得...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ditching Me

詹占 is going to Vegas tmr with four other dudes, leaving me behind.  It’s ok.  I don’t have a huge urge to go to Vegas anyway.  And as long as he’s having fun with his guy frds, I’m ok with it.

仲連同其他人既老婆偷偷地 purchase 咗一個直昇機 tour 俾其中三個麻甩,另外的兩個麻甩成為我哋既內應,到時到咗嗰一日佢哋就會有驚喜!多謝呢兩個老婆,諗埋d好橋做生日禮物,我連諗都唔駛諗,淨係俾錢就得,腦汗都慳番.又咁啱呢幾個麻甩既生日都咁近,works perfectly. 個 tour 其實都好貴,but it’s supposed to be very very good,希望佢會 enjoy 啦,否則就實在係太洒$$喇.

I’m going to have 4.5 days to myself. Wahahahaha… Can’t decide what to do yet.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Different Kind of Stink

So, I finally remembered to bring febreze to work last Friday. And guess what I did?

I sprayed way too much. So the smell of the febreze is waaaaaaay to strong the whole day and I can still smell it today.  It was so strong yesterday that I felt really uncomfortable and gave me a headache that I almost wanted to go back to the poo smell instead… >_<

This is not that first time it happened to me.  The last few times I used febreze I ended up spraying too much also.  But not as bad as this time…

How come I don’t seem to learn my lesson???  T_T

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bad Smell In The Air

Sigh… remember that I stepped on ‘ng ng’ last week?  So I’ve scrubbed my shoes the day I discovered it and then washed the shoes in the washing machine over the weekend and then put them out in the sun to let the UV to kill whatever germs that’s left on it.

I thought that this would fix my problem but that’s not the end of it.

I get a swift of ‘ng ng’ smell at my desk in the office every once in a while. Usually strongest in the morning, probably bcos my nose has not adjusted to the stink yet.  詹占 said that I’ve probably grounded the ‘ng ng’ into the carpet.  That’s just great… cos my colleague told me when I first came to this company that they only clean the carpet once a year… I had no idea when was the last they cleaned it so I don’t know when will be the next time either.

詹占 also told me to bring some febreze to work and spray it a little but stupid me kept forgetting… sigh… so dumb… I have been smelling ‘ng ng’ at work for over a week now… >_<

I also hope that nobody else can smell it in the office cos otherwise, ppl might think that I pooped my pants… that’s not cool…

Monday, May 9, 2011



發現,原來好似好耐無整過麵包,好耐無做過甜品,好耐都好似無 bake 過d乜.

於是襯星期六幾得閒,就嘗試做了椰茸賓,成不成功就見仁見智,味道是不錯的,但賣相就... 你自己看吧.


旁邊的那個散咗,雖然無礙它的味道,但就不能 '出得廳堂' 囉.




Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sleep, Pale Sister

A book given to me by 占媽 for xmas. Doesn’t look like an exciting book to start with but after I finish my exam, I would like to read something non-technical/non-serious for a while.

Basically 占媽 gave everybody a book for xmas. And we had a feeling that it’s just some random book that she picked up.  詹占 already finished his a while ago and he totally disliked the book.

My book is about this weird religious painter who married his 女神 but he treated her totally like a 女神 that he’s pretty much restricting her on everything. So this girl became highly unhappy in her marriage and cheated with this other bad guy who likes to seduce women. And then turned out that this religious painter went to brothel all the time bcos he wouldn’t touch his 女神, except when “his body is weak” that he couldn’t control himself but to fall for the ‘trap’ that his wife is setting for him. This girl, who apparently could let her soul to leave her body, helped (without knowing) the owner of the brothel found out who killed her daughter long long time ago and it turned out to be the painter. The brothel owner is therefore planning her revenge, while the bad guy who seduces women is in need of money so he decided to blackmail the painter with the fact that he goes to brothel all the time. So now, the bad guy and the brothel owner are teamed up against the painter.

That’s how far I’m with the book, about half way. Basically, everybody in the book is a jerk and that’s exactly the kind of story that I don’t like. I want to be on someone’s side when I read a story or watch a movie. It’s ok if everybody is nice but I really hate it when everybody is an A-ho. However, my weakness is that once I started a book, I usually want to finish it, despite the fact that it’s bad.

And why on earth would 占媽 think that I would like a book/story like this is a complete mystery to me. That’s y we thought that she just randomly picked some book without even reading the synopsis.

Wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone unless I don’t like that person! haha…

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sore Throat

Had sore throat for 3 days already. >_< 又唔係好痛嗰隻,但就係成日好似有d嘢嗰個喉嚨丁咁.




Thursday, May 5, 2011







這次的 poster 蠻特別的,有點點藝術氣息.




Stepped on Shit


I wore my running shoes to work today. As I’m sitting in the office, I kept smelling this bad smell. Eventually, I realized that it’s from my shoe. There was some mud looking thing at the bottom which I tried to get off with some paper towel. I thought that it’s just some old mud rotting.

But the smell continue, so when I went to the washroom, I took one of those popsicle stick with me and clean the bottom of the shoes as much as I can. That’s when I realized that there’s big chunk of it on the other side of my shoe that I didn’t notice until then. Get the paper towel to get it off but still there were quite a bit of dried stuff stuck on my shoe.

Luckily, I kept a pair of work shoes in the office. Switched shoes and throw the stinky ones to one side.

So I tried to trace back to where I’ve worn my shoes to last and I figured that the last time was when I cycled to drum class on Monday. And I parked my bike next to a pole on a grass cover. That must be where I stepped on the shit when I came out of lesson and it was getting dark. Who the hack is the a-ho who did not clean up after his/her freaking dog?

Now I’ll have to joy to wash my stinky shoe after work tonight… great… just great… just exactly what I need to do after a tiring work day…

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hair Cut

Went to get a hair cut last Friday~~~

Short la of course but not as short as some other time. The last time I had a haircut was probably in June or July. And it wasn’t a very satisfying haircut. My hair has been getting long enough to start bugging me, especially when I work and when I eat. So since summer is coming soon (hopefully… we’ve been having an unusually cool and wet spring so far…), it’s a good time to start with a hair cut.

And this time is so much better. Went on a Friday evening. The salon was quite quiet, with just a few customers. (I usually go on weekend) So, the stylist has more time and patience to work with me. Last time it was so busy that I didn’t get the stylist I wanted and hence the unsatisfying haircut. Friday evening is definitely a better time to go. Less waiting, better service.

Everybody at work (who does not know that I used to have even shorter hair than now cos I’ve only worked her for just over 1/2 yr) were surprised by my short hair. haha…

And I love the fact that it’s so much easier to dry my hair with a towel after shower, as well as the ease to wash them.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Renewed Drum Life


之前咪講過話想學返既?咁好俾我搵到個喺屋企附近既私鐘,我覺得佢教得幾好丫,有耐性又唔會俾太多 pressure 我.啱哂我,尤其是我呢d成人學生,有時唔係真係太多時間去練,

私鐘跟琴行最大既分別係私鐘 flexible 好多,要 cancel 既話只要早一日出聲就得,琴行好麻煩,幾個月一期,每期只可以唔知幾多次 cancel, 仲要係dcancel 唔係真係 cancel, 只係改期,你無得閒改期既時間既話,有d琴行會食咗你d學費,超唔抵.

我買咗一套 cheap cheap 既 beginner 電鼓喺屋企練,買電既原因係貪佢細少少,無咁阻地方,同埋練既時候可以戴 headphone,唔會嘈親人.

但唔知係因為我套嘢實在太 cheap,定係電既始終無真鼓d聲咁好,老師嗰套鼓 (was just a 2nd hand cheap-ish set, according to him),係好聽d,同埋你打個位唔同既話d聲又唔同,especially cymbol, 我嗰套打邊個住都差唔多,但老師個 cymbol 就會有唔同效果.

不過我都係唔好要求咁高住,玩住先啦,其實如果無比較,我嗰套d聲都ok架,電既另一個好處係可以轉聲,可以由普通鼓聲變 funky 鼓,又可以變 bongo. 真的是很不錯的了.而家重要既係學得好d先,如果唔係就會淪為嗰d影相毫無技術可言,但副架餐就超勁嗰d人.

學得都幾okso far, 但呢幾堂開始有d難度,有時喺屋企又懶唔想練.


Friday, April 29, 2011

You’re Done, 4 Gospels

Finished reading the 4 gospels on time, with time to spare! Wahahahahaha…

I was a bit worried in the middle of John that I might not be able to finish before end of April. But Mark was so easy to read, as I expected. That’s y I left it to the last one for 最後衝刺之用途. Actually, I didn’t have to 衝刺 too much. Mark was rather easy to read that I didn’t feel like I was rushing at all.

I have to thank the Holy Spirit for 鞭策 me in days when I felt lazy. It’s so easy to skip devotion, I have to say, especially, I can fall asleep within 5min of lying in bed. (oh yeah, I do my devotion before bed.)

But now that I’ve finished the 4 gospels, I have to head back to my original reading: Isaiah. Have started it but I’ve already forgot everything. Probably have to start again. And the regular devotion does not actually have a deadline/target so I can see that my progress is going to slow down again… I could potentially impose a self-target but I know that I won’t follow thru so what’s the point of forcing myself. Might as well just go at my own pace. I just have to keep going and not to slack off.

One day, one of these days, I will finish reading the whole Bible!


Thursday, April 28, 2011


我 join 咗幾年既 ultimate team Spaceballs,今年因為唔夠人而成不了隊.其實舊年因為幾個原夬,我唔太特別 enjoy 嗰 season, 加上今年係我既休息年,本來我都無打算參加,但知道成不了隊的時候,真是覺得很可惜啊.今年成不了隊,基本上即係完了,因為各人都會找到新的歸宿,唔會再有人回 Spaceballs 架喇.


再見喲,Spaceballs. 我會懷念你的.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Chako n 八爪魚

Went to a KBBQ place called Chako in Scarborough after Good Friday worship. It was ok. Not as gd as I expected. The meat was quite gd but I was disappointed that we didn’t get to eat the sushi rolls. Everything seems to be at an extra cost. Even tea was extra. Cheap.

The vent which was supposed to suck up the smoke was not working well so that we totally get smoked out. When complained about it to a waiter that the vent wasn’t working, he simply answered us, “Yes, it’s  bcos of the smoke.” and walked away. The kind of answer was that?? We know that there’s smoke, that’s y we need to vent la. There you go for chinese restaurant services.

We got shoved into this “VIP” room but it’s terrible cos it’s so hard to flag down the waiters/waitresses to order more food and water.

Overall experience was not too good, especially bcos I expected a little more than that.

I was told that the other branch in Markham/Richmond Hill is a lot better. 詹占's cousin has been there and loved it. Maybe I’ll give that one a try.

八爪魚 on the other hand, is a 茶餐廰.I have been to 茶餐廰 quite often lately. This one is quite gd. Long lineup on a Sunday afternoon though. Service was next to non-existent but it was expected from a 茶餐廰 so it was ok. But the food was quite gd. Location is also quite 就腳. No wonder it was so busy. Will definitely go back some other time.